A New Friend

by ProphetofGreed

Charles sprinted away like his life depended on it, feeling the mad pursuit of the bully he learned to avoid. Today was not his lucky day as they found him and tried to corner him. Charles didn’t allow it and quickly ran.

He had been running for a few minutes now, trying everything he could to get away from the bully. Even climbing the size barrier in the school to get into the giant-sized area. Charles attended one of the few multisized schools in the world, where tinies, amazons, meso, giants and some rare Titans attended. Charles was a tiny and his bully was an amazon over 11 feet tall, compared to his short 5 foot 7 inches.

His shaggy brown hair whipped around wildly, running as best he could in jeans and a baggy t-shirt on his skinny figure. His smaller legs working in rapid fire as he reached a giant door to the right.

Suddenly a giant foot fell in front of him with a gust of wind blowing around him wildly, the massive door opening in front of Charles, giving him an opportunity to get inside hoping the amazon wasn’t fast enough to get inside before the giant door closed.

He ran quickly getting into the new room. It reeked with a smell of sweat and steam as he could hear rushing water in the distance that resembled a shower, only much stronger to match the scale of the giant people. He could even hear the distant sound of feminine humming from the shower. As Charles passed the first row of the lockers he noticed the bench in the middle of surrounding lockers, realizing he had run into a locker room. A giant sized one.

He had no time to lament his poor decision making and tried to find a hiding spot as his pace slowed, his energy waning before he heard the familiar foot steps of the amazon sized pursuer. Charles felt a sharp pain and pressure to his back, his body pushed hard to the giant tiled floor.

Charles coughed as the air was pushed out of his lungs before a rough knee landed on his back to keep him down. Jessica, his daily tormentor, a blonde with a pixie cut of hair, a slim figure wearing jeans and white buttoned blouse. She was on top of Charles using her size and strength to hold him down.

The knee keeping Charles down lifted before two big blunt hands went around his arms, a hand went for his collar, holding him up by his arm and collar before he was slammed hard against the gigantic locker door, his feet dangling off the ground. The feat seemed to be no challenge at all for the bully.

Charles yelped out in pain from his back hitting the metal hard, making his ears ring. He looked forward and saw a predatory smile on Jessica’s face. “Why run when you know it’s no use squirt?” Jessica said coyly.

Charles refused to answer, his eyes starting to brim with angry tears towards the bully. Jessica smiled, noticing the pain he was in, enjoying the power she had over the tiny boy. Jessica forcibly tossed Charles like a ragdoll, his body landing hard on his side. He lamented the certainty of new bruises after just getting healed after his last beatdown by the amazon.

He roughly turned his head to look up at Jessica, despising her cruelty towards him. Jessica just smiled and swung her leg back ready to kick when a shadow loomed over Jessica, making her stop.

Standing above the amazon bully was a Titan girl standing at just over 160 feet tall. Water dripping off her gigantic body even though she had a towel around her breasts to her hips. Her body was curvy with an hourglass figure, her skin smooth and tanned all over. Her hair a darker brown because it was soaked from the shower, normally her hair would be dirty blonde.

Her gleaming ocean blue eyes looked at them, scanning the situation with a glare. Charles couldn’t help but feel exposed, like a cockroach in front of a god. He could’ve sworn the Titan girl was looking at him the longest too.

The girl’s eyes turned harder as she noticed the slight size difference between Charles and the amazon. Something that takes a bit of time to distinguish when being so big. She then turned her attention to the amazons. “What are you doing here? Don’t you know that this is the giant’s changing room?” she said down to them pointedly, stepping closer to loom overtop of them more.

Charles couldn’t help but shake in fear at the sight of the Titan, scared that like the amazons she would decide to torment him as well. Jessica being braver than Charles (or more stupid) stepped up to meet the Titan. “It’s none of your business Titan, we’ll just be going” Jessica said defiantly.

Jessica picked up Charles from the ground by the collar before righting him into her side, carrying him like a surfboard on the hip. Charles couldn’t help but struggle from the tough jock, knowing more pain would come if he was taken with her. Giant movements could be heard from behind, making Jessica run wildly. With adept movements two fingers pinched around Charles’ leg carefully and pulled him out of Jessica’s grip. It was firm, but Charles was okay, hanging upside down by the leg from the giantess’ hand.

Charles looked from his strange perspective and saw the other hand of the Titan came towards the Jessica and with a swift flick of her log like fingers, knocking her away on her ass. The titan’s nicely kept finger nail drilled her back, keeping her down on the tile floor.

