Mia Meets Jeff

by johnbart35

Mia loved the supermarket. She got a thrill cooking a scrumptious meal for her boyfriend. He used to eat a lot more. Nowadays, Mia just took more for herself.

Pork tenderloin and rice were already in her cart, she just needed a vegetable. She sauntered over to the spinach. As she tossed a bag into her cart, something bumped into her.

“What the hell?” She growled to herself. Mia was hot tempered when messed with, but when she turned around her anger melted into some other feeling. The feeling you get when you hold a newborn puppy. The feeling you get when a kitten looks at you with those gigantic pupils. The feeling you get when a guy who must’ve been five feet tall bumps straight into your ass and falls down as if he walked into a brick wall (which was the exact situation she was in).

He groaned as he rubbed his head. Mia was entranced with his cuteness. After a couple of seconds of staring at him on the floor, she snapped out of it.

“Oh my god, are you ok sir?” She extended her hand.

“Yeah,” he took her hand, “I’m ok.”

As she pulled him to his feet, she noticed how light he was.

“I’m sorry, I really hope I didn’t hurt you.”

“No, I’ll be fine. I should have been looking where I was going. I’m a klutz,” he gave her a cheeky little grin.

She laughed, “I’m sorry what’s your name?”


“I’m Mia. I’ve always liked that name. Jeff.”

“Thanks, Mia. And can I just say, your body is hard as a rock. Do you work out?”

“As a matter of fact I do. Thanks for noticing,” she let out a girly giggle.

Jeff handed her a business card, “I would love to train you. Gimme a call. See you around.”

He walked away.

“Hey wait! You’re a…personal trainer?” She asked.

“Yeah, everyone is surprised when I tell them. I was married to what they’re calling a ‘size vampire’. That’s why I’m so small now. But no one gets the way of my job, I’ll tell you that much.”

She nodded, “Bye Jeffy, I’ll give a you call.”

“Great! I’ll see you.”

She grinned from ear to ear.

Jeff got a call from Mia the next afternoon. She was so bubbly on the phone that he thought she might have a thing for him. That was weird considering she was a foot and half taller than him, but he decided to go with it. Mia was a beautiful woman. She wanted him to meet her at her house at 6am. She was an early riser just like he was.

The next morning came quickly. He sprang out of bed excited. He did fifteen minutes on the treadmill, some pushups, pull-ups, and the like. He took a hot shower, styled his hair nice, and had a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs. He dressed up in a summery, blue and white striped button down shirt, and dark slacks with brownish shoes and a watch to match. He felt put together. He felt confident.

At 5:58, he arrived. He couldn’t help but notice how nice Mia’s house was. The landscaping was impeccable. There was a beautiful brick walkway leading up to the red front door. The architectural style was that of a Georgian colonial mansion. He wondered what she did for a living to afford such a gargantuan home.

Almost as soon as he knocked on the door she answered it. She hugged him right there on the front stoop, and lifted him into the foyer. He got a tingling feeling that was all too familiar as she bear hugged him.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Jeffy! Since we met, I looked you up, and everyone says you’re amazing!”

He wanted to tell her to stop calling him Jeffy, but couldn’t muster up the courage. He followed her into the kitchen where she offered him coffee. He politely declined.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jeff saw someone walk into the kitchen. He turned around and saw that he was wearing a bathrobe and was incredibly short. Maybe only three feet tall. When his eyes met Mia’s, his expression changed from tired to frightened.

“Carlos! I told you to stay upstairs, remember? I’m meeting with Jeff.”

“Sorry, sweetie-, I mean Mia.”

He dashed out of the kitchen quicker than he had entered.

Jeff climbed a stool at the kitchen table, “So, who’s that?”

With her back turned to him as she brewed her coffee she explained, “Oh, that’s my step-brother, Carlos. I told him to stay upstairs so we could talk and stuff. Of course, he didn’t listen.”

“So he lives with you?” Jeff asked.

“Yeah, he dated a size vampire too. I took him in after that tramp abused him.”

Mia sat down opposite Jeff. He glared into her eyes for a while, and the silence took root. Finally he said, “Why do I get the feeling you’re yanking my chain?”

“Why in the world would I lie?!” She asked putting her hand on his. He felt the tingling feeling again, and he retreated, jumping down from the stool. Jeff was afraid it was happening all over again.

“Tell me what the hell is going on Mia!”

“I admit it! I’m a size vampire, ok! Carlos isn’t my step-brother, he’s my boyfriend!”

“You’re using me to grow, aren’t you?” Jeff asked, outraged.

“No! I promise, that wasn’t the only reason!”

“So it was a reason then?!”

“No, no! Please I really like you Jeffy, and I don’t want-”

“Stop calling me Jeffy! I’m done!”

“Wait!” Mia shouted, “I’ll pay triple your usual rate!”

Jeff turned his head, still scowling.

“Quadruple! I’ll pay anything!”

Jeff walked back to her. She was taller now. In the supermarket, he could see above her breasts. Now he was eye level with them.

