Lynnae's Journey

by RobClassact

Lynnae's cries of affirmation increased in frequency, and her steady thrusts escalated into rigorous grinding. Below her, Leon gazed up at his beautiful wife, thrusting into her with intention. Clenching her hands around his, she arched her back, crying out in ecstasy as she rode a wave of pleasure into orgasm. For a second—several, actually—everything was right. Inevitably, her climax subsided, and Lynnae fell forward onto the bed next to her husband.

"I love you," she said, draping an arm over him and running her fingers through his thinning hair. "Thank you."

Leon chuckled. "It's good to know twenty years later, in spite of it all, I've still got it." He kissed her on the forehead. "Your welcome."

The two embraced, sharing a quiet moment. Lynnae stirred. "I don't know what I'm going to do."

"As far as I'm concerned," he said, running his fingers along her back. "Do whatever will make you happy."

Lynnae tried to envision such a thing. "I don't know. Travel?"

"Perhaps, but I figure you have bigger things in mind. I know I've held you back, particularly these last several months..."

She pressed her head into his chest. "Leon, don't."

"I want you to be happy, Lynn. Please. Promise me you'll do what you need to do to be happy."

Through her tears and the dim light of their bedroom, she gazed deeply into her husband's green eyes. "I promise."

The two shared a final kiss in their bed at home. The next morning, Leon was readmitted to the hospital. Three days later he died, ending their marriage twenty years to the day from when they'd wed the summer after their college graduation. The combination of life insurance and smart investing left the widowed Lynnae with several million dollars to her name. While it softened the blow, it would hardly fill the void. Returning home following Leon's funeral service, she lay in bed asking herself: what happens now?

She got her answer sooner than expected.

As the days passed, Lynnae noticed changes in her wardrobe. Her shirts squeezed her shoulders, her pants grew snug on her hips, and her ankles showed beneath the bottom hem of her pants. Chalking it up to stress eating, she ignored the issue until a week later when her feet would no longer fit into her shoes. Studying her reflection in the mirror, she saw the same gray hairs peppering her unkempt mass of black curls, and the same wrinkles framing her eyes and mouth—she was undoubtedly still herself. When she measured her height, however, she found she'd grown four inches to five-foot-ten.

Still preoccupied with her grief, Lynnae paid little mind to her growth. She found the more she ignored her body's changes, the more they took center stage. She began growing faster—up to an inch a day. Unwilling to fight the battle between her body and her wardrobe, she spent most days naked, dodging doorways and struggling with progressively smaller appliances and devices. Finally, having grown both insufferably restless and perilously close to the ceiling, she reached out to her best friend Simone, whose reaction was about what Lynnae expected.

"God damn! Your body is crazy!"

Lynnae stood in the center of her living room, an inch shy of seven feet tall. Her body retained its proportions as she'd grown, compounding the difficulty of clothing herself. The formerly-oversized XXL white cotton tank top, littered with rips and tears, strained to preserve her modesty, and she'd wrapped a fleece bedsheet around her waist as a makeshift skirt. Simone circled her friend, agog at her remarkable proportions. "So, I'm the first one to see you like this?"

"I haven't left the house since Leon's funeral." Lynnae sat down on the couch. Her hips spanned half its width, and the springs groaned under her weight. "I just don't know what to do with myself."

"Look, Lynn, I loved Leon too. Like a brother, maybe more. Let's remember I saw him first—"


"I'm joking." Simone squeezed into the remaining space on the couch and placed her hand atop her friends' much larger one. "Girl, you and I both know that even though he's gone, part of him is still with you."

Lynnae sighed. "I know."

"Are you sure? Because I get the feeling that since he died, you haven't connected with that part."

Lynnae smiled slightly. "Leon wanted me to be happy."

"So there you go, do what you gotta do to be happy!"

After a moment, Lynnae stood up. "I think I know, but I need to sleep on it."

Simone stood as well, her head reaching roughly as high as her friend's ribcage. "I know what that means. I'll leave you alone. Let me know if you need anything else." She embraced the bottom half of her best friend. "Love you, Lynn."

"Love you too, Simone."

Simone headed out, and Lynnae headed to bed. The next morning, the now seven-foot Lynnae had made her decision and she set off on her journey.

Traveling from town to town and eventually country to country, Lynnae was determined to experience as much of the world as she could. Despite her wealth, she lodged with locals whenever possible. She slept in homes, apartments, cabins, tents, and a few times outdoors. Dependably, every morning she woke up measurably taller. She would then join her hosts for an early meal before they would bid her farewell as she departed for her next destination.

