Better Lake than Never

by Grildrig

Meissa sprinted between the trees, risking a spill in her headlong rush for speed. The path unexpectedly dipped into an incline, and she gasped, struggling to keep upright. The forest shuddered and bounced beneath the massive feet of the one hunting her, causing her to stumble, pitching her forward.

A dangling vine offered a way out. She took it, launching herself forward, hoping the damned thing wouldn't break. It held, and she clambered up as it swung wildly, securing a tentative claw hold on the lowest branch. The tree quivered from the quakes, nearly dislodging her.

Lunging forward, she released the vine, and swarmed up the trunk into the canopy.

Her chest heaved, but she forced herself to breathe through her nose, making each inhalation as deep and beneficial as possible. Birds erupted into the sky as the colossus approached. Meissa froze.

The crunch of saplings and bushes, accompanied by bone jarring impacts, deep and booming, shook the forest. Meissa hugged herself against the tree, measuring each step, willing them on. When they stopped, she stifled a curse. A sound of sniffing reached down to her.

"Did you finally run out of steam?" asked her pursuer in an amused tone.

Meissa stealthily inched around the trunk, placing it between her and that vast presence. Her breathing normalized. She gazed skyward, discerning glimpses of a wall of gray fur through the leaves.

"Now, if I was a tiny leopard, where would I hide?" mused the squirrel. “You know I’m going to find you. I always find you.”

Meissa moved deliberately, bringing her right fist around, lifting it towards the sky, and she slowly raised her middle finger.

As if on cue massive hands reached down, spreading the treetops apart, revealing her position, and her gesture to gleaming black eyes. Thus caught, Meissa stuck her tongue out for added emphasis.

“That’s rude,” said Orion. Reaching down she deftly caught the little leopardess in mid-leap. Enclosing her in one massive fist. Meissa growled and squirmed, prying at the huge fingers. But no amount of strength sufficed to budge them. The dark eyes watched her with amusement.

“Just for that, you’re going first,” said her captor. Orion resumed walking, her bushy tail bobbing against her back as she push through the forest to a narrow dirt road. Tree limbs swayed wildly against her furry thighs, and green leaves swirled down into the great paw prints she pressed into the soft loam.

Without warning Meissa experienced a sudden wild acceleration. She screeched like a rusty door as Orion tossed her into the air. A riot of blue and green colors whirled around her, ending with her landing in the middle of a crystal clear lake. She kicked her feet and rose sputtering, snarling and swearing. That is, until she spotted Orion stepping back to get a running start. Meissa’s ears pressed back and she swam frantically towards shore. A dark shadow blotted out the sun. Orion’s cry of “Cannonball!” presaged a splash to end all splashes.

Orion rescued her, and stripped her naked as she sputtered and hissed. With that done she removed her own attire, tossing it all onto the nearby bank; and she proceed to dunk her little toy again, swirling her around in the brisk waters of the lake. “How do you manage to get so dirty with all those tongue baths?” she mused. The leopardess’ rude oaths ended unceremoniously in another froth of bubbles.

Meissa’s rage mounted. Her green eyes glowed, she swiped viciously at Orion’s colossal fingers, snarling and spitting. And when she didn’t think she could contain the wrath imbuing her body, Orion leaned close and murmured softly, “You know the best part of getting clean?”

Orion crawled out of the lake, causally draping her massive body upon the soft green sward bordering it. Holding the little leopardess in her paws like an acorn, she deftly licked her, lapping and tasting, swirling and nibbling. Meissa howled. She threatened. She fought. And Orion put all that boundless energy to good use, sending her little playmate on a tour of her colossal body.

Confronted by a single huge nipple, Meissa pounced, claws out, her long tail lashing as she attached herself to it, biting and growling. Orion stiffened, arching her back under the savage onslaught. A curled finger found its way to her lips. She bit at it, as waves of pleasure coursed through her gigantic body. Her free hand reached for her tiny assailant, but Meissa sprang away, surging through the soft gray fur like a field of grass, hurling herself at the squirrel girl’s other prominent nipple.

A rumbling murr of sciurian pleasure echoed over the lake. Orion fondled her rock hard nipple, while Meissa unleashed all of her bottomless fury against the other. From beneath half-lidded eyes Orion considered the tiny leopardess, and attempted another grab, trying to herd her towards her face and lips.

Meissa feinted left and darted right like unchained lightning, drawing a gasp from the massive squirrel, who kept trying to capture her. But her motions were too slow. The leopardess stuck out her tongue and pelted in the opposite direction.

“Hey, wait!” Orion gasped, and cried out as Meissa leapt high into the air, dropping down with impeccable aim, landing solidly on her captor’s huge vulva. Swinging around she confronted a clit a large as her head, and pummeled it with strikes too fast to see. Orion squealed thunderously, her gigantic heels digging into the turf, squirming under the attack, causing waves to ripple and churn the surface of the lake.

Reaching down, Orion snatched at Meissa, but the leopardess skillfully eluded her, slithering down between the soft nether lips. Imbued with manic energy, she scurried up and down the length of Orion’s sex, diving into her and wiggling free, surging and rubbing. With no other choice Orion slammed her hands down against the green sward, abandoning herself to the mounting waves of delight crashing through her enormous body.

She screamed her joy into the heavens, hammering her body against the ground, tossing her head from side to side. And still Meissa kept at her, letting her relax a little, only to transport her into one shrieking orgasm after another.

“Enough!” Orion cried out, her voice echoing off the hills. Her hand lunged downwards, finally securing the little leopardess. Both panted from their exertions. Meissa sported a smug grin.

“Proud of yourself?” Orion growled, and she unceremoniously popped Meissa between her lips, like a peanut. The leopardess still owned enough strength to wrestle against the massive tongue, but Orion was not to be denied. She licked and she lapped, swirling Meissa around, until she caught the faint tang of the tiny leopard’s juices mingled with her own. Muffled squeals of rage and arousal echoed in Orion’s mouth. She grinned and continued to lick, exploring every inch of her little morsel, driving her to the point of ecstasy, and keeping her there for a long, long time.

When she finally stopped, she retrieved Meissa, lifting her between her fingers. The leopardess looked like a drenched kitten. Orion chuckled softly. “This wasn’t part of the plan.”

“Fuck your plans,” snapped Meissa as she stretched her lithe body, “this was more fun.” “Uh-huh. But I think you should know something.”

“What’s that?”

“After all of that, we both need another bath,” and Orion flicked Meissa into the air, chasing her little shrieking form back into the lake.