“Wanna know what my wife did to me? We were both six feet tall. One day she touched my arm, and I got a tingling sensation. It happened a couple more times before we both realized what it was. She took me in the bedroom, and I ended up the height I am now, and she ended up seven feet tall. I vowed I would never let a woman do that to me again, no matter how beautiful she was.”

“Jeff that’s terrible, but I’m not like that. I want to grow, but I don’t want to assault a man to do it. I want you help to grow into an amazon of your own volition. Trust me, I will compensate you. And wait, did you call me beautiful just now?” She beamed.

“What?! Are you serious? I tell you a story about how my wife stole my height and that’s what you take away from it?”

“So I’m not beautiful?” Mia frowned sarcastically.

“No, of course you’re beautiful. But can we just…talk business.”

“As you wish, Jeffy.”

Jeff agreed to help her grow, but he wanted a lot of money for it. He also said he wouldn’t shrink past three feet tall, which would give her, at most, another two feet in height. They both agreed to these terms.

“I’ll bring this to my lawyer,” Jeff said.

“What’s his name?”

“John Brennan. If you have any questions, call him. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye Jeffy!” She hugged him again. The tingling returned, but he let it happen this time. As traumatic as his experience was with his wife, the feeling of shrinking right in front of Mia got him off. It was utterly euphoric.

Mia was ecstatic. But as much as she had gained, it wasn’t enough. She paid Mr. Brennan a visit at his office. Mia noticed his height. Perhaps 5’10” or so.

“So what is it you want to discuss, Ms. Sand?”

“Call me Mia. And I wanted to see the contract. Just to, you know, make sure it’s all there in writing.”

“Certainly Mia. Here it is.”

It was a five page long document. She pretended to read it for a minute, then ripped it up. Mr. Brennan was dumbfounded.

“Why are you here Mia?” He asked.

“Where are the copies, little guy?”

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t play dumb,” Mia snarled, “I know you lawyers keep copies. Where are they?!”

Mr. Brennan didn’t answer, and instead, reached for the phone. Unfortunately, he was too slow. Mia grabbed it and effortlessly smashed it over her knee. Mr. Brennan was frightened by this show of extraordinary strength. She leaned over his desk, took his chin in her hand, and whispered in his ear, “Whassamatter Johnny, never met a girl 10 times stronger than ya before?”

Mr. Brennan felt the tingling now that Mia was touching him.

“Listen,” he said, “I don’t know what you’re trying to do here. You’re obviously not satisfied with contract, let’s sit down, and amend it. We can bring your new terms to Jeff, and see what-”

“Shut up! I’ll be satisfied when that contract is ripped to shreds. Are you gonna make this easy, or am I gonna have to get physical?” Mia asked.

Mr. Brennan tried to get up, but Mia held him down. She gagged him with her scarf and tied him to his chair using his suit jacket. He made muffled screams through her scarf, but they were to no avail.

Mia went to the receptionist’s desk, and cooked up a story about how she, Mr. Brennan, and Jeff via phone, were discussing the contract. Mia insisted they not be disturbed.

When she returned to the lawyer’s office, he had fallen over in his chair. “Oh little Johnny, if only you knew how serious I was.”

He screamed as she plopped her round, plump, scrumptious, historic ass on his face.

“I hope you like big butts, Johnny, cuz when boys get excited, they make me grow even faster!”

She ground her ass all up on him, and soon a tent formed in his pants.

“Ooooh, I feel it! Give me more, Johnny. I want to be a giantess!”

There was a mirror in front of Mia, so she could see herself growing. Her arms, her hips, her boobs, her ass—they were inflating and growing even more defined, huge and strong. She started massaging Johnny’s dick, and she saw herself grow rapidly. She shot up two inches as he came in his pants.

She stood over the much smaller lawyer and said, “If you scream, I will sit on your face until you’re the size of a mouse.”

She un-gagged him. “Tell me what I want to know. If you tell me, I will not shrink you another inch.”

“Fine! They’re in the locked file cabinet over there, The key is in my right pocket.”

She unlocked the file cabinet, and destroyed all ten copies of the contract. Then she unbound Mr. Brennan, allowing him to stand.

“Oooh, you are a munchkin now!” Mia giggled as she bopped his nose with her finger. His head was beneath her boobs now, but before his head was above her shoulder.

“Just leave. I swear I won’t tell anyone about what happened here,” Mr. Brennan said.

“We’re not done, Johnny. You see, I’m a nice girl when I get what I want. So here.”

She gave him a stack of cash.

“What the hell’s this?”

“That, my dear Johnny, is enough money to cover your regrowth therapy and some extra for being so cooperative in the end. Keep your lips sealed. Is that clear?”


“Good. I’ll be on my way now.”

Mia walked over to the door, which she had to duck under to get through.

“I’d invest in higher ceilings, Johnny. I’m sure you’ll be getting more growth contracts soon. And maybe better security too, so another girl like me can’t take advantage of you again. Size vampires are going to rule the world,” Mia said.