The Little Experiment

by Ryan the Rebel

“I'm so sorry Jayne.”

“It's okay Max,” she answered, “There was no other way.”

“No,” Max sighed, “there was, but I was too thick headed to see it.”

Max Power, the all-American superspy suddenly had a sense of shame? Jayne Little wasn't prepared for this change in attitude. Max had never met a bad innuendo that he didn't like, but there was also a confident and honorable side to him. Now he sat in the bound to a chair in the right hand corner of the lab looking like an elementary school student in a time out.

Jayne wasn't fairing much better. The young buxom brunet was strapped to a table that was at a 145-degree angle facing the business end of end invention she considered to be her pride and joy. A large machine that looked like a cross between a cannon and syringe. She called it the Atomic Molecular Rescaler.”

“There's no use wallowing in regret, Max,” said Jayne.

“I know, I just wish I had something my sleeve to get out of this.”

“The CIA isn't big on fancy gadgets, I take it?”

“Yeah, the Brits get all the fun shit.”

Jayne chuckled, “We do have the Rescaler.”

“And?” Max asked.

“And we finally have it.”

Max tilted his head like a confused dog.

Jayne rolled her eyes.

“I love you Max, but you can be so slow on the uptake.”

“Wait, you’ve got a plan?” he exclaimed, but then the door to the lab swung open and a harsh cackle followed.

“I did,” Jayne sighed.

In walked a short, thin, blond haired, blue eyed early middle-aged man with what might’ve been the most unpleasant smile in existence. He was escorted by four men armed with 9mm submachine guns and dressed in uniforms that evoked something that Max and Jayne had thought was dead since they were five years old.

“A plan you say?” the devilish little man asked, “Would you care to elaborate Miss Little?”

“Shove it Lutze,” Jayne growled.

“Now is that any way to talk to your superior?”

“Do you really think I’ll work for Totemkomf after you took the Rescaler away from me?”

“You lacked vision my dear. This astonishing piece of technology is at your disposal and what do you do with it? You indulge in silly flights of fancy with it.”

He pointed to the Rescaler resentfully.

“Think about what my organization could actually do with this device of yours.”

“Here we go,” sighed Max, “Want to give us another rant about the second or is this the third coming of the master race?”

“Please keep your wit in check Mr. Power,” Lutze replied as he pulled a .45 longslide pistol from his belt, “I’m afraid your life may depend on it.”

“I’m used to assholes like you threatening me like this. Learn a new note.”

“Is that so?” said Lutze as he turned the gun towards Jayne, “What about those you care about?”

“Okay, I get it” Max sighed in defeat, “Look, if you want someone to shoot, I’m right here.”

“Ah, you Americans. Even after twenty-two years you’re all bluster, and no balls. You can relax. I'm not going to shoot your precious girlfriend with this. I have something better in mind.”

Lutze stepped behind the control console of the Rescaler.

“You don’t even know how to work it,” she replied sharply.

“I’m afraid you are sorely mistaken my dear,” said Lutze, reaching into his right pocket to produce a small booklet.

“I thought you destroyed all your notes,” Max gasped.

“I did,” Jayne protested.

“And yet you left this in your old office,” Lutze proclaimed happily, “I used to think you were the perfect mix of beauty of brains Miss Little, but you put everything in this thing. How to properly calibrate the machine, what powers it, designs for outfits that change size with anyone who’s been affected by the device and you were even kind enough to leave specific instructions on how to shrink someone to 9.8 inches. How wonderfully specific of you.”

The machine began to hum to life as Lutze’s fingers danced happily on the controls.

Jayne took a deep breath and braced herself while Max looked on helplessly.

“Are you ready to live down to your name Miss Little?” Lutze asked smugly.

“In a way,” Jayne answered with a subtle hint of sarcasm in her voice that went unnoticed by Lutze and his men.

“Excellent,” Lutze declared as he hit the machine’s ignition switch.

A bright beam of whitish blue energy erupted from the Rescaler’s needle-like antenna and struck Jayne with such force that she gasped loudly as if she was punched in the gut. Max watched horrified by the power of the machine before the device abruptly died down and the beam dissipated.

Jayne still sat bound to the platform.

“That’s it?” one of Lutze's men asked.

“It can’t be,” the aged Nazi declared, “I followed the notes to the letter.”

“Yes, you did.”

Lutze marched over to Jayne all the while shouting, “What is the meaning of this? You tested this before, yes?”

“I have but not on people not until now.”

Jayne then jolted as she was struck by cattle prod. Her eyes widened and a smile started to creep across her face. It was at that moment that Lutze began to notice that the restraints and her lab uniform seemed to tighten around her.

“And I couldn’t have asked for a better assistant,” she said with quiet flippancy.

The restraints snapped off and her lab coat began to tear, slowly revealing her growing voluptuous body. Jayne jumped of the table and on her feet with a loud *THUMP* that echoed throughout the lab. She relished in her growth as the last remnants of her old lab uniform was completely destroyed and revealed that underneath was a bikini like outfit that clung and grew with her. Not unlike some of the plans Lutze found in the booklet.

