An Unconventional Relationship

by Cross1364

A booming female voice could be heard along with many crunching voices of destruction.* "Hahaha, you stupid bugs think you can stop me?" Said Lavender as she tore through a skyscraper with just her hand, chopping it in half with a swift motion, her long red hair flowing freely along her slender yet curvy frame as she did that. The moment she saw the top half of the skyscraper crash down she couldn't help but squeal in glee. This it what she loved , this is who she was~

She kept her rampage loud and slow. It was always more fun this way, hearing the roads crack under her purposely hard stomps, the yells of agony, the fragility of the bugs below. Oh all that was music to her ears. "Huh? Are these car engines I hear? Oh my, it sounds like you don't want to be near me. You break my heart with that.... In return, why don't I break everything else?" She said with a massive glee on her face, kicking around small buildings as if they were soccer balls.

At a later moment she stopped and patted closer attention to something that caught her eye. "My my, this neighbourhood is all nice and tucked, wouldn't it be a shame if..." She didn't even finish her sentence, as she said that she sat down with a thunderous boom, smothering everything under her shapely ass. Nothing was going to survive this. "This happened! My my, am I clumsy, please forgive me!" She added as she stuck her tongue out. Another sign of her superiority, she could stick her tongue out and act like a kid but still she would be the strongest and the one who would call the shots.

"" She could hear a faint voice calling her. "Huh? must be one of the bugs, I shouldn't pay them any mind~" She said to herself as she kept crushing massive parts of the city, making sure she left nothing standing on her way. "Lavender..." "There's that voice again... Didn't bugs learn not to bother a lady if she's not interested?" Said Lavender aloud with a huff as she picked up some cars and flattened them with just her palm.


The third time was indeed the charm, as Lavender snapped out if her trance and looked down at the voice calling her. It was John, the head of the construction crew and Lavender's boyfriend. As soon as she saw him up on a scaffolding she almost ran into her attitude changed immediately. Twiddling her thumbs in embarrassment she looked away, not able to handle his piercing gaze that left his auburn eyes. "What did I warn you about? Didn't I tell you to be careful with the deconstruction of the old buildings?" He said but then his stare turned into a warmer look and sighed. " I really appreciate your help with this, you know i do. You 're doing months of work in a couple hours, but if anyone or you got hurt during the deconstruction, I would never be able to forgive myself..." He added as a tear left his eye, scared of the possibility that he could lose Lavender if anything happened and people would come after her.

"John...." She barely was able to say as she blushed even more from his words, feeling his worry and affection in each and every word. She knelt slowly and put her palm upside down close to the scaffolding so he could climb it. After he did so she brought her to her face, still very red from the embarrassment. "I'm really sorry..." She said while her finger stroked his back gently and started rubbing his shoulders to ease his tension "You know I love you with all my heart and soul, and I did promise I wouldn't rampage again or do anything bad for you. But you have to admit that the adrenaline rush is like no other. I wanted to feel that rush one last time. Even if it was for pretend...." She said mousily, looking at the remains of the empty city as the crew started sorting out the wreckage. "And besides, no-one got hurt, it was just your lovely girlfriend having some fun and helping her boyfriend on his work, right?" She concluded with a nod and a giggle as she rubbed John's chin with her point finger, making sure to bat her eyelashes at him and make her cutest face as she did so.

John wanted to stay stern at Lavender for a while longer, his eyes fixed at her and his brows crossed to show he meant business. But, try as he might he loved her like nothing in this world. She knew all the ways to make him weak in the knees , both figuratively and literally. Not helping but purr and moan softly from her rubbing , her silky voice soothing him along with her mesmerizing aroma he leaned on her finger, letting it take all tension from his body. "Mmmm, you have a fair point here. I don't know though, it will take more than a massage and an adorable face to forgive you for almost running into me~" He said with a wink of his own, wanting to play it Hard-to-get so she wouldn't get her way immediately. Besides, he always loved making her work for his affections, she did the same for him too in their private fun~

Lavender sighed in relief, almost throwing her little lover on his butt from the force of her gale sigh hitting him full force. She counted her blessings for the man she found, she was happy with him. She finally settled down, abandoned being evil and started helping around any way she could. That way she both earned her keep by helping out and she ended up having fun cause most jobs they offered her had to do with the fun parts of being a giantess, mainly easy, effortless destruction.

Lavender knew she was almost done, she knew all the right buttons to press so that her little boyfriend wouldn't die from worry. She did that for him mostly, she hated seeing stressed, and she understood how stressful and rough it can be at times to have a 100ft tall girlfriend. But that was another reason she loved and cherished him so much. He never gave up on her. When she was almost on the brink of losing herself , he was the light that led her to the end of the tunnel, and she would be damned if she let anyone, even herself harm him mentally or physically in any way.

She knew the last thing that was needed to seal the deal, it was so simple really , effortless for her, yet it carried such impact and care. Without warning she brought her plush lips closer to John's body, kissing his whole body softly, coating him in her saliva. He couldn't help but moan and hug her lips back, his body now completely relaxed and pleased. After a long while she ended the French kiss slowly with a loud "Mwah" and a smack of her lips against her sinful tongue, coating John completely with her saliva and ruby lipstick. "Am I a good girl now? I hope I made it up to you. If not we can always watch a movie on my place, maybe you 'll get a chance to show me how you tinies love your big girls~" She teased with a wink, running a finger over her shapely breasts, teasing him more with their slight wobble and the seductiveness of her voice.

John burst out laughing as he heard the part about the dinner and blushed even more as he saw her finger travel along her bountiful breasts. "Well after such a good job I 'll bet they 'll reward you with a nice lunch , and I'd love to watch a movie , of course. It's been a while since we had a romantic moment , just the two of us, plus I want to spoil my girl a bit~" He added at the end with a sly wink, making his intentions known immediately.

Lavender couldn't help but blush slightly more at Johns honesty . She raised her palm on her shoulder and set him on her right one. "Ever the charmer~ One of the reasons I love you so much~ Let us go now my dear, we have a date to enjoy now , isn't that right?" She asked rhetorically as she petted his head and started heading towards her home, glad nothing bad happened and for having her boyfriend by her side. They both laughed and enjoyed each other's company as they started fading in the distance, the only sound being heard after a while being Lavender's distant stomps, just two lovers sharing a precious moment , showing that true love always transcends anything no matter what~