Hidden Helper

by bizyboy00

“Come on, it’s just dinner.”

“Yeah, and what if it goes beyond that? I don’t want to be out all night, listening to you suck face.”

Jason and Ashley bickered back and forth about Ashley’s date tonight. She was an attractive woman, but was never good and figuring out men on dates, especially first dates.

“Look, all I need you to do is give me tips in this hearing piece while we’re at dinner. I’ll even pay for your meal!”

Jason thought about it for a second. “Fine, but on one condition.” He walked over to his closed and pulled out what looked like a toy gun.

“What are you…nope, not happening, not on my date!” Ashley knew exactly where Jason was going. The two of them had been best friends for a long time, so they didn’t have much hidden from each other.

“It’s simple! I’m assuming you’re wearing something open-toed, so just slip me into your toe ring and I’ll go along for the ride. And you won’t even have to buy me dinner.” Having a foot fetish his whole life, Jason and Ashley had indulged each other’s fantasies when it came to feet and giant role playing. Though they never dated, they were about as close as best friends could be without being an official couple.

Ashley sighed. “Fine…fine, if it will get you to come help me, I’ll go along with it. But I swear, if you get loose and start making me horny by licking my toes…”

“I got it, I got it, no toe licking.” Jason held his hands up in front of him in surrender to that fact. Then he took the toy gun and handed it over to Ashley. “Alright, you know what to do. I’d say set the timer to 4 hours, just in case dessert goes long.”

Working over the shrink gun as she has multiple times before, Ashley entered 4 hours into the growth timer. “You got the emergency bracelet on in case we go long?”

Jason held up his arm. “Yup, all set.”

“Ok, here we go.” Ashley charged the gun and pointed it at Jason. When the meter showed green, she pulled the trigger, sending a blue beam of light out at her friend. A few seconds later, the beam ceased, and Jason’s figure disappeared. Ashley put the gun down on the coffee table and walked over to the small figure lying on the floor. “Everything ok?”

A groan came through the small earpiece in Ashley’s right ear. **Ugh, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that**

“Oh, suck it up, you little baby,” Ashley replied. “It’s not like you haven’t been through worse. Remember the time I accidentally stepped on you and thought I killed you?”

Jason sighed again. **Don’t remind me. That’s the one time I was glad the physics of molecule compression was on my side**

Ashley chuckled as she slid her sandal-clad foot in front of her tiny friend. She picked him up and placed him on the top of her foot. “Hop on and strap yourself inside my toe ring. I don’t want to be late.” She could feel all of Jason’s movements as he walked across her foot and squeezed under the stretchy band of the toe ring on her second toe that he gave her for her last birthday. Once he was secure, Ashley wiggled her toes a bit. “All set?”

   **Ready as ever**

By now, Jason was used to the ups and downs of a giantess’ walking. At least it was the summertime and he wasn’t trapped inside a shoe or sock getting all sweaty.

When Ashley got to the restaurant, her date was already there. “Hey, you must be Mark,” she said.

“And you must be Ashley, nice to finally meet you.”

Jason looked up at the man after the two hugged and got a glimpse at him. **Oh man, this is your date? You’ve been on the same dating site for years, and THIS is the best that you could--** Jason was cut off as Ashley lifted and scrunched her toes hard a few times, the typical signal for him to shut up.

The couple was taken to their table in a corner of the restaurant. “I, uh, asked if they could seat us somewhere away from the families with babies. They can get a little out of hand sometimes.”

“Smart thinking,” Ashley said.

   **Not a bad idea, I like how he thinks so far**

“I’ve never been here, what’s good?” Ashley continued.

“Well,” Mark started, “it’s been a couple years since I’ve been here, but they are known for their meat selections.”

**Giggity** Another few scrunches from Ashley. **Man, you’re no fun tonight**

“So, uh…you mentioned that you work for a tech company or something, right?” Ashley asked, trying to ignore Jason’s sarcastic statements.

“Something like that,” Mark replied. “I’m an IT manager for a company that manages payrolls for private businesses.”


The rest of the dinner went on with Jason giving Ashley some pointers on what to say here and there. After they were done, the couple got up and left the restaurant and decided to go for a walk through the city. They continued to talk about work, family, even a little bit of sports (even though Ashley wasn’t a big sports fan). Even Jason was starting to like the guy. Although there were a few times where he thought that what Mark said was a little odd or not something that was up Ashely’s alley, overall, he liked what he was hearing and seeing. Jason was even alright with them holding hands during the walk.

