
by CrushedBoyWonder

“Wow, it really worked. I’m twice as tall now. All I had to do was kill somebody with these cool magic boots,” Denise said as she stepped off the dead man’s throat. She now stood three-and-a-half meters tall in the abandoned warehouse.

She tapped his face with the toe of her stiletto boot. The boots were black patent leather that went up to her knees. She had dark chestnut hair with straight bangs, and bright green eyes. She wore a dark grey sweater dress. The dead man was naked on the floor, bound, and bloody. His throat and testicles looked really bad, and his face was just a mess. There were bruises everywhere.

“What now, Mistress?” Sasha said. She was more demure, had auburn hair and large hipster glasses with transparent frames. She wore black formal and was holding a clipboard and pen.

“Let’s see if it keeps working. Bring me two more.”

Sasha motioned to some beefy dudes in suits, and they dragged in two more naked and bound people. The victims were thrown to the hard concrete floor.

“This was a good idea, by the way, Sasha. The whole, big warehouse, lots of people to sacrifice, all that. This is why you work for me.”

Sasha blushed a bit.

“Anyway...” Denise said, looking down at the two figures. One was a man and one was a woman. She put her boot on the man’s face. It was larger than his head.

* * *

“Unh, wow. Growing feels like, really fucking good. I’m totally wet now. I thought the first time maybe I was just being weird, but it definitely gets me going when I grow.” Denise was seven meters tall.

Sasha, about knee-height to her, blushed harder and pushed her glasses up. She motioned to the men to drag away the bodies, which were covered in blood and deep purple bruises. Their noses, fingers, and genitals were crushed. Two more guards appeared, and they each brought in a victim who was thrown to the ground.

“I have to kill four now, huh?” Denise said.

“Yes Mistress,” Sasha replied, “The number of sacrifices required doubles each time you double in size.”

“Okay then…” She pushed one of them down with her foot and stepped on its head, but nothing happened except for desperate clawing at her boot. She had to shift her weight forward and onto one foot before the head crunched and squirted brains out.

The next one tried to scoot away. Denise sank her heel onto its dick and balls, which squished like little peas, making her smile. It clutched at her ankle, screaming, and with her other foot she pushed it onto its back and crushed its head, twisting it into mush.

The third sacrifice was trying to crawl. Denise stepped on its back, feeling little ribs snap like twigs. Watching it wriggle under her foot made her smile again as she studied it with tilted head. Then she pressed down on its legs with her other foot and dragged back, ripping them off the body. She stepped off, letting it weakly try to pull itself along the floor with its arms.

The last of the four sacrifices was on its knees, hands help up praying to Denise for mercy. She stood over it, straddling it with her hands on her hips, smirking.

“Good. Pray to me,” she said. She raised her boot, steadying herself on a nearby support column with her hand, and held her sole over it. “Kiss it.” After enjoying that for a while, she snapped her fingers (which was very loud and echoed through the empty warehouse) and some of the bodyguards hustled over to her. “Hold him steady there boys,” Denise said. Then she extended her heel to the sacrifice. “Open your mouth. I’m going to fuck you with my heel.” She pressed down and her heel broke several of the victim’s teeth and jaw, and there was a brief scream before it filled the victim’s throat, its neck bulging. Denise shoved down and pulled up. The body guards struggled to keep the victim steady, who was being lifted up off its knees, before she plunged down again, sinking her heel into its chest. She giggled as she heel-fucked his body over and over again until the jawless head fell limp and she finally pressed down all the way to the floor, crunching the pelvis into dust. The two body guards clutching the victim’s arms tumbled away as its body split in half.

Denise stood for a moment, waiting. “It’s not working?”

Sasha pointed with her pen at the legless victim still crawling away.

“Oh, well, for fuck’s sake!” Denise said. She strode over to it and lifted her foot high in the air. At that point, the victim lifted its head one last time and expired. Denise immediately started growing, almost losing her balance and pinwheeling her arms a bit. She caught herself against another support beam which bowed, and then she moaned loudly in pleasure at the sensation as she expanded and rose to a full fourteen meters tall.

