
by ProphetofGreed

HER FEET PATTERED down the marble hallway, running in a soft jog in her soft white toga dress, torches lighting the way to her destination in the distance. It was a giant beautiful door made of elegant wood put together with some metal beams keeping together. The door was 60 feet tall to her perspective at 6 inches tall. She deviated from the giant door going to the side where a door her size was waiting. She stopped before the door sighing in an effort to try and steady her nerves, a pleasant warmth radiated from the room as the sunset could be seen in the distance from the balcony. A full view of the garden area laid below, the Mediterranean cliffside laying out in the distance with a beautiful light blue water of the Sea churning from a steady breeze as a distant sound of waves crashing into the shore was heard.
  On the balcony in her comfy cushioned Roman chair was her master, the State Princess Julia in all her glory. She wore bottom underwear with her big pretty breasts exposed, taking in the sun’s rays on her pretty tanned skin. Julia’s pretty green eyes turned to look over to her when she heard the soft noise of the door closing. The princess smiled, her pretty face lighting up when she saw the petite brown skinned girl standing in the middle of the elegant bedroom of the princess. She motioned her over, “Come here Aelia.”
  Aelia nodded and dutifully walked over to Julia with some hesitancy in her step. Aelia had been the name Julia gave her when she was just a child, picked out as a tiny slave from Carthage during the Roman destruction of their lands. She was shrunken down as an act of razing the Carthage civilization from ever challenging the Roman Empire again. Julia was six years old then compared to her at five years old when she was chosen. At first, Aelia was like a pet for the young Roman princess. Julia raised Aelia to where she was now, a pretty young woman, protecting her from poverty many slaves would experience and showing her enormous love and friendship.
  Now, Aelia was eighteen years old and her feelings for Julia were beginning to become confused. Yes, she still loves Julia because of their tight friendship and trusted her fully. Now, she had this new feeling on her mind. Julia’s pronounced curves would drive her crazy with lust, her laugh would make her blush. all Aelia could think about was Julia when they were apart, all she wanted in life was to make the princess happy.
  Aelia never had feelings like this before, she knew feelings of loving with the same sex were taboo in Roman culture. Not to mention someone as low as a slave from Carthage loving the daughter of the Emperor. It confused and conflicted her but she tried her best to not show it. Though seeing Julia topless with her perfect round breasts on display certainly made her infatuation obvious. Each breast was big enough to act like a bed for Aelia.
  “Hello milady, enjoying the sunset?” Aelia asked with a warm smile on her pretty face giving a bow in an act of respect. “It was a long day of studying with the philosophers that father forces on me. They bore me to tears.” Without asking Julia leaned down giving Aelia a clear view of both giant breasts moving and bouncing enticingly with her movements as her hands gently wrapped around Aelia’s slender body.
  Julia lifted her up with ease and placed her down on her lap to be hugged close to her lower belly. “How about you?” She asked with a sweet gentle tone, her hands making sure Aelia was situated nicely against her soft skin. The tiny tried to not show her excitement in getting close to Julia, getting a sniff of her pretty perfume, the feeling of her perfect soft skin, her warmth or how the sight of both breasts blocked her eyeline of Julia. If she was standing, she’d be weak in the knees. “O-oh it was fine out in the garden… just some weeding and vine cutting.” Aelia answered not very convincingly in a soft tone, trying to control her breathing from panting. Julia began rub her thumb gently on Aelia’s delicate arm before speaking. “Something’s wrong Lia?” She asked using her nickname for Aelia.
  The brown girl bit her lip, looking down at the soft nail rubbing her arm seeing her reflection in the polish, Julia’s softness managed to calm her thoughts a little. “Jules… bring me up to your face…” She answered with her own nickname for the Princess, it was very informal but they were close enough that Julia allowed it.
  Julia carefully brought up the petite, brown girl up in front of her beautiful face looking at her with concern. Aelia stopped for a moment as she looked at the beautiful Roman Princess, transfixed by her beautiful green. She took a deep breath, gathering all her courage and spoke up. “Please excuse me for what I’m about to say… but, I think… I-I l-l-lov” she stuttered and her tiny body shook in Julia’s hands as she tried to say the words but her lips betrayed her before she could finish. Julia didn’t wait for the tiny girl to finish, she moved forward with her face and kissed the tiny girl deeply with her plush lips. Aelia was knocked back from the kiss, after a few seconds she realized what was happening as the lips sucked her in gently so she tried her best to respond in kind with her own kiss back to the upper lip.
