Who's the Smallest Now?

by TheMicroGiant

“C’mon, short stuff!” Claire’s deep voice called from further up the street.

I struggled to keep up, my shorter legs being no match for her long and powerful strides. I looked up at the obscenely tall human fighter. Her mighty body looked like a carefully crafted sculpture. We were both members of the same mercenary group and had arrived ahead of the rest to secure lodging at an inn. She took long exaggerated steps, causing me to increase my pace. She may have been tall for a human, but I was short, even for a Halfling girl.

“Coming, ma’am!” I called out, my sandaled feet rushing to catch up to her booted ones. Her six foot two inches were so tall compared to my thirty-two inch frame that she actually blocked the light as she led the way through the bustling streets.

We had just completed raiding the fortress of a group of mages for the local lords. Claire and I were sent ahead because I could only teleport one other person and Claire volunteered to haul the books and scrolls we looted from the mages. The others would arrive within two days. That loot was now slung over her back in a bag twice as large and heavy as my own body. She no longer wore her heavy armor; instead she had a grey, skin-tight sleeveless shirt on, showing off her muscular biceps, and a brown pair of pants. I wore simple brown robes that covered me from neck to ankle.

“C’mon, Alina, shake a leg, lassie.” She called out to me, not slowing her pace.

We found a decent inn on the outskirts of town. They were one bed shy of having enough rooms for our comrades. Claire suggested she and I share a room for the night, adding “I’m sure if I share the bed with you, I’ll have plenty of room!”

The older woman chuckled, scooping me up onto her shoulder as she ascended the stairs. I knew she was the oldest member of our group. I’d have guessed she was forty years old at most and was shocked to hear she was nearly a decade older, though you never tell by the way she carried herself. She set me down on the bed once she entered the room.

“I wish you wouldn’t carry me. It’s embarrassing.” I huffed, smoothing out the wrinkles in my shirt from where her large hands had gripped me. Hands strong enough to crush a boulder she once said.

“Bah, I didn’t want you to have trouble with the stairs.” She replied, dropping the bag of magic loot on the table with a loud thud, some scrolls spilling out the top of it.

“Be careful with that!” I cried out, kicking my sandals off before hopping down from the bed that was nearly eye level with me.

“Its fine, Little One” she said, bending down to pick up a loose scroll, opening it and reading it to herself. “Over thirty years of fighting and I’ve never got the attraction of this magic stuff. Still, it makes even a lil one such as yourself a fearsome fighter, so it has its uses.”

Standing in her shadow, feeling the heat radiating from her body, I blushed a little as I turned away from her and started picking up the other loose scrolls.

“Treat magic with respect or it could hurt you!” I look up at her, trying to sound confident (which was admittedly hard when my eyes were level with her leather covered groin, “and treat me with respect too, or I’ll getcha!”

My voice squeaked. It actually squeaked. I was more embarrassed than ever. She reached down and ruffled my long auburn hair, a great contrast to her short silver hair. I looked up at her, noting that her thigh was thicker than my body. Had we been the same size however, I could proudly say my chest would be larger than hers. Indeed, I was a bit shapely as polite folk would say. Claire was beautiful, I may complain but part of me enjoys the teasing. Sometimes I wish she’d give me more attention than taunting.

As I reflected on this I heard Claire mumble something in confusion. I turned to ask her to repeat herself only to see a glowing scroll flutter down onto my face. I pull the warm purple parchment away to see a vacant space where my titanic friend once stood. I looked around, confused as the magic scroll in my hand dimmed.

“Claire?” I called out, taking a step forward only to jump in surprise as my foot landed on something small and soft. I crouched down and peered closer to the ground to see a small form, only a few centimeters tall lying on the ground. “Claire!?”

I quickly scooped my friend up and rushed to the bed, laying her gently on the sheet and climbing up beside her. She was breathing, but dazed, and a little damp from the sweat of my foot. She groggily opened her eyes and for the first time in the five years I’ve known her Claire was afraid. She screamed loudly at me, her voice was adorable. I leaned closer, shushing her softly as my dainty fingers reached towards her to softly pet her. She soon calmed and climbed up my finger into my palm so I could lift her closer to my face to hear her.

“Alina! What happened?” she squeaked, I had to stifle a giggle.

“You read a magic scroll without knowing what it did.” I replied flatly. She was so close to me that I could see the force of my breath and voice actually move her on my palm. “It looks temporary, like it should only last two days.”

“So I’m stuck like this?” She sat down, crossing her arms. “Bloody magic…”

“No reason to pout. It could have been a lot worse! I told you to respect magic…” I paused, smirking down at her, “and respect me.”