“Careful squirt” The titan girl started, using the same phrase Jessica used to humiliate Charles, her tone strong and stern. “This is a warning, if I ever see you hurt this mini or any else, I’ll use you as a new foot insole in my sneakers. Clear?”

Jessica nodded her head weakly, the giantess satisfied by the answer lifted her hand away, glaring at Jessica. “Now get out of my sight.”

Jessica didn’t need to be told twice, they ran swiftly from the Titan girl. With wild haste to get away from the Titan. Once she was gone Charles turned himself around to the Titan girl when he noticed that the Titan girl was crouched down over the floor where Jessica used to be. He looked out at the expanse of all her body, her towel having fallen away at some point when she crouched down.

Her breasts were magnificent with natural firmness, barely drooping from the gravity, he had no clue how big they were to the scale of size but they sure were plentiful to him. Her smooth stomach well toned but with some smooth chub to her. And a nicely shaved race track to her pussy. Charles had his mouth go dry at the sight before he heard a playful and girlish ‘Ahem’ followed by a deeper giggle from the Titan girl got his attention.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-” Charles said red faced in shame before the hand moved up and moved his head look directly into her beautiful face, ocean blue irises looking deeply at him. “Don’t worry cutie, I’m flattered… are you okay?”

“Y-yeah.” He said looking away in shame.

The Titan girl saw the anguish and embarrassment on his face and couldn’t help but feel awful for the tiny boy. She being a Titan had no idea what it would be like to deal with bullies so much bigger and stronger than her. “Well, as long as I’m around, I won’t let her hurt you ever again” she said with determination.

Charles looked up at her speechless that this Titan girl would even care for someone as little as him. The face that she was beautiful as well only made it even more awe-inspiring.

“My name’s Brittany” The Titan girl said noticing the awe on his face. “What’s yours?”

Charles realizing what he was doing blushed and looked away embarrassed. “Charles… my name is Charles” he started softly before getting louder and more determined.

Brittany smiled with a sparkling grin and moved down to pick up her towel on the ground with her passenger still in hand. “Well Charles… let me get changed and I can take you back to the tiny area of the school.”

Charles nodded and respectfully averted his gaze, even though he did get another enticing glimpse of Brittany’s enticing curves, looming ahead of him like a building.

She placed him on the locker room bench gently, leaving to her nearby locker for her clothes, her perky butt swishing and bouncing with her strides, he could’ve sworn the Titan beauty was putting on a show for his benefit. Though Charles’ socially awkward self just passed it off as just how she walked.

Charles respectfully looked away while she changed, he did not have to wait long as Brittany told him to turn around. She wore a pair of form fitting jeans, a red blouse with some buttons opened for little signs of cleavage. She bent down and placed her hand down for Charles. “Climb on” she offered kindly.

He nodded and stepped onto the living platform, feeling the warmth and feminine scent around him. Once he was safely seated in the soft middle of her palm, the platform that was her hand lifted to breast level for Brittany to see him.

She started to walk slowly and carefully, her hand placed against the top of her breast to steady it. Even with all the precautions she made, it was still a bit bumpy for Charles. He tried to rack his brain for something nice or witty to say to the beautiful girl, but his shy nature didn’t allow him the opportunity.

Brittany made it back to the tinies section of the school and gently placed Charles on the ground, bending down to do so, giving him a good view of her cleavage from her bent down position.

He stepped off the hand and looked back to her and managed to speak with a shaky voice. “Th-Thank you for helping me Brittany, b-but I have to ask. Why did you help me?”

Brittany didn’t hesitate in her answer with a gentle, caring smile. “There’s nothing I hate more in the world than bullies, to use a size advantage like that on someone smaller is despicable to me.”

Charles was surprised by the conviction in her answer but nodded in acknowledgement. “Well, ho-hopefully we can see each other again” he said, noticing the view of her cleavage with a blush.

He turned around and began to walk back to the tiny side before the giant, Brittany’s well manicured nail stopped him short. Then a poster sized piece of paper with a phone number written on it was placed in his tiny hands. “Text or call me later, especially if that bitch ever bother you again” she said with sweet smile, her ocean blue eyes sparkling in the light.

Charles grabbed the paper and hugged it close to him, barely able to believe it. “Th-Thank you, I-I’ll call you tonight!” he said with a grateful smile, the feeling of fear and awkwardness ebbing away as he looked up to Brittany’s giant face.

“Looking forward to it” she said, getting up from her bent down position and gave Charles a wave before she walked away, her booming steps shrinking as she left. It was hard to believe but he had spoken to a Titan, a hot one at that. He had her number. But most of all he thought one thing mostly.

“I think I made a friend…”

A smile brimmed on his face as he walked away hugging Brittany’s phone number close.