  After 10 seconds into the kiss Julia playfully gave Aelia’s face a lick with her tongue before pulling her away a little to look at her with a mischievous glint in her green eyes. “-love you” Aelia finished dumbly as she looked up in awe. This made Julia giggle wonderfully, shaking the hand Aelia was sitting on. “Silly girl, I’ve seen the way you look at me. If you said nothing by the end of the week, I would’ve said something” She responded playfully giving Aelia a hug. “I love you too, Aelia. More than anything in the world.”
  Aelia couldn’t help but cry tears of joy from her answer before she started to babble out excuses, thinking of Julia’s father the emperor, how she could be forced to marry some colony governor, or another elite in the Empire. Even how it was taboo for her to love a woman. Not to mention choosing a tiny girl of lower standing from Carthage. Aelia’s rapid concerns were shushed with a giant finger to the face, delicately wiping away her tears away with great care. “Fuck them all, there’s no else I want to be with.”
  Aelia sniffled and gave off a cute hiccup, hugging into the finger that wiped her tears away. “Then I’ll be yours Princess, as long as you want me.”
  Julia chuckled and got up from her chair cradling tiny Lia in her hands, her fingers going around and started to undress her as she strides confidently to the giant bed in her room. “Oh, I want you cutie.” She said tossing Aelia’s nude body playfully onto the bed, feeling the covers swallow up her body into the silk covers. Aelia’s head was spinning from the toss, she crawled her body out a bit and looked up in wonder at Julia’s immense, beautiful body, now completely nude with a well-groomed bush right above a pretty looking vagina. Julia’s green eyes looking lustfully as her finger twirled around her clit, her womanhood glistening a little. Aelia looked down a bit bashfully at her own form, wondering a little what a stunning princess like Julia could see in her.
  Julia began to slow crawl towards her, coming towards her like a hungry predator cornering her prey. “Don’t worry Lia, I’ll be gentle.” She said with a husky tone, her face coming down to kiss Aelia’s body gently, making her giggle in response.
  Julia and Aelia had hours of passionate sex with each other, experimenting with each other in different ways. Aelia trusted Julia wouldn’t hurt her in her throes of passion and Julia trusted that even with the size difference Aelia could manage to take her over the edge. Aelia eventually passed out from exhaustion in a puddle of cum between Julia’s legs, having just climbed inside of the pussy head first getting the princess over the edge another time, Aelia had lost count. All she knew was her slumber was blissful till she woke up with a splash of water on her naked body, disorienting her.
  She looked up to Julia with an amused smile, the surroundings instantly recognizable as the roman bath of the estate. No one else was around, Julia was holding Aelia in hand in the bath with a big cup of water in hand. “Sorry, you passed out on me after my third orgasm. I needed to wake you for the bath.” She said softly, giving Aelia a soft stroke on the side.
  Julia gently lowered her hand into the water, getting Aelia down in the warm water as well right nearby her right breast, making sure to keep her safe in hand. Aelia couldn’t help but give a warm sigh, feeling relaxed with the girl she loved, a princess no less. “Jules… thank you… for taking care of me, for loving me.”
  Julia smiled before her lips assaulting the tiny girl again, forcing her up against the wet skin of her palm. Eventually Julia finished her kissing, “No problem Aelia, remember you’re the only one for me.” Whispering deeply with a sultry tone, making her shiver in delight as she stared deeply at Julia’s pink lips in awe.
  After the bath the girls returned back to the room together, Julia cuddling up tiny Aelia as she slept in her hand. The princess understood, she really put the tiny through the ringer in bed. Julia gently deposited the girl on a pillow taking her underwear and placing it overtop her acting like a blanket for her. It gave Julia a lustful shiver to have her beloved Aelia tucked away so close to her. She then climbed into bed lying across from Aelia, making sure there was no chance she could hurt her unwittingly in her sleep. The tiny was precious after all.
  No matter the challenges, Julia would face them together with her beloved tiny. She leaned up and gave Aelia another little kiss before she snuggled into her pillow and slept through the night peacefully.