Being of Sound Mind

by Oishi1

It was already dinnertime on James’s last night on earth. He tried to soak everything in without letting the strain show on his face, but thirty years of marriage gave Jane the upper hand. She could read him like a book. She would never ask, of course. She was too polite to poke around and knew prying made him uncomfortable.

He hoped she would wait until tomorrow to ask for any details. Concern showed in her eyes, though. He had always loved those eyes. Her right one was brown, but her left one was green. Gentle laugh lines had formed beside them over time, but he barely noticed. She would always be as stunning as she was the first time he laid eyes on her. He, on the other hand, had changed significantly.

He could tell she wanted to ask so bad, but she was waiting for him to bring it up. James didn’t want to ruin the night. If he could get through it without an episode, attack, or whatever, things would go so much easier.

He stood on her plate like he did for all meals since he went through The Process. He claimed it was just more efficient, another lie on his part. He never was able to tell her about his particular fantasies. When he volunteered for The Process, he had told her it was for financial reasons. Of course, they had their fun with it, but she was still under the impression that when he agreed, it had been some kind of sacrifice.

He watched her cut her food and bring it to her mouth. He always tried not to look like he was staring, but he was naked on her plate. His desire was readily on display.

She looked down and smiled, “Don’t worry, sweetie. As soon as we’re done, I’ll take care of you, and you can take care of me,” She purred, “Think you have the energy to do that thing you did last night? It was spectacular,”

“Definitely,” He said, “You can have whatever you wan-“ a sharp pain washed over him causing James to fall to his hands and knees.

“Oh, sweetie,” Jane gently lifted her tiny husband from the plate, “They are getting more frequent,”

“Don’t worry, dear, Dr. Patel said they would go away on their own soon,” James lied.

“Oh, good,” She gave a gentle smile, “I was hoping you at least bothered to bring it up, seeing as you never tell me what happens in group,”

“I’m sorry, dear. I’ve never tried to be so difficult. I just don’t want you worrying about me. It’s gone now. Like it was never there in the first place,”

After a bit of assurance she set him back down on the plate and finished dinner. James wasn’t hungry, so he just enjoyed the view.

When she was done, Jane lifted James from the plate and “accidentally” dipped him in the béchamel.

“Oh my, look what a mess you are, sweetie. We’ll have to get that cleaned off now, won’t we?” She started at his toes, and worked up his legs. When she was almost at his crotch, she shifted and licked his arms and torso. James was mad with desire and finished almost as soon as her tongue touched him, “You can thank me in the bedroom, but first, I want to tidy up a bit here,”

She set him on the table and went about her business. James admired her from his vantage point and thought about his situation. Dr. Patel, having invented The Process, tested it out on himself first, but James was on the ground floor. He was the fifth person to be shrunk. It was intended as a way to reduce resource consumption, but like James, many of the volunteers used it as an excuse to live out certain previously unobtainable fantasies. That had been another reason he didn’t talk about what was discussed in group.

James had figured he could tell Jane about his fantasies later, but he had to first sell her on this idea. This was before her modeling career had taken off and well before she started acting. They were tight on money, and it was an easy sell. He just never garnered the courage to talk to her about the other part. If it horrified or disgusted her, he would end up alone and tiny. With the way she cleaned him after dinner, he always felt she would be more amused than anything, but if he chanced it he could blow the best thing about his life. Even now, with what he found out at group, he didn’t dare tell her.

He had been going to group since he volunteered for The Process. It was meant to be a way to discuss how they were dealing with their size and work on ways to improve life for others who had volunteered. The first thing that he noticed wasn’t right was that Dr. Patel wasn’t there, nor were Tom or Stacy. It was The first time any of “The Originals” had missed group. Jonas didn’t look so good either. He said he almost called in. A regular sized man (Dr. Gupta) addressed them through video-conference in the tiny office. He informed them that Dr. Patel had passed away in the night. His wife had reported that he disintegrated in her hands.

For the past month, he had been seeing Dr. Gupta regarding episodes of horrendous pain. It progressed until he was pretty much bedridden. His wife had checked herself into the mental hospital.

While they were processing this information, Tom’s wife called in hysterics. The same thing had happened to him.

They had determined that it must be some kind of breakdown in The Process. While they were working on a method to stabilize it, they advised all of the volunteers to write up a will and avoid any strenuous activity.

James went through The Process only a few months after Tom. He knew he didn’t have long. He used a private recording booth in the facility to make a will and instructed it be delivered to his house tomorrow at eight AM.

He wrestled in his heart over what he planned to do next. Was it selfish? Maybe, but he thought of Dr. Patel and Tom’s wives. He didn’t want Jane to go through that. He had to do something while he still wasn’t bedridden. His cowardice had ruled out asking her. She would probably be revolted by the idea. She would try to talk him into holding on as long as he could, and because it was her, he would. Then after he was gone, she would have the scars from caring for him.


He had to do it.

In order to keep up appearances, he didn’t tell Jane anything about group. He wanted to enjoy his last night with his wife. He needed her to go to sleep content.

After she finished cleaning up, Jane scooped up her tiny husband and carried him to their bedroom for their last night of passion. He made sure to make it count. Afterward, she fell into a deep sleep.

Despite all her elegance, Jane snored heavily. James chuckled to himself as he worked up the nerve to climb her pillow from his little sleeping area. She slept on her side, as still as always. It was a good thing James was the one who got shrunk. He tended to toss, turn, and generally take up the whole bed back in the day.

He hesitantly approached her open mouth. He had been tempted to do this many times. He never had the guts to really try it.

James stared into the opening fighting back second thoughts. The video has been sent. The die has been cast.

I James Peach, being of sound mind…may have months, possibly days…will disintegrate to nothing…sorry there will be no body for the funeral, but pick a quiet spot to think of me…didn’t want to upset you…remember I will always be with you in a way.

He wondered about that now. Could anybody that was considering what he was be said to have a sound mind? He decided the best way to do this was just to step in. If he lingered on her lips, it may tickle her and she would wake up.

As soon as he crawled into her mouth, she gulped and swallowed. He didn’t even have time to think about where he was before he was already in a tight squeeze pulling him sideways. It was tighter than he expected. He could barely breathe and felt like his ribs were about to burst. The wet rubbing from the walls of Jane’s esophagus gave him one final spasming sendoff before he plopped into her stomach where her dinner was still tumbling away. It was pure chaos, and in his post orgasmic state, he had a sudden moment of clarity. He hoped he made the right choice, but now wasn’t sure anymore. He needed to talk to Jane. She always knew the right thing to do. He realized she was all around him yet inaccessible. It was too late to do anything else now.

Jane coughed a few times then did something she had never done in their thirty years together.

She turned to her right shoulder.

Jane let out a sigh and slept, content, unaware of what tomorrow would bring.