Diary of Growth

by ProphetofGreed

Day 1: Today I start out my experimental drug program to get taller. I had always contemplated it especially since I’m only 5’3 but today I got the drugs and took my first dose. I did tell my boyfriend Ryan about my feelings about my height. I’m not sure how he would feel about this. I’ll be writing my progress in this diary to log my feelings through this growth. My goal is to be as tall as Ryan at 6’1.

Day 2: I don’t feel any different but I was warned that it would be a slow and gradual process. Probably won’t bother with daily entries.

Day 5: I continue the recommended dosage but the growth has been slow so far. Only one inch so far. A bit disappointing but that type of growth in 4 days is remarkable.

Day 8: I’m 5’6 now as I had a bit more of a spurt when I took a faster dosage (I usually take my pills in the morning but took one before bed yesterday). The doctor told me to only take one pill per day but could that be restricting the growth. He did say it would take 1-2 months of this treatment to get to 6 feet.

Day 12: Ryan has noticed my growth a bit and has been enjoying having more of me to cuddle on the couch. He’s gone on a work trip for a week so I’ve decided to double the dosages to boost the growth like I said in the last entry. That way it could be a surprise when he comes home. I can’t wait to be eye to eye with him.

Day 18: Just a day before Ryan returns and the double dosage worked! I’m now 5’11, growing half an inch per day. I had to get some new clothes today so I didn’t have anything too small when Ryan returns. Walking by girls that were 5’3 made me realize how far I’ve come.

Day 19: Ryan came home… and he wasn’t happy to find me grown 6 inches at 6 feet tall. He told me that he was betrayed by how I did the treatment without telling him. I told him I wanted it to be a surprise but he didn’t listen. I’m going to stop the dosages for now and try to explain myself. I was nearly done with the bottle anyways.

Day 21: Ryan had forgiven me after some time to decompress and a nice cooked steak for him. He started to get accustomed to my new size tonight, stating that there was more to love now. I was overjoyed that he forgave me. I threw away the last of my pills so this should be my last entry in the diary. I finished my growth to 6’1, just as was planned, just faster than expected.

Day 23: Something’s wrong. 4 days after my last dosage of the growth pills, I’m still growing since I noticed that I was looking down slightly to Ryan. I secretly went to the doctor and explained myself. He took some blood and sent it to be tested. Hopefully I’ll have some answers…

Day 27: More tests after the blood test showed more than usual growth hormones in my blood, my brain showing a pulsing pituitary gland, larger than regular size for a person. He told me that it should’ve gone back to normal by now. But my body seems to be building the hormones that the pills created. He thinks that it should go away eventually, I hope so because Ryan is becoming a bit uneasy with the growth. I’m nearly 6’4, so I do look really different compared to a month ago.

Day 34: The doctor thinks that the double dosage has created a side effect of making my pituitary gland to build hormones like I’m starting puberty again. Only I had already had gone through it so I’m going through another growth spurt. He gave me some hormone pills that should dampen the effects of my growth that only gets worse with time. My breasts are getting bigger even without factoring in the size difference change. And at 6’6 they’re nearly E cups when I used to wear B cup bras. I’m starting to get uneasy at the idea of this growth not stopping.

Day 39: The pills aren’t working to stop my growth, it’s only getting worse. I’m nearly 7 feet tall now, towering over people with ease. I make Ryan look puny compared to me, and whenever we’ve had sex I’ve started to dominate him with my new-found strength. The doctor is looking to specialist for help because he’s running out of ideas. I now feel too strange out in public so I’m mostly staying at home. My appetite is becoming inescapable as I get hungry more frequently. Seems the growth needs calories and when I’ve tried to stop myself I only feel like a hole is being carved out of my stomach. It’s too much to take so I have to eat to fill it.

Day 45: I’m 7’3 now. Poor Ryan is nearly below my newly F cup breasts. My curves have become increasingly extreme from the pulsing hormones in my body and my metabolism running like a freight train to convert any calorie into something of use. Sure, it makes me feel sexy but my growth and increasing size only pushes me away from Ryan and society as a whole. I see how he looks at me in fear if I ever move too fast. Flinching if I come out from behind the door. I’m angry at myself that I took my size for granted and now scare the person I love the most. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this low.

