Aaron's TMI Deepdive

by Oishi1

Aaron shot up from a deep sleep. It took him a few seconds to understand why he was up in the first place. He hastily put on some pajama pants and ran to the door,

"I'm coming, I'm coming, " the frantic knocking continued until he managed to open both locks and the deadbolt.

Donna shifted anxiously on his doormat wearing only a towel. He would never tell his brother this, but he had on occasion had dreams like this. In real life though...

"Donna, what the he-" She shoved him inside and shut the door quickly. She walked with a bow legged gait to his couch.

"No time to explain, get on the couch. Quick! Ernie's stuck!" Donna laid on the couch, but she kept the last cushion empty.

"Trapped? Where? I'll get my keys," It was two AM. Where could his brother have gone, and why was his wife walking around naked?"

"There's no time. Just get over here before he runs out of air,"

"Out of-"

"Are you going to repeat everything I say or are you going to save my husband?" She snapped, "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Might have clenched,"

Aaron sat and tried not to look between his sister-in-law's legs. She pointed something at him. There was a flash of light, a buzz, and suddenly, she was digging him out of a massive pile of clothes. It took him a while to realize that the clothes were normal. He was just tiny.

He was in her hand as she adjusted herself, giving him an eyeful. Despite his reflexive draw to look, he averted his eyes. She handed him something that was, to him, roughly the size and shape of a torpedo buoy like the ones he used in his lifeguard days. He realized it was a tampon as she brought him lower. There was no way she was going to-

"Sorry, it was the first thing I could think of. He's too slippery for me and I'm afraid of crushing him,"

With no further explanation, Donna opened herself with the hand holding the thing she used to shrink him and pushed him inside as he protested.

His head was in before he could do anything. He could feel Donna pushing his feet. The heat was more intense than he expected. Combined with the moisture, he was already sweltering. Years of training told him to take a breath while he could. As he gasped, she pushed his feet the rest of the way in. He no longer felt her fingers. He felt his grip slipping from his ersatz buoy and clung to the cross section on top desperately for a handhold. Something was coming out of it. The cotton was easier to hold onto as he felt the plastic slide out behind him. Why would she do that? Why would she do any of this? He had a moment of clarity. Ernie was stuck! Inside her? This was a rescue mission. Having a purpose steeled him for the next step. He hugged his cotton tether and wormed his way forward in the tight space. Everything about the design of his prison made going forward easy. He grasped the tampon with his left arm and reached out in front of him with his right.

There was no air. If Ernie was really in here, he didn’t have long. Aaron’s arm bumped something and he felt it twitch weakly. It was Ernie’s hand. He gripped it and pulled him toward the soaked buoy. He could feel Ernie’s feeble attempt to hold on, but Aaron had to do most of the work. Unable to see, he brought his brother between him and the cotton, then felt behind him until he found the braided cord. He pulled it three times, hoping Donna would get the signal.

To Aaron’s immense relief, he felt himself sliding backward. The light and the shocking cold as she plopped them on her hand was nearly unbearable. He understood why babies cried when they were born.

Ernie was turning blue. Without thinking, Aaron started compressions and caused Ernie to cough out his wife’s fluids. He gasped and coughed, but started breathing normally. He was still asleep, but he was no longer in danger.

Reality came back to Aaron when he heard Donna gasp. She Wrapped Ernie in her towel and placed Aaron down on the couch. She aimed the thing at him, and he felt butterflies as he returned to his normal size. He rushed to put his underwear and pajama pants on. They were quickly soaked in things he didn’t want to think about right now.

“Thank you,” Donna whispered, “I didn’t expect him to go in that far. We were just trying out one of his-“

“No! I don’t need to hear your weird kink stuff. Don’t, no, just no,” Aaron was exhausted, “Don’t tell Ernie where I was. I have to go bleach my everything,”

Embarrassed, Donna fled the apartment cradling her now safe Liliputian husband, and Aaron took a much needed shower.