The Guest

by Nostory

“Unhand me foul beast!” Sir John winced as the enormous titaness tightened her grip on him, fingers thicker than logs coiled around him. Only his armour kept him safe but every creak from it bending reminded him he didn’t have much left. His sword lay uselessly on the floor, hundreds of feet below him as the she-beast rose to her full height.

John cursed his luck, the quest briefing had not mentioned fighting a titaness. The king had sent him to slay a giant who was stealing the kingdom’s grain. Giants rare topped thirty feet but the being before him had to be ten times the size of a giant. No, she was a Titan, a race thought to be a myth by many academics.

The titaness giggled, her booming laugh reverberating off the damp cave walls, her blood red lips parting as she smiled. Her dark mane was messy from her nap, and her eyes still bore the unmistakable signs of being freshly roused from slumber. John looked about , her skin was fairer and very much smoother than many of the maidens he had encountered. Her outfit left very little to the imagination, unlike those maidens. A leather loincloth to cover her womanhood and for her chest she had triangular pieces of leather with strings at each point,the strings likely tied around her back for support. It didn’t even cover her massive mammaries well, the sides of them bulging out from underneath her top.

“Foul beast?” She asked, struggling to contain her laugh.

“Judging by where your eyes are, I’d say I’m anything but a beast.” Her words caught John off guard, his face turning redder than a beet. He averted his eyes from her chest, although that seemed to be sisyphean task given where she was positioning him.

“Now fair knight,” she said while walking to her bed. She didn’t relax her grip on him, prompting John to relax and conserve energy. No point tiring himself out now, he would wait for her to resume her slumber before attempting an escape.

She plopped herself down on the galley sized mattress and lay her head on her pillow, sighing contentedly to herself.

“I presume you’ve come to kill me,” she said seriously before breaking out into a girlish giggle.

“Stop that! I am a knight, I am-” Her thumb descended on him, pressing gently against his mouth.

“Blah blah blah,” she yawned and brought him closer to her face, keen to examine her latest catch. His youthful features seemed to please her, as her expression seemed to brighten upon seeing his face.

“I’ll give you this, you’re not as ugly as the other brutes they sent after me. Is it still King Eudoros? Or maybe it's another Pompey?” She asked curiously, the current affairs of humans seemed too fleeting for a being who had been around when the first humans had arrived on this world.

“King Gennadios, the First of His Name,” John announced proudly.

“Oh, another monarch who thinks he can make me disappear. Well, it’s not going to work. I shaped the mountains myself little man. My race moulded the rivers you use to water your crops, the mountains you mine for your precious gold, the seas you fish from, everything was created by Titans. I was much bigger then. So large you’d be a speck to me. Well, even more of a speck. Not that I can’t return to that size but it would blow your mind if I did. You guys would probably worship me.”

She rolled him around in her hand, ignoring his protests.

“Now what to do with you?” She dangled John over her mouth, wiggling her tongue. John screamed obscenities that could make even a sailor blush. She wasn’t moved, glaring at him.

“Hush,” she tsked with her tongue. She clamped her jaws shut, John still outside of them.

“ Obviously I’m not going to eat you. You’d upset my stomach.” She plopped him on her stomach, where the little knight tried to run until she slammed down with her palm, trapping him in place.

“Now I can’t let you go yet. It's been weeks since I’ve had a proper guest in here. You’re going to entertain me, and in return I’ll teach you a thing or two about being a gracious guest.” John continued to struggle, wiggling but it was for naught.

“If you keep doing that I’ll sit on you. Not hard enough to burst you but enough to make you very uncomfortable.”

She set him on her bedside table in a large clear jar. John dusted himself off, standing to his full height while she loomed over him like a child who had caught a bug.

“Do we have a deal? I won’t bite, unless you give me a reason to,” she said while smiling gently down at him. John wanted to repeat the words he had said before but it wouldn’t have gotten him anywhere he wanted to go.

“Alright. Let's start with names,” he replied.

“Oh right!” The giantess lightly tapped her forehead.

“How could I have forgotten? My name’s Layla. What about you?”

“John. Sir John of Kenway,” he answered back.

“Nice to meet you Sir John of Kenshire. Right now you can relax, get out of that armour if you want. I’m going hunting, I’ve been craving some troll and just the other day I spotted one by the river. Got to get it before it reaches the villagers,” she said as she stood up.

She walked out, humming a little tune she had picked up from prior guests. John watched her leave, his eyes falling on her well defined glutes, peeking out from under her loincloth. As much as he wanted to despise, he found himself mesmerised by the way they rose and fell with each step.

She was an odd creature, having decided against finishing him off when his other quarries would have chosen to do so. She was definitely too large for him to even consider trying on his hand, his sword strokes had not so much as left a nick on her flesh; although soft it proved to be tougher than even dragonhide.

There was only thing he could do.

“Alright Layla, I’ll be your guest,” he admitted to the empty cave. At least she didn’t stink,unlike the Crone of Dunshire who had kept him as a prisoner for months. Yeah, she was much prettier and aromatic than that old bag.

He took off his armour, placing each piece in a neat pile in one corner of the jar, leaving only his under tunic and tights. John then lay on the floor, and decided to get some rest. He needed it, after all that he had been through.