Size Redistribution

by johnbart35

There came a rapping at the door. Mike Sullivan knew who it was. He grabbed his son Brian and ran into the panic room. He knew deep down that his efforts were futile. That didn’t stop him though. He wasn’t ready for what was going to happen to him and his son.

But let’s back up a minute. When America’s government was first overthrown, everything seemed to be running business as usual. Men and women kept their jobs. Children continued to go to school. But after a year, the new leaders, who nobody seemed to know anything about, began to send troops into the poorest neighborhoods of America. They abducted entire families, then returned them a day later, two days later at the most. All the troops were female, and every soldier of the new, mysterious army was much taller and stronger than the average woman. These soldiers could overpower just about any man they came into contact with.

This pattern continued up the economic ladder. The new government began with the poorest of the poor. Five months into their efforts, they were well into the upper middle class. This is when Mike Sullivan got real nervous.

“They’re coming for us,” he would mutter under his breath. His wife Lana would try to comfort him, but his 18 year old daughter Katy would always say, “Yup, they are coming. And I can’t friggen wait!”

He watched the news every morning before work to check the status of what the government was calling “Size Redistribution”. He would see before and after pictures of families. Before Size Redistribution, the men and boys of the family usually were taller than the women and girls of the family; but after—the males were smaller than every female.

Mike was the most perturbed when he saw families in which the females were taller to begin with. After Size Redistribution, the females absolutely towered over the males.

Knowing this fate would soon befall he and his family, the dynamic of the Sullivan family shifted. Even though Mike and Brian weren’t going to voluntarily give themselves up to the new government, they knew deep down what was going to happen to them.

Brian used to feel comfortable pestering Katy. He was a year older, and was always stronger than her. But with the threat of Size Redistribution, Brian cowered in fear of his younger sister. Nowadays, she would come into his room and say, “Time for chores, bitch boy! Mow the lawn now, or when I’m bigger than you, I’ll make you sniff my feet after I workout!”

Lana was kinder to Mike, but she wasn’t a saint. She definitely leveraged her newfound power over him. She would sometimes whisper in his ear, “The kinder you treat me now, the kinder I’ll be when you’re a tiny little boy.” Her tone was serious but flirtatious at the same time.

So when the government came knocking, Mike and Brian were scared out of their minds. As soon as they retreated into the panic room, Lana gladly opened the door and directed the soldiers to where her husband and son were hiding. The giantess soldiers wrestled both Mike and Brian to the ground.

As the men of the family were being walked out in handcuffs, Lana quietly contained her excitement, but Katy couldn’t. She was laughing and smiling and poking fun at both her brother and father.

“You’re about to shrink! We’re about to grow!” She said with childish glee.

It took twenty minutes to arrive at the redistribution facility. Once they were inside, the measurements of each family member was taken. Mike was 6’2”, 190 lbs. Lana was 5’0”, 100 lbs. Brian was 6’0”, 170 lbs. Katy was 5’5”, 125 lbs.

Once the measurements were done, the family was lined up side by side. A female officer stood in front of them to address them.

“My name is Officer Burke. I understand that this process will take some getting used to-”

“Some getting used to?!” Mike interrupted, “You’re throwing everything out of whack!”

Burke didn’t take kindly to being cut off, but she handled it very calmly. She sauntered up to Mike, got incredibly close to his face and eyed him down. She was at least a foot taller than him.

“You picked the wrong day to be an asshole, Mr. Sullivan. Since you interrupted me when I was merely trying to explain what was going on, I think I’m going to make your wife just a little bit taller.”

Mike was horrified, “Wait wait! Please, I’m sorry!”

“Shut up, Dad!” Katy said.

Officer Burke chuckled, “Listen to your daughter, Mr. Sullivan. She gets it. Men have always been on top. We are experimenting with a new way of ordering society. In order to carry out this experiment, we must reverse the roles. And by now, I’m sure you know what I mean by that. Kids, go into the waiting room. Your parents are going first.”

When Brian and Katy were out of the room, the Officer Burke commanded Mike and Lana to strip naked and enter a human centrifuge. The centrifuge was only large enough to fit two bodies, but Mike immediately noticed that his side of the centrifuge was lower than his wife’s. Once they were inside and strapped in, Burke came in on the PA system, “Size Redistribution commences in T minus 60 seconds! Get ready Sullivans, you’re about to spin! Fast!”

Lana got Mike’s attention quickly and said, “Listen, Mike! I know you’re scared. But we’re gonna figure this out. I promise you, things won’t change as much as you think they will.”

“I’ll believe you when I see it,” Mike said back.

“Mike, just promise me that you’ll try to make this work. Please!”

Mike turned his head away from her. He was angry, but more than anything else: terrified.

All of a sudden, Lana ferociously yelled at him, “Mike! Promise me! Or I will make you wish you’d listened to me!”