Before she could respond I blew into my palm, sending her tumbling across it and into the base of my curled fingers.

“Alright, lil one. You’ve had your fun!” She pulled herself back up and glared up at me. “Fix it!”

“Fix it?”

“Yeah, fix it. You know, magic it.” She said waving her tiny little fingers in the air.

“I can’t. It’s a timed spell. We just have to wait it out.”

“Wait it out?” She asked, surprised. She slumped back down against my fingers. “Well, I guess I don’t have much choice then… Oh well, no use crying over spilled ale.” She chirped cheerfully.

I reached down and gently petted her with a finger that was half as wide as she was tall. I marveled at how small she was. My fingers are small. She’d easily be covered by one of her normal sized fingers.

“That actually feels kinda nice.” She says with a soft sigh of comfort.

I can feel her insignificant body rub itself against my finger. Was she into this? Granted, she wasn’t the type to mope over things, but she was still surprisingly accepting about this. I pull my finger away and lift my hand up to my face, squinting to make out her features better. My big brown eye was larger than she was. I hated to admit it, but as much as I admired this powerful woman, I also have had a crush on her as immense as I now am to her. I was always too scared to see how she felt. She was always so teasing and dismissive of me that I assumed she would not take me seriously if I did because of my size.

“Who’s the smallest now?” I giggle aloud.

“Aye, it may be me now, but give it a few days, lil missy, and I’ll have you in my hands!” She retorted with all of the confidence of someone who still thinks she can take on an army.

“And what’ll you do once you have me in your hands? Who knows, I may just have to cast that spell again to keep you in mine.” I accidentally let a little hopefulness slip into my teasing tone.

“I can think of worst fates,” She chirped, laying back on my palm and crossing her arms behind her head. “Being cared for by a cute lil thing like yourself? Don’t sound too bad.”

“You-you think I’m cute?” I ask, thankful that she couldn’t see enough of my face to notice I’m blushing.

“Aye, you’d be sexy too… if you ditched those frumpy robes you’re wearing.”

“Claire… what are you getting at?” I asked, my voice quivering.

“Okay, look, I know I may be coming off a bit forward, but here it is. I like ya, lass. I want you. But, at my normal size I’d break you in half. Heh. You’d be a half Halfling then,” she chuckled, causing me to roll the massive eye she was staring at. “But being this small? It opens up some possibilities and for some reason not being in control for once is really getting me goin. So there it is. I want you and let’s face it, even at this size, short of drowning me, you still can’t hurt me. I’m a rock, or pebble at least.”

I was silent for a moment before raising Claire even higher until she was nearly touching my eye.

“Strip.” I commanded.

She paused before a wide grin spread across her face. She frantically removed all of her clothes and stood there proudly in the palm of my hand with her mighty body on display. I licked my lips at the sight. I lowered her to my lips and gently blew, causing her clothes to fly away and be lost on the bed below. I then slid my tongue out between my lips and gave her a long lick. I could faintly hear her moan with pleasure as she adhered to my tongue.

“Don’t drown before you get to explore,” I softly say, pulling her into my mouth.

I toss her around with my tongue, barely able to taste the salty flavor of the powerful warrior. With her occupied I disrobe, tossing my clothes across the room. I am now as bare as she. I look down my body, proportioned like a human, past my large (for my size) breasts and to the red unkempt hairs of my bush. I wish I’d shaved. Oh well, it’ll give her something to explore I guess. I push her towards the tip of my tongue and roughly press her through my lips and spit her out onto the bed.

I watch her tumble through the air, bouncing off my right breast before freefalling all the way to the bed at my feet. She lay there on her back, taking in the surely magnificent sight of her tiny Halfling friend, now hundreds of feet tall, fondling her breast and lightly rubbing her pussy.

“Choose where you want to explore, little adventurer.” I say before falling back on the bed, the force causing her to bounce into the air and crash against my thigh. My right hand rubbed my left breast idly as my right hand gripped the sheets. I wanted this so badly.

I wonder where she’d go? Then I felt her hands on the hairs around my vulva. She was fast. Soon her entire body, those boulder crushing hands, were massaging a clit bigger than she was. I moaned and bucked my hips, creating an earthquake for the intrepid adventurer. I felt a tickle as she waded through the juices surrounding my vulva. The thought drove me mad. Then I jolted as I felt her force her way inside me.

“Cave diving, huh?” I ask, pulling my fingers away from my breast and lowering them down to my pussy. “Well, what kind of adventuring party would we be if I didn’t explore with you?”