Rite of Passage

by ProphetofGreed

The grey walls of the room looming above her were unnerving, 150 feet tall, everything around her spaced out past 150 feet wide and 150 feet long. Aurora waited alone in the middle of the room wearing a light red toga expected of her to wear in today’s society. Long brunette hair draped down to the middle of her back, nicely combed and slight bounce curls with impeccable care. Her face with some slight makeup to accentuated her eyelashes, her slightly tanned skin and soft pink lip balm on her lips.

Aurora had waited for this day all her life. Her eighteenth birthday. The day she would be going through her Rite of Passage. The day she would grow to where women belonged. With the boy she courted waiting for her to start their new life together.

For Aurora she grew up in this new system established 3 generations ago. When a miracle growth serum was developed managing to only make women grow, slowly but surely a new world order was established where every woman in the world would get the drug and grow to their new rightful size of 70 or more feet tall.

The drug didn’t change the size of men and women at birth so it was decided that women would live amongst men at the same size till they became adults at eighteen to make sure that men weren’t too dehumanized by women once they grew to their new size. That and giving the drug before puberty had some side effects to women that would hurt their quality of life.

Aurora had always looked up to her 91 foot tall mother and dreamed of the day she could look her in the eye, hug her close in her arms. To think of the day where she could hold a man at the size she was currently and protect him from the rest of the world, where they could start a family of their own. Her man Corey waited for her out in the lobby awaiting to see her transformed into her rightful size.

A man-sized door opened on the side, a man in a doctor’s coat walked through holding a case with him, walking towards Aurora at a leisurely pace. Aurora couldn’t help but giddy with excitement as she stood there in the middle of the room, wondering how big she will get after the Rite of Passage. Could she be one of the rare few to pass 100 feet? She was eager to find out.

The man made it before her and opened the case showing the miracle drug with a needle syringe ready to get the drug injected into her. With it was other medical supplies in case of an emergency as well.

“Nervous?” the male doctor said as he began to get the drug ready in the syringe.

“Not at all, excited would be the best way to put!” Aurora answered confidently.

“A guy waiting for you out there?” he said flicking the air bubble out of the syringe.

“Yup, his name’s Corey”

The doctor chuckled at that as he got the cotton swab ready and brought the syringe close. “Let’s not keep him waiting then. Deep breathe, it’ll just be a little pinch”

The doctor found the area of her arm that he wanted, holding it close and plunged the needle through and injected the drug with practiced skill, Aurora looked away not wanting to see the needle stuck into her skin. He quickly got the cotton swab on the injection spot after he was done. “Hold that” he said getting her hand to hold the cotton before he went over to get a little ray gun that would shoot some radiation and began to shoot the radiation in Aurora’s direction.

“I’d suggest you take off the toga, you’ll rip through it and it could be uncomfortable when you grow” the doctor explained, not looking interested to see the young woman nude, he was a professional and had his wife he was loyal to after all.

Aurora nodded as she felt the surging sense of energy coursing through her. Like she had drank a double espresso shot packed with an energy drink. She groaned as she felt the muscles and bones in her body grow exponentially. Her heart beating quickly in her chest as she started to breathe deeply and get a control of her senses. The doctor came forward with some caution and held her growing wrist to get her pulse. He counted and looked Aurora in the eyes with a calm demeanor as she was now looking down at him. “Deep breathes, this is the worst part of the growth, if you need you can lie down.”

Aurora nodded and laid down as the doctor stepped away, continuing to use the radiation ray on her for a bit longer as he stepped back to give the growing girl some space. Now growing a foot every 30 seconds in the process. The doctor was right, as she got bigger the more her body adapted to the growth process and the less strain there was on her body as her muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones all got amply stronger to support her new evolved form of existence. Before she knew it, the energy surge was becoming more pleasurable, her loins feeling on fire and needed to be touched. As she grew she touched herself gently, thinking about Corey in the moment, completely forgetting about the male doctor still in the room.

She moaned Corey’s name a bit, imagining him there, the perfect size to play with, to let him roam her body like his own personal playground. Before she knew it, she orgasmed in the greatest climax of her young life, just as the energy of the growth serum reached its crescendo. She panted on her side and focused on her surroundings and was surprised by how much smaller the room had become. She slowly got up from her laid down position and looked back at the doctor standing close to the wall with his case all closed up.

