First Day on the Job

by Goddess Kelly Smith

Tom was excited, he finally turned 18 and received a proper job from the ministry of labor. Tom was sitting on a small hammock bed, which hung in a one room apartment. Across from the bed was a toilet/sink combo, aside from those two pieces of furniture, the room was just grey walls and a large glass door. This was the nicest place Tom ever had, especially when compared to his childhood in the tiny slums. Tom thought about his old life, crawling in the micro-pipes that adult tinies were too large to clean. Getting little pay, wearing rags, and sharing a room with 7 family members. He smiled as he now had his own room, a nice suit, and could buy his own crumbs.

*Bang Bang Bang*

Loud tapping interrupts Tom's train of thought as the large door is opened and a hand reaches in to pull him out. It was his new boss, Mrs. Jen, she had a similar outfit to his, but scaled up to fit her body. “You just got ordered by a customer, please her every request and never talk back, understood?” She asked tightening her grip around Tom. “Yes ma'am, I'll do my best!” Tom replied nervously. “Good, don't disappoint me.” She says as she loosens her grip and grabs a small capsule. She places Tom into the capsule, placing it in a tube, and puts in a code. Then she turns and walks away as the tube sucks up the capsule and transports it to the customers room.

A few moments later, Tom sees light again as the capsule lands in a large room. He looks around and takes in the sight; huge flat screen TV, massive bed, tons of clothes, furniture, and color. He can even see that this room has a balcony with an ocean view. Then he got nervous and excited as his eyes shifted to the massive figure laying on the bed. She was gorgeous, flowing golden hair, sharp brown eyes, amazing curves, long legs, and sexy feet. Tom was hypnotized by this woman's absolute radiance. She was just laying in bed until a ring broke out next to Tom, alerting the woman to Tom's arrival. She turned her head and smiled as she got out of bed and walked over to the capsule.

She walks up to the wall and grabs the capsule, popping it open. “Well well, you look just as cute on the app as you do in real life.” She said as she grabbed Tom and placed the capsule on the end table. “I try my hardest ma'am.” Replied Tom. “And such good manners too, and here I thought they didn't make tinies like you anymore, hehe.” She said gleefully. “As for now, feel free to call me mommy.” She said in a soft tone. “Yes mommy, whatever you wish!” Replied Tom. “Well mommy wants to go sunbathing and needs a good boy to massage her feet, can you do that for me sweetie?” The woman asks, in an almost motherly tone. “Of course mommy, anything for you.” Tom says enthusiastically. “Perfect!” The woman takes Tom and shoves him between her breasts, as she grabs a towel and heads out of her room. Tom now being trapped in a prison of warm flesh is unable to move or talk much so he just relaxes and enjoys the jiggles produced with each step. Soon the jiggling stops and Tom hears elevator music, the soft song relaxes him more.

Tom remains in a relaxed state calm when he hears a ding followed by “Deck 20, pool” in a female automated voice. Then the jiggling starts again as the music slowly dies down and is replaced by splashing and conversations of a few dozen women and girls. After some more walking, and a few movements of the woman laying her towel down onto the chair, Tom is pulled out of his prison and placed on a soft surface. Using his time, he looks around to see the huge pool and lounge area. There were women everywhere, of all ages and sizes playing, swimming, and enjoying the sun. Tom had never seen so many women before, spending his whole life in the sewers around other tinies. As he continued to look around, Tom saw the massive chair itself and noticed that he was in the seat, on the woman's towel. Then he saw a swimsuit get placed onto the back of the lounge chair, Tom slowly panned his head up to see the massive naked goddess towering over him. The woman smiles and turns around, squatting a little to show off her ass. “You might want to move sweetie, mommy is nice to her boys, but her big mean butt will smush anything that gets under it.” She giggles as she gives Tom his warning. Tom wants to move, but a part of him doesn't. After remembering what his boss said, Tom jumps aside, just before the huge ass slams down where he was sitting a moment ago.

The woman adjusts herself on the chair and relaxes. “Alright cutie, mommys feet need some love.” Tom gets up and rushes over to her feet, being six inches tall, it's a short trek for him. Reaching her lovely soles, Tom gets to work, massaging them as the woman relaxes in the sun. After a short while the woman speaks up. “Not too bad little guy, how long have you been working here?” “Today's my first day, I just turned 18 a few days ago.” Tom responds. “Oh my, I hardly believe it, my soles feel like they're in heaven… You know what, if you can guess how old I am, I'll reward you.” Said the woman. Tom thinks for a moment as he continues to work the sole before responding with twenty five. The woman just chuckles. “Oh my, you're simply trying to flatter me, but no, you have two guesses remaining.” Tom thinks for another moment. “35?” He asks. “Closer, but still not enough.” She responded. “Then I guess fifty.” Tom says without thinking, then fearing that he offended the woman, speaks up to apologize. “Correct! You just earned yourself a nice reward.”

