Hani Stumbled

by Smollfairy

Hani stumbled, and the earth shook. Car alarms throughout the tiny city started blaring, and the embarrassed giantess giggled to herself. “Whoops!”

Slowly, deliberately, the 250 foot tall woman steadied herself. Heels in one hand, purse in the other, she wobbled worryingly, but managed to stay upright.

“Uhhhhmm, schorry little people!” she slurred at the city she had been walking around, still giggling. “I fink I had a bit too mush to drink last night and I’m tryin tah…” she trailed off, distracted. She looked around, trying to remember how to get home from where she was.

“Um hey little people?” she said, calling out to the city again. “Which city, uh, are you?”

The city was quiet, aside from the shrieking car alarms and the barking of dogs.

“It’s just I’m tryna remember how to get home, see, and I don’t know where it is. Where I am.” She turned her eye to the blue morning sky, blearily staring into the sun. “No, wait, hang on. I got this. The sun rises in the east. West. East. So that means…” she waved her heels at the horizon “The sun came up somewhere over there… which means west is…” she stopped again, an expression of hard thinking not seen since the likes of Plato or Socrates suffusing her face.

Hani was very focussed. So focussed she started to sway, leaning towards the city alarmingly. She staggered again, sending quakes through the surrounding area, and giggled. “Whoops! Uh, sorry! Again! Unless that was the last city…”

“Um, miss?” called out a very tiny voice.

The giantess ignored it, steadying herself. A moment later she registered what she’d heard, and started scanning the ground around her.

A hundred feet away from her, standing in the centre of one of the roads leading to the city (which was currently bereft of cars, as the road ran past the giantess) there was a small woman. She wore a yellow sundress, her hair dyed a bright pink. She was standing beside a sky-blue hawthorne bicycle. “Hi! My name is Annette! Do you need some help getting home? Because I could-”


The pink-haired woman clutched her ears as the giantess suddenly collapsed onto her knees. The impact shook the ground dramatically, causing the her to fall backwards onto her butt.

A second set of tremendous impacts reverberated through the ground as the giantess fell forwards onto her hands, bouncing the small woman into the air. Hani was staring at her, mouth hanging open. Even on all fours, the giantess still loomed over the Annette, the size of an aircraft hanger.

“Oh. My. God.”

Hani let go of her heels and reached towards pink-haired woman, fingers splayed out. Annette tried to scramble away, but the giantess’ hand was the size of a house and moved faster than she could have run. Two fingers and a thumb clamped down on her, each thicker around than her own body, pinning her arms to her sides and squeezing the air from her lungs. Her feet kicked helplessly as she was effortlessly lifted into the air before the fingers squishing her suddenly parted. She shrieked for a moment as she tumbled downwards, before bouncing off the giantess’ fingers and rolling into the middle of her palm.

She could feel the warmth of the giantess’ flesh under her hands as she picked herself up, hear the throbbing of the blood in her veins. The small woman climbed unsteadily to her feet and looked up at her drunken kidnapper. She regretted it.

Looming over her was the giantess’ shocked, slackjawed face, the size of a mansion. A mouth like a cave hung open, white boulders past red lips. The giant could easily have tossed Annette inside, and she wouldn’t even need to chew. Just one gulp and she’d be gone. With effort, Annette pulled her gaze away from the cavernous mouth and looked up at the giant’s eyes. They were each as large as her whole body. And they were… filling with tears?

“You’re so cute!” Hani cried out. The Annette fell to her knees, clutching her ears in pain, as the sheer volume savaged her ear drums. A moment later the surface she was standing on rocketed upwards. Her whole body was mashed between the giantess’ palm and one of her cheeks, forcing the air from her lungs again. She was lucky the skyscraper woman was soft, or she’d have been crushed to a pulp. As it was she was simply smooshed into the woman’s flesh, trapped in the darkness between the woman’s palm and her face.

“Such a little cutie oh my god!” The giantess blubbered. This close, her voice sent vibrations through Annette’s whole body. She could feel the giant woman’s jaw moving through her cheek. Annette started as what felt like a bucket of salty water splashed against her head and shoulder – it took her a moment to realise it was one of the giantess’ tears.

