
by Ryan the Rebel

The new suit fit a lot better than the earlier models. There was a sense of practicality to it, and had felt less like I was wearing a goofy superhero costume much to the chagrin of my partner Janet. She always had this thing for fetishy outfits. I followed the wires from where they hooked up the suit back to the generator where my dear girlfriend was working.

“Are we ready?” I asked.

“Almost Monica,” Janet answered, “We just need finish some calibrations so that you don't break your spine.”

I laughed. It had become common to laugh at my near death experiences in order to save face when dealing with something that can rewrite your body chemistry. I looked toward the other end of the test site to the old bulky tank that was waiting to be smashed to pieces.

“How do you do it?” a weary male voice intoned. I turned and faced our resident middle-aged party-pooper. Colonel David Vance approached me with a look on his face that was equal parts apprehensive and exhausted.

“How do keep on going with this?” he asked me, “We can get soldiers to do these tests.”

“None them would be experienced in this process,” I replied.

“Experienced? We're dealing with technology that we're only just starting to grasp here.”

Before I could offer a retort, Janet shouted, “You're fully charged Monica.”

“Alright,” I shouted back, “Unhooking now.”

I flipped the release switch on my left wrist. The wires snapped off the suit. I raised the modulator on my left wrist, and tapped the touch screen. I decided to play it relatively safe and go for a height of 30 feet.

“Okay, are we all ready for this?”

“Ready,” Janet respond. Vance stood back.

I countdown from three, and thumbed the ignition system. A light hum emanated from the suite that soon developed into a loud buzz, and I braced myself for the same pain and discomfort that came with the last two tests.

But the feeling was different this time. It wasn't painful, but there was feeling great tension spreading throughout her body as I started growing taller. I was so overwhelmed by the sensation that wasn't able to focus on the transformation until it was over.

When the process ended I finally had a grip on my faculties.

“How do you feel, Monica?” Janet asked me in a concerned tone of voice.

I turned to face her, saw nothing and then realized I had to look down at everyone else. I wasn't able to appreciate the size difference in any of the previous tests. There was a feeling of great catharsis, with hint of lightheartedness that I was unprepared for. I was also taken aback by Vance who was a whole head taller than before, but now he didn't even come up to my knees.

“I'm-” I stopped myself as soon as I heard how deep my voice was, “-fine.”

Janet laughed, “I think you forgot to turn on the voice modulator.”

I nodded sheepishly and pinched a dial on the left side of my neck guard. I gave it twist.

“Can we stop stalling and get on with the test?” Vance demanded.

“In a second” I answered as my voice ready to a relatively normal sate, “I just have to take this all in.”

“Take what in?” Vance asked me, “You're huge.”

“You don't understand.” I answered, “In the previous tests I was in so much pain, but now that we've straightened out the suits problems, I can really appreciate my new size. I know that the Defense Department has vested interest in our project, but think about this for minute please.”

I then rushed over to the tank and garbed it. I was able to hoist it over my head and onto my shoulder dispute its weight.

“Look,” I exclaimed as I strutted over to his position. “This technology has so much more potential than you give it credit for. It can be used for construction, the transport of hazardous materials, rescue work, hell it can even be used for medicine purposes depending on how far we can reverse the process.”

I stopped my strutting and hoisted the tank off my shoulder and into the grip of my hands.

“Because when you get down to it, destroying stuff,”I paused, dug my grip into the tank and pulled. The tank's shell creaked and strained until I finally ripped it in two, “is really just to damn easy.”

I let the tank’s remains fall to my side. Vance looked up at me, then turned his attention to the remains of the tank, then back up at me.

“I'll get in touch with my superiors,” said Vance, “we'll see if we can work something out.

He turned around, and took his cell phone. I knelt down besides Janet as Vance began talking with his bosses.

“You think they'll listen to you?” Janet asked me.

“I think so,” I replied, “It would be stupid of them not use this for other things than war.”

“I don't know,” she sighed.

“Come on, do you think would dare argue with me when I'm like this?”

“I would,” said Janet.

“Really? I asked wryly, as I hoisted my girlfriend up into the air. Janet was caught off guard, but was clearly enjoying herself.

“Really,” she replied, “For one thing we should have kept the boob window.”