On the Edge

by masked collager

They had barely started when she felt herself being swept away. She screamed as the orgasm washed over her like a flood. It felt as if electricity was surging through her body. She had never climax so early. Her lover was good, attentive to her every need, and blessed with an amazing body. However, he wasn’t this good. The orgasm rushing through her body was beyond anything she experienced before. Her curiosity over its suddenness vanished as the final moments of bliss shut down conscious thought and sent shudders down her body. Moments passed before the contractions subsided and she regained focus. Breathing heavily, her eyes opened to thin slits, she saw her lovers face, eyes closed, lost in primal lust, focused on the sensation of his cock sliding against her wet lips. Above him was the full moon and stars, beneath her a thin sleeping bag. The night was cool, a light breeze, the quiet drone of the forest on an Indian summer night.

This was unusual, her lover wasn’t finished. It was rare that they climaxed simultaneously. When his spent manhood could no long quench her lust, he was generous to finish her with his tongue. “Good”, she thought, she was still hungry, she wanted more. As the last waves of euphoria left her, she felt the makings of an even greater orgasm stirring inside. “More” she whispered, “Harder!” Closing her eyes, she felt her lover thrusting faster and with greater force. His lips kissing and sucking on her erect nipples. The weight of his muscled body pinning her to the ground. She focused on the small tickling sensation dancing between her clit and belly. Her lover’s rhythmic thrusts stoked this energy, nurtured it. She felt it growing, getting stronger, coalescing into a tiny ball. If she could just catch it, hold it... She concentrated, thinking of her lover’s body, his lean muscular build, his firm ass, the scruff on his chiseled jaw, his musky smell. The ball of energy grew, a slight roaring sound like the sound inside a seashell filled her ears and drowned out the world. As her lover passionately worshipped her body, tingling sensations climbed up her legs and arms. With her eyes closed and her hearing dulled, her focus was drawn to the ball of energy. She felt a small part of her seeming to float out her body and watched them coupling. She could not help but marvel at what she was experiencing. She never had multiple orgasms, nor lasted so long without it becoming painful. This prelude to climaxing was far stronger than she had ever experienced, almost an orgasm itself. She moaned loudly and clawed at her lover’s back. “Harder!” she moaned “Fuck me HARDER!”. The ball got bigger, moved closer, she could almost touch it. The ocean roar grew louder, the tingles now enveloping her whole body.

So close, “More!” she begged. So close, she could almost ... No! She felt the ball moving away, shrinking, the energy receding. Her lover’s thrusts grew weaker, the weight of his body felt lighter. “Don’t stop.” she murmured, “Why are you stopping?”. Rational thought pushed aside, all her desires shrunk down to possessing this ball of energy. It was hers, and she knew it would take her to a place of pure ecstasy. She couldn’t let her lover take this from her. Reflexively she reached for his waist to help him thrust. Strangely her hands almost touched each other.

“Harder” she pleaded. She slammed her lover’s body over and over against her pussy, rocking her hips in time with each thrust. The rhythmic movements rekindled the fire, sizzling electricity slid up and down with each thrust, the tingling sensation spread up through her vulva, over her stomach, around her hips and up her back. She felt so close, so close, just a few more strokes. Just a few more... “No! Dammit what is wrong with him?” she thought. Despite her help, her lover’s efforts grew weaker again, his hard cock sliding loosely against her labia. Annoyed she redoubled her efforts, guiding his cock and grinding it against her clit. “Don’t stop baby. Harder!” she demanded. Her lover no longer sucked on her perky breasts, no longer seemed engaged in meeting her needs. She felt his hands on her belly seeming to push himself off her. The pleasant ocean roar in her ears muffled his growing pleas to stop.

Frustrated with his struggles, she tightened her grip. “Why is he being so selfish?” she thought. She grabbed the back of her lover’s neck and pinned him against her stomach. With her other hand she cupped his ass and pounded his cock against her clit. A small voice inside her mind threatened her reverie, “Why does he feel so little?” it questioned. A sudden sensation of his cock hitting a particularly sensitive spot silenced the voice and gave strength to her primal urges. ‘Give it to me!” she moaned, “Make me come!” This orgasm was hers, and she wasn’t going to let her lover stop her. She no longer trusted him to give her this gift, she would have to take it. The ball of energy grew inside her again.

She became dimly aware of the world around her feeling stranger. She felt the bare ground against her ass and legs, the sleeping bag they used as a bed now only cushioning her back. Her lover felt so light, her hands enveloping his hips and back, effortlessly moving him to and fro to the dictates of her carnal pleasure. The small voice returned with a worried feeling that something wasn’t right. She ignored it and concentrated on the pleasurable sensations against her labia and clit. She was plateauing now, she dared not open her eyes or distract herself with petty concerns.