She was pulled away from the giantess’ cheek, the air roaring in her ears as she was whisked to the right. A blast of hot air washed over her like a tidal wave, stinking of alcohol. Two huge red lips pressed against her whole body, smearing her with lipstick like red sticky mud. It coated her face and body as the giantess pressed her into lips the size of cars with an exaggerated “MWAH” sound that made her eardrums pop. She was lifted back to the cheek, trying in vain to blink the gooey redness out of her eyes.

“Why are you so cute its unfair!” the giantess sobbed. Hani lifted the small woman away from her face, but Annette’ relief was short lived. She was lying in the centre of the giantess’s palm as she stared down at her intensely, like she was trying to memorize every feature of Annette’s tiny face. The giant’s make-up was ruined, mascara running down her cheeks. Annette down at herself and found a large black smear running down the side of her yellow sundress too. She was soaked with the giantess’ salty tears.

A sudden noise caught her attention, like a groan, but not from the giantess. A thunderous buzzing, rumbling, like a distant earthquake.

The giantess shifted, looking down, her hand dropping away. Annette fell. She shrieked again, but Hani’s hand stopped two stories down, her passenger’s feet barely leaving her palm. She tumbled forward onto her hands and knees, as though she’d ridden the world’s fastest elevator.

Looking up at her captor, Annette found herself across from an astonishing sight – the giantess’ cleavage, which would have been considered a gargantuan valley even if she hadn’t been two hundred and fifty feet tall. The huge woman was staring down at them, chin tucked into her neck. “My phone? Which boob was it with again…” she glanced up at Annette, and smirked. Annette felt the bottom drop out from her stomach.

“Here tiny, I’ll check this one while you check that one.” The giantess giggled. She pinched Annette between her fingers again, pulling open one black bra cup with the other hand. She dropped Annette and screamed in freefall. Her shriek was cut off as she bounced off her tormentor’s soft boob, like a great fleshy mattress. She rebounded up into the bra cup, then fell onto the breast again. She slid down, into darkness, before the cup snapped back, pressing Annette into the soft flesh. It was dark inside, and smelt of sweat and rosy perfume.

Annette found herself slipping lower, the flesh around her pressing down on her more as she slid lower and lower. She scrabbled for purchase in the stretchmarks or pores of the giants’ flesh, terrified of being suffocated if she slipped too far under the gargantuan bosom’s weight. It was in vain though, Annette couldn’t find purchase.

Then she felt something bump against her thigh. As she slid down she felt the bump running up her body, so she blindly grabbed it to stop her descent. She succeeded, wrapping her hands around it and holding on for dear life, but she felt instant regret as she felt the wrinkles on it, and how it hardened beneath her touch.

Outside in daylight, Hani was busily digging around in her other bra cup. “Dammit, where is it…” she stopped, thinking hard for a moment. She made a small “oh!” sound and bent over, reaching for her purse.

The air was forced from Annette’s lungs as the world went horizontal and the colossal, crushing weight of the boob shifted on top of her. Her whole body was pinned flat, unable to move. Her joints screamed and her ribs cracked. She would have had a coughing fit, if she’d been able to expand her chest enough to draw a breath.

Hani dug around in her purse before straightening up and putting a phone to her ear. “Hi? Angela? Yeah I can’t find my way home? Uh, I’m near, like, a city? I guess? I think it’s a city, it could be a town. Oh! Can you look up on google maps where I am?’ she paused for a moment “No, I can’t. I can’t find my phone.” She paused again, longer this time. “Oh right! Never mind! I’ll be home soon!”

The skyscraper of a woman hung up. Hani tapped at her phone for a few minutes, then made a “huh” noise. She bent down again to gather her purse and shoes, then turned and strode off. She looked forward to getting home. She definitely wanted some breakfast. Sausages, bacon, eggs… they all sounded really good. A couple of hash browns too. She wondered if they had any of that in their giant fridge, and she pulled her phone out again to text her friend. She alternated between looking at her phone and watching the ground beneath her feet. She didn’t want to accidentally step on anyone. She hated accidentally hurting or maiming tinies, it always made her feel like a monster, especially when they were cute or nice. She cringed as bad memories brushed against her mind and shifted her focus back to breakfast. At least she hadn’t done anything like that recently.

Inside her bra, Annette squirmed. She hoped the giantess was going to take her out soon…