Low Profile

by Oishi1

The stadium was packed. Another sellout crowd for Tony Robbins and his seminar, “Awaken the Giant Within.”

Sadie was in the middle, unnoticed by anyone. Her family paid for her ticket saying she needed to be more assertive. They even got her round trip tickets to Vegas and a nice hotel. She was a wallflower. Being only five feet tall and timid, she barely left an impression. She lost count of the times she had been tripped over, even today. She would go through great lengths to avoid an awkward situation.

Cheers erupted as Tony walked on the stage warming up the crowd.

“Before we begin, I will ask seat number fifty eight C for assistance.”

Sadie held her breath. She was in row C. She looked to her left, fifty-seven, she looked to her right, fifty nine.


A spotlight landed on her and all eyes tracked to it. She tried to hide, but there was nowhere to go. An assistant brought a lapel mike to her. There was loud feedback as he slid it onto her collar. “What is your name, fifty eight C?” Tony asked.

“Um,” more feedback. She blushed, “S-Sadie.”

“Say it with more confidence.”

“S-Sadie,” She whispered.

Tony laughed, “Don’t be shy, you are among friends here. I want you to focus on your inner giant, or giantess as it were. Focus real hard and say your name with command in your voice.”

Sadie closed her eyes. She focused deep within. She mostly wanted to pretend the crowd wasn’t there. She pushed them down in her mind to escape them.

As she imagined them cramming down, she felt a great power well up inside her.


Harsh feedback screamed from the microphone. Her clothes felt tight. She heard ripping sounds and people gasping.

When Sadie dared to open her eyes, she saw that her clothes were shredded and she was ten feet tall. The spotlight was still on her as she scrambled to cover herself. Tony stared in disbelief from the stage.

“How do I make it stop?” Sadie asked as she realized she was still growing.

"I don’t know. Nobody has ever taken it literally before.”

The crowd backed away slowly. Sadie accidentally uprooted a few of the seats as she shuffled her feet. People where filming her with their phones.

“Please,” even in this situation, she couldn’t ask for help. Her head was nearing the ceiling, so she had to duck. Some people ran out the doors, but many of them stared at her transfixed.

She continued to grow. Without thinking, Sadie sat down to avoid the ceiling. She heard a few screams and felt something penetrate her backside. Panicked, she shot up fast, but the feeling in her butthole persisted. Her tension caused whatever it was to shoot inside her before she could see it. She looked down and saw that the people had run to the back, but the chairs were crushed. She sighed with relief thinking it was probably just one of the chairs. Then the wiggling began.

Oh no, what have I done?

Sadie checked her surroundings this time before kneeling and putting her hands on the ground. She was hyper aware of how her breasts swayed. The wiggling continued. Nobody else seemed to notice. She was going to squeeze whoever it was out, but suddenly realized that would cause her to poop in front of all of these people. She had a rough enough night, so she decided to hold them in. Whoever it was would have to wait. She was ashamed to admit it, but it felt really good. The wiggling activated nerve endings she didn’t even know she had.

Sadie had no way to hide her arousal, and no way to relieve herself without causing more trouble.

Tony saw that the others weren’t doing anything to help, so he pulled out his phone and called 911.

At first they didn’t believe him, but several independent videos were shared from people’s phones. Sadie wasn’t aware of this until later, or she would have been mortified. It took YouTube a long time to flag most of the videos as inappropriate.

They heard helicopters over head. A man in a black suit, who despite the lack of uniform was obviously military, came in, from the front door (which was behind Sadie at the moment).

“I thought I’d seen everything,” He said, “Ladies, gentlemen, Tony, Please walk single file to the exit. My associates will debrief you and get you somewhere safe.” They stared at him then sadly complied. Their phones were wiped outside, but most of them didn’t know until they got home.

Tony signaled for Sadie to pick him up. She did as gently as she could, “I’m sorry, ma’am. This has never happened before. I don’t even know what this is.”

“It’s not your fault. I’m sure I did it myself somehow. I can’t help but make things awkward.” She placed him down, and he left with the others.

The man in the black suit stood where he could face her. When she reached to pick him up, he gestured her hand away, “We are working on getting you out of here. Might want to keep your head down,” he walked under her, “All clear.”

Metal creaked and groaned. Debris fell, but Sadie followed instructions and kept her head down. Four helicopters removed the roof.

As the helicopters flew away with the roof, Sadie stared at the man in black, "Who are you?"

"I'm not at liberty to say, ma'am, " he activated his earpiece, "all clear. We need the bigger ones. Must have grown since the video."

"Video?" Sadie asked. He didn't answer. Another helicopter flew overhead.

"I am clear. Send it down," he said. A large white canvas sheet fell on her, "This is the best we could do for clothes in such short notice. Wrap yourself and follow the helicopter. We have blocked up our route for 'construction '."

She wrapped the canvas around her like a sheet and stepped over the wall of the stadium. More men in black were talking to the other patrons of the seminar. Tony was explaining what happened while sipping coffee. Beyond them most of the strip was barren. The lights to the casinos were off. They kept the spotlight just ahead of her as they flew so she could follow down the lonely desert road without causing a scene. After she was away from the strip, it lit up again. They turned off the road and into the desert to avoid substantial damage to the pavement.

After what seemed like hours they landed near an abandoned military hangar. She had to duck to get in the double doors, but she fit, and was able to stand inside.

The original man in black climbed out of a helicopter and followed her in, "we made a bed out of straw and a few tarps. Probably not the most comfortable thing, but we are working on better accommodations just in case this is permanent. That above ground pool over there is your latrine until we work something else out. We will have a doctor look you over tomorrow, and leave it to you if you want to go public or if we need a cover story. We are thinking gas leak at the stadium. Blew the power for the whole strip. You can think about it. Try to get some rest. I have a feeling your life is about to get interesting."

He didn't wait for a reply. He simply left. The other agents closed the door behind him. Sadie was alone with her thoughts.



She suddenly realized she had been holding it for a long time. Pretty much every since she sat down on the-

That's when she remembered. She didn't feel movement. She had lost track of the last time she felt anything.

She decided she might as well get it over with, and squatted over the pool. It didn't take long. She looked down. It was the size of an eighteen-wheeler. She didn't feel anything, but there was nothing unusual about the poop either.

Sadie thought about moving it around or digging in it to see if someone was there, but she decided it would be best for her mental wellbeing to assume she imagined the feeling and just leave it at that.

She tore off some of the canvas and used it to wipe, then laid down on the "bed".

She surprised herself by passing out immediately.

She woke in the morning to sun filtering through the windows and the smell of food wafting through the air. She wiped the sleep from her eyes, stretched, then realized she had an audience and scrambled to pull the canvas over herself.

“We got you a basic pair of clothes,” Mr. not at liberty to say said, “It isn’t much, but if we can come to an agreement, we will get you more.”

“Agreement?” Sadie hastily put on what was more or less a jumpsuit. The pool had been cleaned out. A table had been prepared with piles of food. Her stomach growled, “Excuse me.”

“We have to look at this situation as an opportunity rather than a problem. The US government would like to employ you as a spokesperson and possibly an ambassador. We figure you will need help obtaining amenities that suit your new stature, and Uncle Sam can provide.”

“What are the terms of this arrangement?” Sadie asked. Without asking permission, she began tucking in to the food. She was surprised to realize she relished his look of shock as she downed whole roast pigs easily bigger than him. She ate more than she thought possible. The table was quickly emptied as he stared on.

“I’ll let you iron those details out with the government, but lady, you are going to be a star.”

Sadie laughed, “So much for a low profile,” but as she thought about it, she realized this wasn’t so bad.