Tom just stands there in dumb silence until he feels her foot press against him. Tom then looks at the woman to see that she has rolled over and is now laying face down on the chair. “Alright baby, mommy wants her toes humped until you make a little mess, hehehe.” The woman says in a soft tone. “But this isn't a brake, mommy still wants to feel you hands work while you have fun.” She adds on the end. Tom stood there in shock, trying to process what he just heard. “What's wrong little guy, don't like mommy's feet?.” The woman says softly. Hearing this Tom approaches the soft toes and undid his pants. He got to work humping the woman's toes while massaging with his whole body. The woman moans softly from the sensation, causing Tom to start licking and kissing her sole as well. “My my, such an affectionate little guy, keep it up baby, mommys feet feel great.” The woman says, encouraging Tom to speed up his work. After a short while, Tom blows his load onto the soft sole and hears the woman giggle. “Good boy, very good boy! Now rub your little mess into mommy's sole, it'll make them nice and soft.” Tom just lays there panting before slowly getting up and putting his pants back on.

Tom gets to work rubbing his stain into the woman's foot when two young girls run up and ask the woman to stay out late. The woman agrees. “Hear that baby? More fun time with mommy!” As Tom finishes, he is grabbed, the woman gets dressed, and leaves the pool.

As the woman makes her way back to the room, Tom thinks about all the possible things that she could consider fun. Part of him is terrified, but he also feels excitement as he hears the card reader go off and the door open, she's back in her room. Tom is pulled out and tossed onto the bed, he lands with a soft thud and takes a moment to get up and orientate himself. He is then once again tossed into the air when the woman sits down next to him. This time before he can get up, a hand grabs him and lifts him into the air. “Mommy made you feel good, now you will make mommy feel good.” She almost purrs as Tom finds himself stuffed into her underwear.

Finding himself face to face with the her warm and wet crotch, Tom gets to work, licking and massaging her lips, even placing an occasional kiss on her clit. Tom couldn't see the woman's face, but her moans let him know that he was doing a good job. Tom then got bold and shoved his arm in between her lips and she went wild. Tom felt her fingers on his back as she tried to push him in deeper, unfortunately he had gone as far as he can. Tom feels a rush of cold air as the panties are moved aside and she grabs his legs. Tom was completely helpless as he was used as a dildo, the woman's moans growing louder and louder with each pump. Fearing for his safety, Tom began to struggle, causing the woman much more pleasure. Slowly the cavern got tighter and wetter, finally finishing off with a flood that washed over Tom completely.

Tom was pulled out, he was wet, his suit clung to him, and he was trying to catch his breath. “You did very well little guy, mommy is proud!” The woman says happily. Tom doesn't reply, still breathing heavily. “Oh poor baby, mommy was too rough with you, here, have a rest.” She places Tom on her stomach and watches him, waiting for him to recover. When Tom gets up, she exposes her breast to him. “Thirsty after all that hard work?” Tom was tired and sore after his little adventure so had no objections to a nice drink. He walked up to her and started sucking, letting the warm and sweet milk flow down his throat. As he drank, he heard the sound of the woman typing on her phone and he felt her finger patting his head lovingly.

“Alright baby, mommy had fun and enjoyed herself today, you're the best tiny I could have asked for.” She said in a soft and motherly tone. “Now let's get you back home to rest and clean up.” She gently grabbed Tom and placed him back into the capsule, locking it. The woman then proceeded to stand up and put the capsule into the tube, where it came from. “Also, you can call me Mommy Amber from now on.” Amber kissed the capsule and pushed the button sending it back, Tom saw her waving as he was sucked back up.

After a few moments of darkness Tom saw the light once more, and his capsule was grabbed and opened by his boss. “Not bad squirt, you got five stars, there are some veterans here that can't pull that off. Not only that, the same customers has booked you for the remainder of her two weeks on the ship.” Mrs. Jen said genuinely impressed. “Oh ya, she said that she ruined your outfit, there's a replacement on your bed.” Mrs. Jen walks back to Toms room, passing hundreds of rooms, all with their own tiny. She reaches Toms room, opens the door, and let's Tom go inside. The door is shut and the Mrs. Jen leaves, Tom just strips down and puts the fresh clothes aside, tossing the wet cloths into the sink. Tom crawls into bed and closes his eyes. “This is gonna be a great job.” He quietly whispers to himself as he falls asleep, smiling softly.