The Gander

by Bantlebroth

“And you’re sure you’re okay with this?”

“I told you, yes. I’m fine. Besides, it’s too late. Look, I’m already shrinking.”

“The recording?”

“It’s on. Mic check, one two one two. Levels are fine. All of the levels are good.”

“…And… how…”

“…How does it feel? I’m fine. Nothing’s out of the ordinary— oh, wait, does my voice feel squeakier to you?”

“Oh god.”

“Wow, you’re getting a boner from just that? You’re in for a hell of a ride, aren’t you? Anyway, you’re getting huge. What am I at?”

“Says here… forty-eight, no, forty-seven inches.”

“Okay. Well, just remember your end of the deal, alright?”

“Cross my heart.”

“Oh, this is so cool. For the sake of this recording, I’m announcing my intent when I remember. Like now, as I knee myself up onto this kitchen chair. Aaand, okay. I can still access the kitchen table, but I’m kneeling on the chair. And the table is rising up into my arms.”

“Can… can I get you anything? Like, are you hungry?”

“…That’s a hell of a loaded question. Anyhow. You’ll be in control soon, so where do you want to bring me?”

“Um, I suppose the bedroom. On the dresser.”

“That works for me. Wow, that’s a drop. This chair got really tall. How big do you think I am?”

“A guess? Three feet give or take.”

“Hup! Okay, that definitely was a drop— whoaaa the chair is big. You’re big! Here, hold your palm out to me. Look at the comparison! I can grip my hand around your finger… oh wow, I can feel your blood pulsing.”


“Don’t you dare! You’ll have all the time for that once this is over and it’s my turn. Don’t you even think about it. That … is mine.”


“Okay, good. Now let’s head over. Hey, close the bedroom door for me. Cool. Wow, you’re so big and strong. I’m not even pandering… you really are. Now it’s my turn. Oh, my voice is so high-pitched and squeaky! Ha! So for the record, recording, as you can see… that doorknob is around wrist-height if I hold my hands above my head… oh, now palm height. I’d better jump and rotate it… rrr… plant my foot… wow, it’s growing in my arms… and push off from the jamb, okay. Dismount… oof. Wow, door’s open, but I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to do that again. Too big a drop. Hey, what’s my size?”

“Just a sec. Eighteen inches. Seventeen.”

“Time for a sprint to the, hmm… no time to really plan this. Hey! Look at me, recording, I’m doing jumping jacks and yelling to get his attention. Hey! Go stand beside the dresser! Yeah, there! Okay, good. Now, a running start aaand… grab onto the pant leg, climb up to the… holy shit that’s a rod and oh god it’s wet! You fucker! Okay, you lose and you owe me big for that. Dick punch!”

“Ow! That almost hurt.”

“You’re telling me! It’s like punching steel! God damn!”

“Fine, I owe you. Do you need help?”

“No, I’m good. Just have to… aaand… swing up, plant my feet on the waistband. Okay. Now climb up the shirt, alright. I’m straddling the shoulder.”

“Speaking of wet—”

“—Don’t you fucking dare. Shut up.”


“Okay. Now then, mister earwax, you stay still. I’m just going to put my hands on your hair, and holy shit these are thick strands. Like little nylon ropes. Stepping around your nape to the other shoulder… hey, how do you like my tits resting on your crown?”

“I can feel them. They’re still huge, you know.”

“Damn straight, but not big enough if you catch my drift.”

“I know, I know.”

“Good. Now then, do me a favour and lower your arm a little? Okay, there. Hey recording, I’m going to hand-over-hand my way down the sleeve to the top of the dresser. Here goes, aaaand… wow, that’s a long way down. Okay, don’t drop. One, two, one, two, one, holy shit the arm is getting longer even as I’m going. It’s actually going to take me more time to arrive than when I’d started. I’m really shrinking, aren’t I?”

“Do you ne—”

“Holy fuck you’re loud! Okay, new rule! I know you can’t hear me too well, but you’re like a thunderstorm. You have to start whispering, okay?”

“Fine, but you need to start shouting.”



“Well, that wasted a few inches. Anyway, recording, I’m over top of the dresser now so here I go… whoooa and that’s a hell of a plummet. Do you think I actually shrank while I was in freefall, so the distance increased? I think so too. Hey! What’s my size!”