Her celebrity grew along with her stature. Images of her saturated the media and #lynnaesjourney began trending worldwide. Four months into her expedition, at nine feet tall, she officially became the tallest person ever to live, not to mention the most followed social media figure globally. Her ever-increasing size added to her intrigue, as it defied society, biology, and reason. Everyone from scientists to socialites poured over every image of Lynnae available. Some even deified her, seeing her science-defying growth as evidence of a higher power.

She had captured the eyes of the world, and the world couldn't look away.

After a full year of travel, the 11'5" Lynnae returned home. Simone, acting as her agent and manager, released a statement that all future communication from Lynnae with the public would come via social media and the "Lynnae's Journey" website. After weeks of radio silence, an announcement finally arrived:

Lynnae will make her first public statement via her website at the date and time below. Mark your calendars!

The world's first-and-only true, real-life giantess would finally make her statement. The date burned into the media landscape. When the day of her broadcast arrived, the millions tuned in to the sight of Lynnae sitting on the ground in her living room with a dark blue knit tunic draped over her thirteen-foot body. She smiled at the camera and bowed her head slightly.

"Hello, everyone. A year ago, my husband died. Before he passed, he told me he wanted me to be happy. At the time, I didn't know what that meant, so I took some time to travel the world to discover what 'happiness' meant to me. The world is such a big, vibrant place, and I met thousands of beautifully unique people. Now, after returning from this incredible journey, I've found my purpose."

Lynnae paused, as a grin stretched across her face.

"From this day forward, I will be known as 'Giantess Lynn: the biggest, tallest, freakiest porn star the world has ever seen.'"

"How did it come to this? Well, I've always wanted an adventurous sex life, and my husband, as much as I love him, was hardly the adventurous type. Now, to his credit, he did have an absolutely gorgeous, girthy nine-inch dick and, let me tell you, he certainly knew how to use it! Even in his final weeks, he still managed to rock me to the core with that magnificent rod of his."

She paused to wipe her eyes. "God, I miss him."

"Anyways, not long after he died, I started growing—only a little at first, but enough it got my attention. After a couple weeks of growing and moping, I reached out to a dear friend who reminded me that a part of Leon was still with me. So that evening, for the first time since Leon died, I took out the replica dildo I have of his penis and gave him a proper sending off. I honestly could not tell you how many times I came that night, but it motivated me to embark on what became a comprehensive sex tour spanning the entire planet. And while I have nothing more to tell you about that adventure, I have plenty to show you. I am pleased to announce I have documented my carnal odyssey in an epic twenty-one-hour fuckumentary entitled Lynnae's Journey."

'#lynnaesjourney' flashed on the screen below her.

"For a modest subscription fee, you can see me get fucked within the borders all 193 UN member states including the two non-member observer states. All the while, follow my progress as I grew both in size and skill on the path from Lynnae to Giantess Lynn. Want to see me do reverse cowgirl in Caracas? Fit an entire Vietnamese woman's head in my vagina up to her shoulders? Literally, fuck an entire town in Vanuatu? It's all just a couple clicks away!"

"Now, as I am fortunate enough to partially fund this enterprise on my own, after any overhead production costs, all profits will be donated to fund global sexual health awareness programs. I think the world would be a happier place if more people could experience the joy of a healthy sexual lifestyle. By the way, a sincere thank you to everyone who helped #lynnaesjourney go and stay viral over the last year. I couldn't have reached as far as I did without you."

"As far as what's next for me, most of my new work will be me getting drilled like an oil well by the biggest, thickest dicks you've ever seen." She wiped a speck of drool from the corner of her mouth. "Whew! I'm sorry, I got a little excited. What can I say? I like cocks! But don't worry. You'll get some freaky big woman on little lady stuff too. You wouldn't believe what you kind of kinky stuff you can do with hands over a foot long." Giantess Lynn held up one huge hand, fingers extended. "But you will when I demonstrate."

"Anyways, for business inquiries or booty calls, feel free to reach out via the contact form on my website. I do take requests, so if it's your deepest darkest desire to fuck a two-fathom-high lady like me, I just might make your fantasy a reality! For now, this is Giantess Lynn, officially signing off. But don't worry, you'll be seeing plenty of me in the future."

Lynnae winked, and the feed ended.

Giantess Lynn soon became and remained the internet's—and the world's—most-recognized figure. Within days, her site was the most popular destination on the web, raking in millions of dollars per month. As promised, her philanthropic donations kept pace with her profits, and her message of sexual freedom and liberation soon reached every corner of the globe. But, most importantly, she was happy.

Months later, the now 14'8" Giantess Lynn lay on her back, giving cunnilingus to a woman straddling her face while two men worked her nipples and a fourth individual she couldn't see railed her with a strap-on likely as long as their arm. Awash in a sea of pleasure, the mountainous woman cried out in utter elation. Amid her climax, the same thought, as always, crossed her mind.

I love you, Leon. Thank you.