
by Sinned Valentine

Our world ended not with a bang, but a whimper.

Five years ago was the last time we had any semblance of normalcy. We called it 2019 A.D., but now it was simply a meaningless number. Modern human life, destroyed in a single day. On the day that would be known as the Crushing, cross-dimensional portals kilometres high burst into existence over every major city in the world. Each disgorged an Angel, a woman towering a hundred times larger than a human adult, more beautiful than any person in history.

Invulnerable to our greatest weaponry, they were utterly unstoppable in their simultaneous rampage to reduce humanity to a broken remnant. When the dust settled, they brought hundreds more of their kind, erecting vast structures that appeared to be homes just like ours, only to their scale.

Rumour had it that they were cross-dimensional invaders constantly subjugating alternate Earths for more living space. I wouldn't know, really - the most intelligent of humanity had been taken captive, enslaved for our conquerors' cause.

Well, long story short, here I was, sneaking through the gap under the local Angel's front door. My ageing body was ill-suited to such physical exertion, sure, but can you blame me for wanting to live just one day longer? There was little food to be found, so deep in the heart of the ruins of the city, save for these perilous ventures. Angel food was always filling and abnormally nutritious. Some survivors even claimed that they had healing properties.

So far, so good. The massive house was eerily quiet. No thunderous footsteps, no terrifying laughter that would echo across the ruined shell of the city. Maybe the Angel who lived here was away?

"Hopefully She'd not notice me for a couple more hours..."

I flinched as a looming shadow fell over me and my big damn mouth. Without looking back, I broke into a sprint for the crack under the door. No hesitation, no pause - or I was dead. Or worse.

A shriek escaped my lips as a massive, fleshy foot slammed into the ground a metre or so ahead of me. The sheer displaced air sent me tumbling backwards. Before I could even scramble to my feet, She spoke.

"Please don't run away, little one." She murmured in a devilishly sweet voice. "I promise I won't kill you."

I knew better than to trust an Angel. They played sick, cruel games with humans. Still, I couldn't exactly escape now that she was looming directly over me. I clambered to my feet shakily.

"There, there," She cooed, lowering Her palm to the ground right before me. "Come. I want to see you more closely."

I had no choice, and She knew it. I slowly approached the hand that could oh-so-easily turn me into a little red stain on the ground. It didn't move a single bit, not even when I hesitantly grabbed hold and began to pull myself up.

She waited until I was in the middle of Her palm before She rose to Her full height. The sudden, dizzying ascent sent me tumbling into Her soft, warm flesh.

"Oops." She gazed at me apologetically. I couldn't tell if it was mocking or genuine - not when the eyes were easily taller than my entire body. "I forgot how scary moving so fast can be for you tinies."

"Wh-what are you going to do to me?" I asked, cursing my involuntary stutter.

She just watched me for a few long seconds.

"Are you hungry?"

Yes. Yes I was. But I couldn't just admit that I basically sneaked into Her house like a rat to steal some food -

My stomach let out a rather loud rumble. I cursed under my breath.

"Aww, you are!" She leaned closer, Her warm breath washing all over me. I flinched instinctively at the cavernous maw hovering scant meters ahead of me. She began moving, and I struggled to keep my footing.

Within seconds, we were in Her kitchen. She gently plucked me between a massive thumb and forefinger, dropping me onto Her dining table. Turning away, She reached into a towering pantry.

I glanced around. The table was smooth, the edges dropping away without any easy footholds to scale. There was nothing on the table, either. No hiding places.

She turned back, smiling at me as She poured a few drops of some sweet-smelling liquid into a small saucer, which She set before me.

I tried not to look at it. The overwhelmingly sweet scent was threatening to overcome my survival instincts. Instead, I tried to meet Her gaze.

"Go on, drink up. You'll feel much better!"

She continued to watch me silently after that. Almost against my will, I felt my mouth salivate. I cautiously approached the saucer that was as big as a large boat to me, keeping both eyes on Her. The last shred of common sense in my head told me that it was pointless, seeing as She could move far faster than anything I could possibly do to avoid Her.

I climbed up to the edge of the saucer and tentatively lowered my hands into the warm, translucent liquid. I lifted it to my lips, and -

- and my eyes widened -

- and my mind shuddered -

- and I dove headfirst into the impossibly sweet ambrosia.

Five years of near-starvation, and fifty years of below-average living before... I'd never tasted anything quite so divine before. I gulped down the heavenly drink greedily, afraid that She would take it away at any moment.

But She didn't. She merely waited patiently until I finished every last drop.

"Did you like it, little one?"

I gazed back at Her with wide eyes, nodding.

"Would you like some more?"

I shuddered again at the thought of having more. That one meal felt like it could last me days. I felt my ageing bones grow stronger, the various cuts and bruises across my body disappear.

I nodded, not entirely against my will.

"Well... if you agree to be my pet, I promise I'll feed you more." She leaned closer to me, whispering enticingly. "You'll be warm, safe, and fed for the rest of your life."

It was... tempting. Very, very tempting.

"What... what do you do with your pets?"

She smiled again, revealing teeth bigger than my torso. "Oh, all sorts of things. I'd play games with you, mostly. As long as you're obedient and you don't try to run away, that is."

Damn it. It was a good deal, and She knew I would know it. Other Angels would go out into the cities or the surrounding wilds to butcher us for sport. To be offered what was essentially safe haven for the rest of my life...

I nodded slowly. Her eyes lit up, and She squealed in joy. Before I could protest, She scooped me up in one palm and buried me under a wet kiss. Her massive tongue probed me like a beast emerging from the depths of its den, before retracting once more into the darkness. She began moving once again before I could recover, this time climbing up stairs that had steps the equivalent of two-storey houses.

A sudden flurry of motion, and I was suddenly dropped onto a soft surface. I gazed around with dawning horror.

I was on Her bed.

She giggled at the terror that must have shown on my face, then.

"Now, now, my pet. You promised you would be good, and I promised I wouldn't hurt you. Do you really trust my word so little?"

She undressed slowly, putting on a show and delighting in my discomforting awe. My mouth was dry as I took in everything.

Carefully, gently, She crawled onto the bed. Her legs, each a seeming skyscraper, extended towards either side of me. My eyes were drawn to the inevitable centre.

"Come now, pet," She murmured, one finger gently stroking Her already-glistening pussy. "You know what I want."

I took a step back. Her eyes narrowed slightly.

"And..." She lifted her wet finger slowly to Her mouth, licking it sensuously, "I know what you want."

Even from a distance, I could clearly smell it. My eyes widened in revulsion - and dawning hunger.

"That's right," She whispered, the same finger beckoning me closer. I found my feet stumbling one after another towards Her.

The very same divine ambrosia that She let me have a taste of... that divine nectar that could heal, could prolong life...

... that was glistening even now from Her waiting lips.

I shuddered again. My mind screamed in vain.

I dove towards my Mistress.

Lying between my Mistress' mountainous breasts, I could hear Her heartbeats pounding steadily beneath me, a warm, soothing rhythm. She caressed my back gently, lulling my weary body to sleep.

"You've done very well, my new pet," She murmured. "I do so hope you'll last longer than the last one."

What She said should have terrified me. Perhaps that one last shred of common sense, of sanity, was terrified. But it was locked deep, deep within.

I shivered in pleasure at Her words. I would do anything to serve my Mistress... and She would give me everything I needed.

Life was simple. Life was good.