As the walk drew on, Ashely looked down at her watch and noticed that the 4-hour timer was close to the end. “Well, this has been a wonderful night, but I’m getting a bit tired. Mind if we head back?”

“Sure, no problem. Let’s, uh…let’s head down this way, I think it’s a shortcut back to the parking lot.”

   **A shortcut? Didn’t we mostly walk down the road one way?**

Mark led Ashley down a side road, then took another turn into an alley.

“Uh, this is kind of creepy. Where are we?” Ashley cautiously asked.

   **Ashley, can you hear me? I don’t like this!**

Mark stopped and took Ashley’s hand tightly in his. “I, uh…this was a really great night, far better than I thought it would go. I was wondering if…you know, if we could…”

“What…make out?”


“No, I mean…you know…let’s do it, baby.” Mark pulled Ashley close and started kissing her. Ashley immediately tried to push him away, but Mark was stronger than her and held on tightly to her. The more she struggled, the harder Mark held on. Eventually, he got her up against the wall and started putting his hands in other places on her.

“NO! STOP!” Ashley tried to scream out for help, but Mark knocked her down to the ground, also knocking her purse with the pepper spray in it away from her. “WHY!?” Ashley got up and kicked her foot upwards to hit Mark’s crotch, but he was quicker than her. He grabbed her leg and pushed her back down to the ground with her own leg. The fall made Ashley hit her head on the ground, causing her to lose her senses for a minute.

“There you go, no sense in struggling.” Mark was bent over Ashley’s limp body. He reached down and started to pull Ashley’s shirt over her head. “Don’t you think it’s a little hot out tonight? Oh wait, that’s just me.” Mark’s sick jokes rang though Ashley’s echoed hearing. She looked up through teary eyes to see her assailant.

“You put up a nice fight, sweetie. That’s what I love about you: you don’t quit. But neither do I! What do you have to say about that?”

“I say you’re a fucking loser!”

Jason’s voice came out of nowhere, and as Mark spun around, so did Jason’s fist. The punch landed squarely across Mark’s face, sending him stumbling backwards. Before Mark could get his bearings, Jason dropped him to the ground and pounded his face in a few more times for good measure, knocking him out cold on the last one.

Ashley rolled over to see what was going on. She thought she heard Jason’s voice, but thought that was just him yelling from her toe ring. However, when she picked her head up and brushed her hair aside, she saw Jason’s normal-sized figure reaching down and picking her up. “Jason!” she managed to cry out.

“C’mon, let’s go!” Jason stated as he rushed down the alley with her. They got back to the main street and hid around the corner in front of a closed store. Jason sat her down on the bench in front of the store and held her as she cried into his chest.

“Shh, I’ve got you,” he calmly said. From down the road, Jason could hear the siren and see the flashing lights of a police car approach where they were. It pulled over right in front of the alley and two officers got out. One of the officers started walking down the alley with a flashlight up while the other came up to the bench.

“I’m Officer Hayes, were you the one who called 911?”

“Yes, I’m Jason Knight, this is Ashley Palmer. The guy that just assaulted her is down that alley.” Jason gestured with his head while Ashley looked up from his embrace.

“Need you down here, Hayes,” a voice said over the radio.

“On my way,” Hayes replied. “Wait here.” Jason nodded as the officer headed down the alley.

He looked down at Ashley, who was still crying. He met her eyes and just looked at them for a minute. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

“Y-you didn’t d-do anything wrong,” Ashley replied. “If it wasn’t for you, he probably…” She couldn’t finish the sentence, but it didn’t need to be said.

“Ma’am, is this your shirt?”

Ashley looked up as Officer Hayes was holding up the shirt that was pulled off her, followed by the other officer escorting a barely-walking Mark. Ashley didn’t respond, she just got up in an angry rage, grabbed the shirt, and nearly got a swing off at Mark before Jason held her back and Officer Hayes jumped in.

“Easy, ma’am.”

“He nearly fucking raped me! Get him away from me!”

The officers put Mark in their car and waited for another police car to bring Jason and Ashley down to the station. While they waited, Ashley stayed buried in Jason’s arms.

“Jason, how…what did you do back there?”

“Once I realized what was happening, I squeezed out of your toe ring. I tried to activate the emergency regrow, but it wouldn’t work, so I had to wait until the clock ran down to zero. Thankfully, it was close to zero when this all started. In the meantime, I called 911 and told them to get here as soon as possible. After I grew, I smacked him a few times…I’m so sorry this happened, I--”

Jason’s words were stopped by a kiss from Ashley right on his lips. Stunned, he didn’t know what to say, but this time, Ashley did the talking.

“My boyfriend has nothing to apologize for.”