Lutze drew Max’s sidearm and yelled to his cronies, “Don’t just stand there! Shoot her!”

Jayne stomped her foot on the ground before any one of them could get off a shot. The room trembled and the five men fell to the floor.

Lutze picked himself up in a panic and screamed at his minions, “Get out of here! Sound the Alarm.”

The four men rushed out of the lab while Lutze lunged towards the controls of Rescaler, only to have the entire machine yanked away by the 25-foot-tall Jayne Little.

“Now, now” she said smugly, “I let you have your fun.”

“Fun?!” Lutze shouted and fired the .45 wildly in Jaynes face. She flinched as four bullets smashed against her cheeks and fell to the ground, smushed.


Max chuckled and Lutze's befuddlement.

“I could’ve sworn I put a live round in there.”

Without hesitation Lutze turned and fired at the American spy. The bullet struck Max in the left shoulder. The pain of the impact caused him to lose balance and topple over.

“MAX!” Jayne shouted in dismay.

Lutze smiled sadistically and rushed over the fallen spy. He tore him from the chair he was bound to and dragged him over the exit of the laboratory. The alarm was already starting to blare, and Jayne was on the verge of panicking.

“Alright Miss,” Lutze paused before continuing, “not-so Little. I strongly suggest you return to your normal size and give yourself up!”

Jayne locked eyes with Max. He saw that confidence was giving away to panic. “Don’t worry,” he mouthed to her, “I got this.”

He then turned his attention to Lutze.

“You know what the problem is with guys like you?” Max asked.

“There are no problems with men like me you wretched shit.”

“Except for one thing,” he grabbed the gun and the two men wrestled for control of it until the weapon went off. Max was finally released and Lutze was screaming in agony.

“You’re all bluster and no balls,” Max declared.

Lutze’s scream turned from one of extreme pain to extreme rage as he lunged toward Max, knocking him to the floor. He wrapped his hands around Max’s neck and throttled him violently. Lutze's face grew more feral until a shadow began loomed over him. Lutze looked up and before he had time to react, Jayne flicked him through the exit of the laboratory.

Max staggered to his feet and looked through the open door. Lutze, with his crotch covered in a thick stain of blood lay flat on his back, surrounded by heavily armed guards. He raised his hand and pointed to the lab entrance.

“Töte diese Bastarde,” he shouted.

Max slammed the door to the lab shut and locked it as gunfire broke out.

He turned and found himself being examined by a pair of massive feminine hands.

“Are you okay?” Jayne asked.

“I’ll make it,” Max answered as he ripped off a chunk of sleeves and made it into a makeshift bandage for his shoulder, “I’d say we’ve got at most a minute before they get in.”

“Indeed,” said Jayne as she reached over to the controls of the Rescaler began to recalibrate it using her index fingernail, “Which is why you need to work this for me.”

“Absolutely,” Max replied as he recovered his pistol and reloaded it, “How big are you gonna get?”

“Big enough to bust out here, wreck Lutze’s operation, and get the hell out of Dodge.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Max.

“Be sure to hit the green button on the right side of the console once I start growing.”


A series of metallic clanks caught Max’s attention. He turned and saw the door to the lab becoming dangerously dented.

“You’ll see,” said Jayne as she squatted in front of the Rescaler.

Max hit the ignition switch. Another bright blue beam shot out from the device and struck Jayne before dissipating. Her growth was much faster this time, and celling strained against the pressure she exuded.

Max hit the green switch as Jayne instructed. The Rescaler glowed a bright red and shrunk to the size of a matchbox car.

“Damn,” he said in surprise.

As he pocketed the device, the door the lab blew open, and the guards poured in. All armed to the teeth. He drew his pistol, and each side was able to get off a handful of shots before they were interrupted by a loud “CRASH.” Jayne burst through the ceiling of the lab and her growth signed no signs of stopping.

Max then found himself engulfed in a cage of fingers and was lifted into the sky as the guards opened fire. He was hoisted into the air so quickly that he nearly got whiplash. The gun fire grew fainter, and the rush died down.


Jayne’s growth stopped as she attained a height of 100 feet. She stepped out of the rubble of the lab into the middle of facilities campus. She took delight in seeing Totemkomf troops scatter in fear, but she was even more delighted to open her hands and see Max Power safe and sound. Her joy was interrupted by more machine gun fire, and several rockets. They were no threat to her, but something needed to be done with Max.

“I’m sorry I didn’t design this suite with any pockets,” she said.

“You sure?” Max asked, “There’s a good one right there.”

He pointed to Jaynes pronounced cleavage. She sighed and stuck him between her breasts head first. Max struggled for a bit before managing to turn himself right-side up.

“Ok, I deserved that.”

Jayne smiled and patted him on the head gently. She looked down at the men firing at her and began to strut through the complex destroying everything in her path while managing to not seriously harm her enemies. She didn’t want to kill any of them, but she wanted to send a message. A message that was punctuated by the sound of her humming “These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ ” loudly.