For Puck's Sake

Or, Fairy to the Rescue!

by MicroGiant

Kory the fairy sat pouting atop the head of Matilda the Elven sorceress. Matilda’s auburn hair made a fluffy nest for the tiny fae. A nice contrast to Kory’s short silver pixie cut. Their group was investigating a region where travelers had been disappearing. They would investigate and then return to the village and collect their pay. Unfortunately, due to Kory getting a little too drunk on her half pint of ale the previous night, she was being sidelined by the team and forced to “guard the wagon.” It wasn’t her fault, the ale was potent and at three inches, the mug was bigger than her entire body!

Matilda plucked Kory from her hair and sat her on the wagon seat, still warm from Matilda’s body heat. Kory looked up at her companions. Matilda was confident, sultry, curvaceous, despite her violet robes attempting to hide her figure. Behind her were the group’s human warriors, Gerald and Marcus. Both were leather armored, attractive and muscular. Kory would occasionally lustfully watch them train or bathe. All were beautiful and unachievable for her tiny form’s desires. Then, there was Burry the Dwarf. Burry looked to Kory, sticking his tongue out. At 3’8, he was the smallest in the party before Kory joined, and reveled in having someone smaller to tease.

“Stayin behind? Not gonna carry your wee weight?” he said laughing loudly.

“Eh, heh heh,” Kory muttered mockingly, giving Burry the old pixie salute.

“Ignore him,” Matilda said, kissing Kory. Kory pushed her friend’s plush lips away, trying to wipe away the crimson lipstick now covering her. “We will be back soon, love.”

“Keep an eye on the wagon,” Gerald ordered. “We’ll be back by dark.”

They were not.

Kory gave them two additional hours, pacing about the wagon, debating to herself how much trouble they were in versus how much trouble she’d be in if she abandoned the wagon. She took stock of what she had. She was wearing green cotton trousers, leather boots, and an open green vest that barely covered her small breasts. All shrunk to her size. Then it hit her. She left her gear back at the inn. Weapons, spell scrolls, the works. All she had was a pouch of fairy dust, a common substance that only fairies could use to shrink clothing and gear to their size, and a pouch of random junk.

“Oh for Puck’s sake,” Kory muttered, wings slumping, defeated. “Can’t let my friends die.”

She took off like a sprite made of light into the dark forest. She followed her companions trail. It led to a large clearing just off of the main road. There, she saw a warm, inviting looking cottage.

Kory fluttered down to a windowsill. Peeking through the glass, she spied a small alchemic lab for brewing potions. Across the room she saw a row of jars on a shelf. They were hard to make out. She pressed her face against the warm glass. Instantly, she withdrew in shock, falling off the windowsill. She hooked her fingers on the ledge and scrambled back up.

“People.” She whispered. The jars contained people smaller than her!

She scanned the room, not seeing her companions. She fluttered to another window, her jaw dropping from what she saw. She landed at the partially open window in time to hear the moan of pleasure coming from the house’s inhabitant, who seemed to be peaking, Kory noted as she peeked inside.

Lying atop a disheveled bed was perhaps the most attractive creature Kory had ever seen. The woman had long, red hair, pale skin and perhaps the most perfectly proportioned body Kory had ever seen. Heaving breasts. Firm abs. Taut ass. While Kory was appraising this woman, she noticed something that stood out. Her friends. Marcus and Matilda were each under two inches tall, naked and pleasuring the woman’s nipples. Kory could not see the others, but considering how frantically the woman was fingering her clit, Kory had an idea.

The woman inserted two fingers deep inside her cleft, her thick thighs clamped around her hand and her back arched in the throes of orgasm, launching Matilda and Marcus from her breasts to the sheets below. Her ass came down hard on Marcus, causing him to disappear beneath the firm cheek. Matilda managed to avoid being crushed under the woman’s shoulderblade. The woman writhed in the bed before slowly coming to a stop. The heaving of her mountainous breasts slowed until eventually Kory realized she’d fallen asleep.

Kory quietly flew into the room, sticking close to the ceiling, fearing the flutter of her wings would disturb the sleeping behemoth. Kory positioned herself over the bed and dropped down, landing soundlessly on the mattress just below the woman’s outstretched sweaty arm. The smell of sex and sweat, immediately assaulted Kory’s sensitive nostrils. Kory slowly slunk towards the woman’s outstretched right arm, aware of her heavy breathing as Kory passed her ribs. Just under the woman’s sweaty armpit was the form of Matilda, curled up into a ball. Kory crept up to Matilda, now roughly half Kory’s height. She gently cupped a hand over Matilda’s mouth and motioned for her to remain quiet as her friend jolted in surprise. Kory quietly guided Matilda further down the bed towards the giantess’s hip. When they were far enough from the woman’s ears, Matilda leapt into Kory’s arms.

“Careful!” Kory stuttered, recovering her balance after catching Matilda.

"I never thought I’d see you again!” Matilda said, as Kory set her down, “Or that I’d ever be small enough for you to hold in your arms.”

“Yeah, me neither,” Kory blushed, rubbing an arm behind her head, awkwardly noting that while the nude Matilda was half her height, her breasts were still larger than Kory’s. “What happened? Short version, please?”

“Short? Cute. We were following the trail, when this woman stepped onto the path. She cast spell and we woke up shrunk here. She’s a succubus and is shrinking people to slowly drain the life from. Her pheromones entrap people with arousal. She has dozens of people!”