Day 60: I had abandoned the diary since there wasn’t much to report. The experts call me a scientific marvel as I’m past 9 feet tall, a foot taller than the tallest woman in history. Growing bigger each day. Some news people wait outside my home now, trying to get a glimpse of me at every chance they get. I only go outside when I desperately need too since the stares get to me, making me feel more like a freak of nature than human. Ryan tries his best to comfort me with words but stay at arms length to me.

Day 62: I think Ryan is starting to resent me, the constant food errands for me are getting more extreme as I continue to eat more food every day. The way he looks at me is making me uneasy. He barely spends time at home, always with an excuse to go out…

Day 63: I confronted Ryan about it and got into a fight. I nearly struck him in my rage after he called me a freak. He ran out of the house in fear. At 9’6 the living room was becoming too small for me to curl up and cry. I then realized that I was 1 foot away from doubling my height. It was the saddest realization I had. My life is becoming a living nightmare with this constant growing.

Day 64: Ryan still hasn’t returned, I don’t think he’s ever coming back.

Day 72: Once I got past 10 feet tall Ryan returned, a ghostly look on his face when he saw me. I tried my best to apologize but he was apathetic. I’m trying to figure out why he returned. But nothing could come to mind. Maybe he regrets what he said?

Day 75: Ryan may be living back at home with me but he’s sleeping in a separate room since I take up too much space with my makeshift bed of two queen sized mattresses. He’s constantly going out returning late in the night. When he’s here, he will be constantly looking at his phone, barely making any effort to interact with me, even when he does it’s distant.

Day 77: Things are getting worse again between me and Ryan. I’ve reached double my original height, a towering 10’6. It’s nearly impossible to write in the diary with my giant fingers and my pens becoming increasingly smaller in them. Ryan seems to have gone back to the way it was two weeks ago. Resenting me, staying away, picking little petty fights with me over and over. With my size I created some order but that only seems to make things worse since I can easily scare Ryan by overpowering him. I’m thinking about trying to get a look at Ryan’s phone, he tries to hide it but someone is contacting him and he’s trying to hide it.

Detective Avery put down the diary and surveyed the scene, seeing the bedroom was a mess of clothes, the bed kicked over and some dents on the walls, mostly looking like elbow marks. Laying against the wall was the lifeless corpse of Ryan, a big hole behind him in the wall, his face messed up with blood dried down his nose, his jaw open and out of shape, the orbital bones around his eyes battered and his eyes barely staying in his face. Both the nose and the jaw obviously broken, maybe some bones around the eye. Avery removed his shirt and exposed a massive purple bruising on his chest with a weird looking shape to it, maybe a fist, but a giant sized one at that. He started to feel around the ribs and found many of them broken, and if he were to guess there would be some that pierced his lungs.

He shook his head and stepped away from the body. His partner came from the bathroom with a prescription bottle. “Found the drug bottle, looks like that experimental growth pills that’s been causing side effects for some people. Nothing like her side effects.” He said handing the empty bottle. Avery looked over the details and handed it back to his partner. “Yeah, looks like he got a bunch of broken ribs, jaw and nose. Maybe some of the spine or neck as well, but the coroner will get a better look once he had an autopsy done.”

Avery stepped away and picked up the diary and bagged it in an evidence bag. “Diary has a lot of info on what probably happened. Looks like she found our victim here was cheating and got angry. With her size he didn’t stand a chance. Based on the diary we can confirm on the victim’s phone logs.”

Avery stepped out of the room and went to the kitchen where the other corpse was laying, the giant amazon of a woman laying on the ground by an upturned kitchen table with bottles of cleaning product like Bleach, Windex and oven cleaner were all empty to the side. Her face was pale with vomit around her lips, neck and chest. Dry tear marks all around her eyes with mascara all smudged and messy. Her figure was a sight to behold but the smell around her was of death, cleaning product and stomach acid, making Avery cough a bit.

He wasn’t looking forward to breaking the news to her parents.