“You’re at five inches.”

“I’m going too fast to really interact with stuff, so let’s make this good. Oh, there’s my hairbrush, let me just run over… and wow that’s massive. Look at my hairs! They’re like rope. Okay! Show’s over! Time for the main event!”

“Sorry, what was that?”

“Wow, your head is huge! I’m the size of your nose. I said! Take me to where you want this next phase to happen!”

“Um, I don’t really have anywhere.”


“I said—”

“—I know what you fucking said! I can hear you just fine! Shit, I’m so small. What I meant was, you don’t have anywhere for me to go… but straight down?”

“Um, I guess?”


“Well… it’s as good as anywhere, really.”

You fucking idio— oh, you can’t hear me anymore. Fine, you fuck. I’ll get my digs in on you later. Okay, shit. Well, nothing we can do about that, eh recording? Let’s see what’s going on. I’m maybe an inch tall but that means nothi— oh look who decided to get in on it. Here’s a giant hand thudding down beside us. I’m about two fingers tall, but no, just a finger… I can see that fingernail and there’s a lot of ridges along that thing. Oh, the dresser is really pulling my legs apart now. Look at me readjusting as it spreads out. I must really be plummeting down.

“A quick look up and yeah, that giant eyeball is scanning all around. He’s lost me. Good. Now then that it’s just you and me, recording, let me say that I don’t really find this hot. In fact, truth be told, I’m scared as fuck.

“Oh, the oaf just dropped a pin near where we are. Look how huge that is… aaand it’s gone. Too far above. It’s getting dark now, and I’m still readjusting my stance as you can see.

“Anyway, like I was saying, it’s enough to know that I love him as much as he loves me, and I’m doing this recording for him so that he can play it back as often as he wants while he fucks me out of my mind. He’s going to caretake for me when I get my kink granted, and since I won’t be able to move, that’ll be his payment for servicing me in every way. Every way, if you catch my drift.

“My growth, for this shrink.

“Oh, there’s light… lots of little lights now. Do you see them? I hope you do. Ah, they’re sparking! Are they molecules or atoms? I don’t know. Hey recording, this is your specialty. I’m going to try grabbing one, whoa… it just flew away from me! Or maybe I went too far for it? Who knows.

“It’s kind of cold here. Not bad, just chilly. There’s no echo. The lights grew huge and then grew away and now it’s just dark. Here, see my hand? Yeah, I don’t— holy hell, what’s around my arm? Do you see that? There’s some type of… what is this, a field? An aura? A something anyway. I have no idea. I’m no scientist. But there’s stuff floating around— oh wait it grew away. I must be pretty small now. I’m just floating, and it’s dark.

“It’s really dark.

“I’m scared, recording.

“Like, what if?

“I can’t tell if I’m still shrinking or no— no, wait, there’s another glow on my arm, holy shit that just grew away too. I’m still shrinking! Fuck. It’s dark again, and I have no idea what’s happening.

“There’s nothing here. Like a sensory deprivation chamber.

“So that’s it then. I fell down a bottomless pit. There’s nothing.

“Ohhh aaactually, it feels like my vvooiiccee iiss iinn ttwwoo ppllaacceess aatt oonnccee


fuck what was that! Recording, are you there? What’s going on? Am I still shrinking or what?

“Ahhhhh there’s some sort of light, but it isn’t light, and it’s surrounding, oh shit it grew too fast and now I’m swallowed in it. I’m still fucking shrinking! God dammit!

“Okay, so there’s nothing but darkness again, and if you look at my arm there’s no more glowing. That’s it, I think. I have no idea if I’m still shrinking, but let’s play on the side of yes and say that I am.

“It’s possible I could die here. Something tells me I won’t, but honestly I’m so small that I have no idea what it would take to get me back other than the failsafe, if it’s even working.

“Aaand, yeah. Nothing. More and more nothing. That’s it then.

“So there’s another few hours left of time left on this, but I’ll tell you what. By now it’s been about twenty minutes or so; how about I run this down to twenty minutes remaining? Maybe thirty for good measure.

“Unless something happens, and I doubt it will, I won’t fire up those final minutes until I know I’m growing back. When that happens, I’ll record that trip upward.

“So until then, maybe I’ll just be quiet for awhile, okay? Okay.”