“I saw. Wait here, I’m going for Marcus,” Kory said, turning to look at the massive body before her.

She approached the massive ass on the bed, looking for an opening. She saw a small gap formed from where the succubus’s ample ass met the bed.

“This is crazy…” Kory reluctantly crawled into the narrow opening. Lying flat on her stomach, she crawled until she saw the woman’s crack pressing into the bed. She could see a twitching arm sticking out. Taking a deep breath, she crawled towards it. She got a strong grip and began to pull. The ass was heavy, but thankfully the cheek was soft enough for her to pull Marcus free. He was unconscious, but alive. She dragged him out from under the sleeping succubus to Matilda.

“That’s Marcus. Where're the others?” Kory asked, dreading the answer.

“Well,” Matilda began awkwardly. “She found Gerald extremely attractive and said he’d have the ‘honor’ or pleasuring her from within.”

Kory hated to admit, but she could understand. She wouldn’t mind doing that to him herself…

“She said Burry was being a pain in the ass and she… shoved him up her ass.” Matilda finished solemnly.


Kory sighed, her shoulders and wings slumping. She’d go for Gerald first. She fluttered up and gently landed in the unruly red bush that surrounded the woman’s vulva. The heat and smell of sex were overpowering to Kory, stirring lust deep within her. She crawled towards the sticky and soaked vagina. Steam rose from the engorged and flushed lips. Kory worried about stimulating the sleeping monster. The lips were slightly open, but Kory could only see darkness within. With a pained grimace, she rolled up her sleeves and slid her left arm into the woman, pushing past the folds of her vagina until she hit something. That something jerked in fear and disappeared from her reach as the vaginal muscles clamped down on them both. A low moan escaped the woman, causing Kory to freeze.

The walls finally relaxed as the woman’s body sunk deeper into the mattress.

“Must’ve felt real good…” Kory muttered bitterly.

Taking a deep breath, she lowered her upper body into the mighty snatch, spreading her wings to anchor herself as she grabbed Gerald’s legs with both hands. Struggling to fight against the woman’s mighty walls pulsing around her upper body, she finally managed to pull Gerald free as a deluge of feminine juices washed over them.

“I just made the witch cum. I’m demanding extra pay, boss.” She spat as she flew Gerald to safety. He merely nodded in agreement. Once they regrouped, Kory shrugged, “Ok, time to go.”

“We can’t leave Burry behind.” Gerald said, nursing an injured arm.

Kory looked at the exhausted faces of her party.

“But I’m all sticky!” she whined. No response, only judgmental looks. “Fine, I’ll save the bastard.”

Once again Kory found herself under the giantess, only now the woman had turned slightly, so it was easier to fit between her cheeks. The lubrication from the cum helped too. Eventually, she reached the dark asshole and had to stifle a chuckle at what she saw. Sticking out of the clenched anus was a long braided Dwarven beard. With an evil grin, Kory took a grip on the matted, braided hair and pulled. There was some resistance but eventually the head of a screaming dwarf appeared. Thankfully, the cheeks were so dense it muffled the screams. Kory retrieved the cussing, slimy and sticky Burry, taking him to the others.

“Who’s not pulling their weight now?” She teased.

When they regrouped, Kory took a moment to appreciate how she now loomed over her friends.

“We have to get out of here!” Gerald said urgently.

“I can’t carry you all. You’re small but still too big for me to carry all of you.” She paused hesitantly. “Unless…”

“Unless…what?” Marcus asked.

“Well, I’m not supposed to use fairy dust on people, but I could shrink you guys?” Kory said nervously.

“Shrink her giant ass!” Burry demanded, pointing to their captor.

“I don’t have enough to shrink a full person. It’s mainly for clothes and stuff. You guys are small enough. I have to warn you—” Kory was cut off by the giantess shifting in bed and turning to face them, starting to stir.

“No time. Do it now!” Gerald demanded.

“Ok,” Kory said reluctantly as she sprinkled the dust on her friends. Instantly, they started to dwindle. And dwindle. Kory breathlessly whispered, “Wow.”

On the bed beneath her were her friends, each half the width of her pinky finger. She stepped towards them, her footsteps causing them to fall. She reached down and scooped them up into her hand, bringing them before her face. They could all fit in her mouth and she probably wouldn’t even notice. They were too small for the average person to likely even see. The giantess stirred in her sleep.

“Shit!” Kory panicked. “Sorry, guys!”

She looked at her outfit, one pouch with shrink powder, a vest covering her breasts and a pouch of junk. Nowhere to put them. In her panic she pulled open her pants and slid her friends to where the tight material would press them against her womanhood. Stifling a moan, she took off into the night, ignoring how good they felt. Hours later she arrived in town and immediately told the officials what transpired. Guards immediately left to deal with the succubus, leaving Kory alone at the inn with her friends. Blushing, she sat on Matilda’s bed and finally pulled them out.

“Sorry.” She said awkwardly.

“It’s okay,” Matilda said, wringing fairy juices from her hair. “Just change us back, please?”

Kory bit her lip and stood up over her friends. “About that. Remember how I said I shouldn’t use fairy dust on people? It’s kinda permanent. Sorry guys, but you’re stuck like this until I figure something out.”