He looked away a bit bashfully and pulled out a radio in his pocket. “Miss Aurora Novak is done with her growing, we’ll need a cleanup and some clothes for her” he said simply, which made Aurora look down at the floor and noticed the puddle of her cum below and blushed at the mess she had made.

“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal. Your hormones were going haywire in the growth process. How are you feeling?” he explained gently, staying back to let her stand up.

“I… feel tired but otherwise okay. Is that normal?” she asked with the first trepidation about the process.

The doctor smiled gently and shook his head. “Perfectly normal, you did grow exponentially with your body adapting rapidly to support your new size”

He took out a small scanner and let it do its thing before the display showed a bunch of data for the doctor. “Okay, temperatures good, pulse is good and… you’re 102 feet and 3 inches tall” he said with some surprise just as the massive door to the room opened and a nurse came in side holding 3 togas in hand. She was on the short side for adult women at 78 feet tall so she couldn’t help but gape at Aurora’s height. “Okay, you’ll need the large toga then, if that doesn’t fit we’ll get you the extra large one” she said handing Aurora that with a standard pair of underwear.

Aurora nodded and took the simple tan coloured toga, getting excited to go out shopping for new clothes as soon as she could.

Once all dressed the nurse handed her a pair of flip flops to wear. The doctor was scooped up by the nurse and held up in front of Aurora, looking comical in doing so as she had to raise her hands above her head to be close enough to Aurora’s face.

“Okay, I’d suggest you make sure to get some rest, call us if you have any lingering discomfort or side effects from the procedure. Otherwise, you look fine and healthy to me so go see that lucky man of yours” he said with an encouraging smile.

Aurora nodded to the doctor, “Thank you sir, for being kind and discrete with the operation. Have a great day” she said stepping past the nurse and went out the door in the big hallway of the medical centre. Seeing the many rooms that could be used for growth and marvelled at how the perspective had changed so much from an hour ago. Before the hall was gigantic to her, now it seemed like a normal hallway, only with clear lines designated for the men that needed to get around.

Remembering the building layout, she strides with excitement and purpose, knowing Corey would be waiting in the lobby with his mother and her parents.

It didn’t take long for Aurora with her new long and giant strides. She took a deep breath before stepping through the door to the main lobby, looking around before she recognized her mother sitting beside Corey’s mother, both holding the men she loved the most in her life. Corey and her father.

Then looked at her with surprise and big smiles on their faces, getting up to greet her. Aurora kindly greeted her excited parents but most of her focus was on Corey staring up at her in awe, slack-jawed and looking a bit dumb as he stared at her.

Aurora couldn’t help but giggle at the cute sight of her partner being utterly amazed by her transformation. He certainly didn’t expect that he had chosen a beautiful woman that would be become over 100 feet tall.

Corey was lean and fit from his time swimming through his childhood and doing it competitively. His golden blonde hair was cut short with blue eyes and a rugged look to him. The look of a young man nearing adulthood, he was perfection in Aurora’s eyes.

“May I?” Aurora asked Corey’s mother.

She nodded and moved her hand out with Corey standing on it, Aurora moved her hands forward, cupped gently for him to step on. She watched as he carefully stepped off his mother’s smaller hand onto the two bigger hands of Aurora carefully going to the middle.

Once safely aboard she moved her hands up to her face and gently kissed him with her big pouty lips. “I love you Corey, I’m overjoyed that I could be this big to protect you. You’re okay with me this big right?”

Corey surprised by the kiss, knocking him on his back looked up at Aurora’s beautiful face in admiration. “Aurora, you were beautiful before, now you look like a goddess. I feel like the luckiest man in the world” he said with a handsome smile on his face. He moved forward and hugged into her chin.

Aurora enjoyed the small gentle embrace, much different than the equal embrace of before, but now she felt much more protective of her little man.

“May I take Corey out shopping with me?” she asked Corey’s mother with a smile, carefully to not hurt Corey’s ears with her voice.

Corey’s mother nodded with a gentle smile. “Of course.”

Aurora smiled and looked back down to Corey. “I need a whole new wardrobe, think you can handle it?”

“Of course,” Corey said liking the idea of spending the day with her.

“Then let’s go” she said striding confidently past the parents with a wave and went towards the exit of the medical centre. As she walked along with Corey cradled gently in her hands, her training coming to important use she brought Corey close and whispered, “I can’t wait for you to explore my body”

Corey couldn’t help but chuckle and responded with some dry wit, “Well there will be lots to explore Aurora.”