Eventually she caught her breath, and looked down at all the little people, who were barely ankle height now. “Wow… so uh… eight?”

* * *

“Six…” Denise said, kicking a little victim so hard it flew across the floor and splattered against a support column.

“Seven…” She planted both boots on one and split it in half, twisting it apart.


The last one she held down under one foot, and with her other, carefully lowered her heel onto its face, crunching it. its brains squished out and curled up around the tip, and one eyeball was stuck to the shaft.

“…nnnn oh fuck−”

This time when she burst upward she knocked two columns away and doubled over, her knees weak at the waves of pleasure, hands clutched between her legs. It was good she had bent over or head may have popped through the roof of the building. She was whining slightly and sweaty, and the aroma of her wetness permeated the warehouse. She was forty-eight meters tall.

“Oh my God,” she said, panting. “I fucking love this. Oh, look at you little ones down there… how many now, sixteen?”

More bodyguards had filled the building now, with billy clubs, guiding in a stream of bound victims and shoving them to the ground one by one.

“I think…” She said, stepping forward, a little hunched over. The ground shook beneath her. “...I can finally…” Another step and she was looming over them. “ it in one step.”

She stepped casually on a tiny victim, and its whole body squished under her boot. She grinned and twisted her foot back and forth as the other victims erupted into screams and panic. She lifted her boot up and looked at the sole, which was just covered in bloody slime. The sight of that instilled absolute terror in those below, and the victims started to run.

“Hold still,” Denise commanded, her voice booming, and started stomping down left and right, sacrifices crunching with each step.

A bodyguard tackled a victim to the ground, and Denise swiftly stomped down on them both, her boot sliding forward on the slick gore.

“Whoops,” she said, but continued stomping.

* * *

“There you are,” Denise said to the last sacrifice who was cowering in a corner. She put her hands on the walls on either side and extended her toe down into the corner.

“Mistress, please, wait a moment?” Sasha said. “Once you kill that one, you will burst through the roof at your next growth—which would be fine if you wish—but the public will see you and it will be more difficult to achieve our− your goals. If you made your grand entrance at twice that height, I think it would be much more effective.”

“Oh, okay,” Denise said, “Yeah, that makes sense ‘cause I can squish them easier.”

“Exactly. I promise we will keep the sacrifices under control this time.”

Denise sat down, stretched out her leg and turned it sideways so she could carefully scrunch the little one into the corner with the toe of her boot.

Her immediate moans quickly turned into gasps of pleasure and she arched her back as she grew. Her leg burst through the wall of the building, two more support beams exploded and, even sitting, her face almost touched the ceiling.

She groaned, panting. “These panties are fucking done.”

* * *

“Eighteen… nineteen… twenty… twenty-one…” Denise reclined, leaning on her arms with one knee raised, and her heel rising and falling in a slow, steady rhythm. A line of people led to her foot. Each time the towering pillar rose, the bodyguards would push a bound sacrifice to the ground underneath it, where an X was barely visible under a huge pool of blood and viscera. Then she would crush them under her heel. She wasn’t even watching any more.

Sasha knew they were nearing the next growth spurt and climbed onto Denise’s shoulder.

“Oh, hey there, little one,” Denise said. She paused silently then cursed and said “Damnit, I lost count. Oh well…” and continued crushing.

* * *

Denise exploded out of the warehouse, crying out in ecstasy as she orgasmed and grew to a hundred and twelve meters long.

She lay there for some time basking in the afterglow, before finally standing up. She was taller than all the surrounding buildings. She looked around. There were a few tiny little people staring up at her in awe. She stepped on a small group of them, crushing them all at once, and ground them into the pavement under her boot. Then she headed toward the tall buildings in the distance, where the crowds would be thickest.