The Watcher on the Wall

by Kurogane355

David Osborn sighed contentedly as he took his seat in the highest tower of the Southern wall. Behind him, the vibrant metropolis of West Minter extended to the horizon, with its many temples and buildings. He was over the poorest part of the large city, where houses were more slums than building, the place where the few refugees who still trickled from the Wildlands were relocated, and where those who had committed crimes not heinous enough from exile where relegated.

But as always, he never looked over the city. What he had been tasked to look after since the last twenty-five years was outside. Those things were as regular as clockwork. As the sun was rising over the horizon, he saw the two of them which haunted this part of the Wild. At fifty years, he felt old, his hair graying, and his gut made more of fat than muscles now. But those beings remained as incredibly beautiful as ever, as youthful as when his father and his grand-father and their ancestors before them, had seen them for the very first time.

The female was the more massive of the two. It was hard to gauge her proper size, but he suspected that she was around four hundred meters tall (1,313 feet high) while her mate was probably more around three hundred fifty meters tall (1,148 feet high). Not that it mattered much, those beings were far beyond humanity, a species they had left behind a long time ago. No one knew how or why around 0,001% of the world’s population had become those things, centuries ago, but they had proven to be indestructible and immortals.

David took out his little sketchbook, his pencils and started to work on his secret pleasure. Watching them was his secret sin, truly. He had never said it to anyone, especially not her, but if he had married his wife, it was because she looked like the giantess; she was almost her spitting image, as much as a normal sized human could be, and it had drove him mad with lust. He had had a hard time convincing her to go out with him, of course, since she was better born than he, but he managed just that and was now happily married and with children.

Outside, the female took a step which shook the earth a little, even so far away from her, and let out a moan, probably toward her companion. He had never heard of a word being uttered by those enormous things. They made strange noises, and had a very simplistic behavior, not unlike wild beasts, as far as he was concerned. But their bodies were utterly perfect. It was common knowledge among the Watchers that comparing oneself to those beings often led to suicide or at least grave depression.

She had a dark skin, made darker by the sun for the last centuries. She had wide hips, betraying her fertile nature, and massive breasts, probably big enough to house several peoples and feed hundreds. Her face was slightly round, but her wide lips and big eyes, framed by her long black curly hair, cascading from the top of her head to behind her knees. She was hairy, like all giants, but it only added to her allure, as if this savage and primitive appearance made her some form of primeval idol came to life.

David sketched frantically, forgetting his old joints, which ached a little, so early in the morning, as she leant forward to drink in a stream, showing off her bulbous and yet very muscular ass. He knew what was coming. As soon as she exposed herself that way, her mate rushed toward her, his enormous erection standing proud, coming out from his blond bush. He penetrated her in one swift movement, and they roared in unison, their scream washing over the whole city, probably waking most of the population, like always.

It was a sight to behold, those beings, out of ancient myths, fucking wildly as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It made David a little bit jealous – he had lost such passion and energy since a long time, even if he and his wife still had some interesting bouts in bed. He knew that some Watchers became almost unable to have sex after seeing the giants doing so with such ease and constancy. But not him; he didn’t feel like a lesser being; in fact, proving his own ability to please his wife like this giant pleased his giantess had been quite a drive in his relationship.

He smiled as he remembered how awestruck he had been the first time he had seen them. They hadn’t changed one bit from that time when he had aged, but he still remembered the sheer stupor which had taken over him when he saw them walking, ignoring the wrath of the elements, as if even the worst hail in a century was nothing more than a calm rain on a hot day. The storm had turned their long hairs into mighty flags, but they didn’t seem to care.

Lightning hit them, again and again and again, but it played on their skins as if it was but rays of the sun. And when they had mated, that her heavy orbs had swayed back and forth, that she had opened her mouth to let out moans after moans, her voice drowned the thunder. It had been quite a sight, the first time David had realized that giants and giantesses weren’t the monster that the City Council proclaimed them to be.

Sure, they forced humans to live in over-populated cities. Sure, a breach in the walls would mean death to thousands as the massive creatures, which had been of their kin in ages past, would come into, feeding on everything, from stone to wood to the inhabitants, if the news reports were to be believed – in his experience, they never even came at shooting distance from the wall. But it didn’t made them monsters. It made them divinities. They were the embodiment of unbridled sexuality and power, and they took whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

Old David carefully deposited his sketchbook and let his hand pry open his pants. It was an old ritual of his now. When the two titans were at it, when he knew he would be alone for the next several hours, he took out his penis and enjoyed some long and thoughtful masturbation. More often than not, he pictured his wife and him being giants, their lives ever-lasting and free from any stress. They had no need to eat, no need to care about children, no need to do anything but whatever they wanted.

He could have opened to his wife, over the years, but he never did. She wouldn’t have understood. How could she, since she had never seen the giants. She had never witnessed them lifting a wild bison, as if it was but a little toy, or uproot great pine trees with less effort than he had to do get his carrot out of the ground? Truly, to see those massive beings in the distance was something only a select few had had the opportunity to do.

He moaned softly as his fingers caressed his shaft, just as the two massive figures in the distance separated themselves. The male wandered off, disappearing behind the rolling hills, covered in such a variety of trees, so much more than the few allowed to exist inside the walls, used only for timber. Someday, when he would be old and gray, he would see those woods, he had decided long ago. He would live the wall, and the town, his beloved’s grave and see what the world was, now that humans were shut off from it.

A strange sound washed over him and he smiled, as the giantess let herself slide into the bay, her curves forming small islands, were wild ducks and beavers rushed onto, as if they knew that she wouldn’t hurt them. With a low groan, David came, his seed spraying over the wall. The giantess lazily looked toward him, her eyes clearly not seeing him, she simply glazed at the wall, as she often did, as if she wondered what it was but never mustered enough interest to bother check it.

With a sigh, David put back his dick in his trouser and get his sketchbook back. He had a lot more time to kill here, alone, at the top of the great wall, after all. He would have to fill a report to his sergeant. It was an old and quite frankly outdated tradition, but one that the leaders of West Minter kept for whatever reason. He could already picture what he would wrote today, like all times: “Nothing has happened warranting an action from the City.”

David wondered how the world would have been if his ancestors hadn’t shut themselves down into the walled cities. Perhaps they would have got to live alongside those beautiful gods and goddesses. He sighed, knowing that it was something that would never happen. The mere ideas that expeditions had to be sent away to discover other survivors always led to outcry and panic among the populace. The middle-aged man knew he had no chance to see the world change.

It was a bitter thought, but the idea that it meant that he would get to see his giants for the rest of his life, every day of every year until he was deemed too old, made it sweeter. And it was a feeling he had grown accustomed with and feared he would miss it, should anything change. As the giantess sang, so far away, he put his chin in his hand, his elbow on the parapet, and smiled. She seemed too happy, and whales were now splashing around here, no taller to her than small fishes were to him.

Whistling to himself, David sat back and enjoyed the view.