“Try me, Lana! I’m not promising shit!”

The centrifuge began to spin. The whurring sound filled his ears. He couldn’t move a muscle. His skin was taut, and he felt a stinging sensation all over his body. Then he felt his feet leave the ground and his hands come closer to the straps. He had begun to shrink. The straps continued to tighten as he grew shorter and skinnier. The sensation didn’t hurt, it almost felt blissful. It felt like a minute long orgasm.

Lana, on the other hand, was growing rapidly. She could feel the straps loosening while still holding her in place. Her experience was also blissful. She never wanted it to end. She wanted to just keep growing, even if the ceiling couldn’t hold her anymore.

After the ride on the centrifuge, Mike and Lana were both incredibly dizzy. Burke helped them off and let them sit down. Once their heads stopped spinning, it was time to examine the effects. Lana got up first and Mike, of course, was reluctant.

“I know you’re not dizzy anymore Mr. Sullivan, don’t make me force you out of that chair,” Burke said.

When Mike stood up, Lana rushed over to hug him, and he was promptly slapped in the face with her boobs.

“How do you like that little guy? Not so bad is it?”

Officer Burke let them embrace, “There’ll be plenty of time for that when you get home. We need to make sure your heights and weights are correct.”

Mike was measured first. He was now 4’9” and weighed 100 pounds. He was outraged.

“I thought this size redistribution thing meant I was going to be the same height as my wife when I came out. I’m three inches shorter!”

“Did you already forget how you interrupted me and disrespected me?” Officer Burke got close again. She was an absolute giant to him now; he came up to her navel. Mike hung his head and stayed silent while his wife got measured. She was 6’5” and weighed 200 pounds. She was bigger than he ever was.

When Burke was done measuring, Mike and Lana waited for the kids. Twenty minutes later, Katy and Brian walked into the waiting room. The only thing was, Katy was the only one walking. She was carrying Brian over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Burke came out behind them and when Katy finally put her brother down, the size difference was unbelievable. Brian’s head was below Katy’s butt. If he reached as high as he could, he could not reach the top of his sister’s ass.

Mike immediately asked, “Why the hell is he so small?!”

Officer Burke explained, “Your son tried to run away. That is much worse than back talking me, like you did.”

“This is outrageous! I can’t- I can’t believe-”

“Enough!” Lana shouted over her husband, “I know Brian broke the rules, but you can’t keep him like this. He’s like…a toddler.”

“Of course, Mrs. Sullivan. Keeping him at that height would be cruel. Every week, Brian will come back and grow three inches until he reaches his target height of 5’5”. It will take two and half months. If he tries anything like that again, he will remain that height for the rest of his life.”

Lana kneeled down in front of her now puny son, took his chin in her hand and said, “Tell me that you understand what the nice woman just said to you.”

“I understand,” Brian said.

“What do you understand?” His mom asked.

“I understand that if I break the rules again, I’ll stay small.”

“Good. Now I expect good behavior over the next two and a half months, because I don’t want my son to be the size of a damn toddler because he was too stupid to listen to directions.”

“I’ll be good.”

Tears welled up in Brian’s eyes. Mike saw it and felt powerless. He wanted to comfort his son, but he felt the same way he did. He wanted to cry as well, but he needed to remain a dad.

“It’s ok, sweetie,” Lana coaxed her son, “Everything will be alright. You just have to listen to me and Officer Burke if you want things to be normal again.”

Brian wiped his eyes, “Nothing is ever going to be normal again.”

“Don’t back talk your mother, sweetie. Don’t you want to be a good boy?”

“I’m NOT a boy! I’m 19!”

“That’s it! You’re getting a spanking when we get home!” Lana yelled.

Officer Burke interjected, “I know you folks are having a difficult time adjusting to your new circumstances, but there are other families waiting. There is a woman outside who’s driving you home.”

The Sullivans walked out a changed family. Katy carried her brother because his legs were too small to keep up. This inspired Lana to lift her husband too. Mike thought about saying something, but thought better of it. She placed Mike in the backseat, and Katy strapped little Brian into a carseat.

When they got home, Lana held a family meeting in the dining room. The men were placed on top of the table since the chairs were too big for them now.

Lana said, “Things are going to be different now boys. We’re still a family, but you need to listen to us girls. We’re in charge now.”

Mike’s heart sank. Then he looked up to see Katy’s perverse smile and Lana’s reluctant, but noticeable grin.

“Oh, and Brian?” Lana said.


“Don’t think I forgot about that spanking. Come here, into Mommy’s arms. We’re going somewhere private.”

Mike gave his son a pat on the back and wished him good luck. When they had gone upstairs, Katy eyed him and said, “Now what should I do with you, Daddy?”

She thought for a minute and came back with, “I know, you’ll be my warmup weight. 100 pounds, easy peasy.”

“Fuck,” he whispered sadly.