She felt herself at equilibrium. They had been fucking for some time now and she was so close to coming yet so far. She had never gone so long with any man. She either came or got frustrated and stopped. She had good sex, great sex, bad sex, really bad sex, but this was not like any other sex she ever had before. It was both so very amazing and very frustrating. She weirdly felt herself having and staying stuck on the very cusp of an orgasm. The small voice returned, “This isn’t going to happen. You should stop. Something’s wrong with him.” She dismissed it, her primal desires overwhelming all thought. This wasn’t just any orgasm, this was THE ORGASM. She didn’t know why, she just knew if she stopped she would miss something very special, something she would never experience again. It was hers, if she could just touch the ball...just touch it. The voice was right about one thing. There was something wrong with her lover. “Fuck me!” she moaned, “Don’t just play with my clit, make me come!”

Her hands searched for her lover’s cock to guide it between her lips. She needed him inside of her. If he could just give her a few more thrusts. She found his cock which seemed strangely detached. She vaguely wondered why she couldn’t feel her lover’s body anymore. With one hand she guided his cock between her wet slippery labia, with the other she fondled her round firm breasts. The ball of energy grew larger, the roar in her ear louder. She felt as if she was alone masturbating. She dismissed the feeling as some orgasmic hallucination. She knew he was here for her. So present for her, so attentive to her. He was so very good! Her lover had never fucked her like this.

She could fill the resistance breaking. She could feel her heart racing, beating so hard as if to keep in time with her lover’s thrusts. She wildly writhed, and thrust her hips, her well-toned ass pounding the ground beneath her. She opened her long legs even wider to accommodate him. His cock felt amazing, her pussy greedily sucking it deeper inside. She could feel him inside vaginally, yet she felt something small gently tickling her clit. The thrusting and tickling sensation was the key she needed. She felt herself losing control, she arched her back, her free hand tightly grabbing and breaking the small twigs and sticks behind her head. She was only dimly aware of her left foot suddenly becoming immersed in water, the other one sliding into and crushing something small and metallic, and the air smelling of pine sap. He was thrusting faster and faster, it almost felt like he had two cocks that were wiggling inside her. “Oh my God! How is he doing this?” she thought. “Don’t stop!” she screamed. Her words thundered and reverberated across the lake. The ball of energy was now enormous, she saw it growing closer, enveloping her. She had so patiently waited for this moment. With one final thrust, she touched it...

Her orgasm exploded with the force of a hurricane. The roar in her ears lifted and she could hear herself screaming and the sound of trees breaking. Intense contractions pulsed through her vagina, sending shudders throughout her body, paralyzing her and squirting warm thick juices on her hand and her lover. Her back froze into a great arch, her head bent back, her hair spilling across her face. Time seemed to stop, in that moment she disconnected from the world and was transfixed in her own personal nirvana. She only could feel the waves and waves of rapture crashing against her consciousness. Her deep orgasmic moans shook the ground and echoed throughout the valley floor. No longer able to process the cacophony of sensations she felt, her eyes fluttered, and she fell into a deep dreamless sleep...

She awoke to the prickle of brush poking into her back and the bright morning sun shining in her eyes. She sat up and languidly stretched her arms, her bleary eyes slowly focused upon a world transformed. She had flattened the forest around the campsite. The pines that had sheltered the tent, now haphazardly crushed into the ground or forlornly stood with the tops sheared off. Brushing the pine limbs and remains of her camp from her auburn hair she looked down at her legs. Her heels had dug great trenches into the ground as they had grown and stretched into the distance. She drew her left calf and foot from the lake, her right foot had pushed her lover’s truck and crushed it against a rocky embankment. She casually wiggled her toes against the mangled vehicle, effortlessly mashing it even flatter, and pushing the engine block into the hard ground.

She felt something else, something small and soft between her labia. She pulled the sticky wet thing out of her pussy and held it up to her eyes. It was her lover, now no bigger than her index finger. The tiny man was covered in her congealed sex, his legs and arms bent in unnatural angles, his head lolling lifelessly about as she dispassionately examined him. She should feel horror, revulsion, shame, or at least guilt she thought. She had killed her lover, she had crushed and drowned him in the depths of her vagina. Instead she felt indifferent, detached. Yawning, she carelessly flicked the weightless body of her lover far into the middle of the lake. She was sleepy, still tingling inside from the sexual avalanche that buried her last night. Brushing the tiny trees aside she laid down on her side using her arm as a pillow. As she slipped back into a tranquil sleep, she vaguely wondered at what point last night, she had stopped fucking her lover and was only masturbating with a lilliputian. She smiled to herself and sighed. It was the best orgasm she ever had.