It's All Been Done

by Meyeel Sizechanger

I looked up at her massive form above me, her face bent into a sexual smile. The shrink ray in her hand smoked slightly as she set it on the counter out of my reach. She bent down and wrapped her hand around my tiny body and lifted me up to her face.

‘You are mine, little man,’ she purred seductively. I tried to argue with the statement, struggling to break free as she lowered me down to the gaping maw that was her mouth…


I looked over my shoulder at my wife, as she tore the page right down the middle. She set them down in her lap, spritzed herself with her perfume, and seemed to look at them contemplatively. She handed the two halves back to me with a slight grin. “Seriously? You have written much better than this tripe.”

I took the two halves and threw them in the garbage can beneath the desk. “I’ll be honest, babe. Usually you at least read the whole thing before you make that kind of a judgment, not just jump into a middle passage.”

She sighed and stood up from the couch. She put an arm on my shoulder comfortingly. “Listen, I know you are bummed about this being the last writing contest of its kind, but that is no excuse to put out a sloppy product.”

“The theme of the contest is to write out our ideal size fantasy. You know how much I enjoy the concept of a size-changing ray gun.”

“And that is fine, but you need to bring something fresh to the genre!” She pulled the halves out of the garbage and shook them in front of me. “She shrunk him for revenge, right? She caught him doing something she didn’t approve of, so she shrunk him down to teach him a lesson.”

I blushed slightly. “Well, yeah, but…”

“And I suppose, knowing you, there is some serious breast play in there before the actual vore, right? And she has a chest that would make Sofia Vergara jealous, right?”

I blushed again. “Well, if you are doing a boob play story…”

She rolled her eyes and grinned, handing me the sheets back again. “I know, but maybe try some other kind of twist on the size ray genre, ok? There are plenty of different ways to do it.” She kissed my cheek and turned. “I’m going to the gym. Let me see what you have when I get back.”

“Can’t you give me some inspiration first?” I point towards a drawer at the bottom of the desk. “You have written some great size lit in the past. Maybe just a peek at your idea folder?”

She shook her head. “NO!” She slapped me playfully on the shoulder. “That drawer is my private drawer. You have been told before that you are not allowed in there. I have important stuff in there that is not for your eyes.” She pet me lovingly on the top of the head. “I believe in you, my pet. That’s why I keep you around.”

“Pet?” I turn to face her. “You never call me ‘pet.’”

She seemed taken aback. “I didn’t say that,” she said as she spritzed herself with her perfume again. “Just try to focus. I will check in on you when I get back.”

I sat back in the chair with a sigh and opened up a new document. Maybe a different approach…

* * *

Slowly and carefully I sifted through the clothes on the ground; I didn’t want to hurt her. She was far too precious to me.

Uncovering her was like unveiling a treasure. Her body seemed to glow as I gently scooped her in my hand. She screamed in a tiny voice, as she attempted to conceal herself. ‘What have you done to me?’

‘Hush, little one,’ I replied gently, dropping a small cloth into my hand next to her. ‘You have nothing to worry about. Everything is going as planned…

* * *

“Ugh!” I gasp, as I highlight the past hours work and delete it. There was nothing unique or original in the three pages of type. It almost felt like a story I had read just that past week. Every possible cliché was flashing at its brightest. The airhead bombshell that is shrunk by the nerdy college student. The promise of care. The eventual sex that was consensual for no reason, other than to get readers excited.

“Absolute garbage,” I sigh, staring at the now blank document. The words just won’t come at all, just like they haven’t come most of the month. The deadline was down to mere days away, and I was once again starting from scratch. ‘This is not a place I enjoy being in and yet every time the contest rolls around I end up here.’

I felt as if I was trapped, closed in by walls on all sides, with no hope of escape. I needed to get out. Maybe some fresh air would do me good.

The door opened and I stood up from my computer to talk to my wife. Maybe some idea would come through from just a simple conversation. I turned as she entered the room.

She was sweaty, but as she saw me, she could tell something was bothering me. She grabbed her perfume and spritzed herself. Almost instantly, the scent seemed to calm me down slightly.

“I…I can’t do it,” I gasp as I nearly collapse in her arms. “I am not a writer. I don’t know why I thought I could be…”

SLAP! The palm of her hand struck my face with such a shock, that I pulled back from her. “Babe, what…?”

She pointed at me with a look of disdain on her face. “Man up! You have done this before, plenty of times. This isn’t your first time in the contest, so quit acting like it!” Her expression softened as she held a hand out to me. “You have so much self-doubt…Use that. You don’t have to write a story with a shrunken man. A size ray has many different settings…”

I sighed. “But that is the issue! It has all been done. So much so that there is barely anything original you can do with it anymore. Any idea I come up with has been done, and by better writers.”

“Ok, what about if you have a couple shrunken…”

I shook my head. “Nope. Because if you do that, one of two things will happen. They will either leave the ray gun out of their own reach, or they have been shrunk by some jealous neighbor/co-worker.”

“All right, what about guy makes his wife grow…”

“Nada. She always becomes addicted to said growth, breaks out of the house, and goes on a rampage. Oh, and she will end up really horny, because obviously. This usually results in creative uses of a skyscraper or at least a bus full of people. Oh, and the air force shows up so she can smash planes out of the air like bugs.”

“Giant man?”

“Same, only the skyscraper and bus stuff is different. And a giant couple is a combination of both, except there is a lot of sex on top of everything and everybody.”

She stood silent for a moment. “Wow, we have just covered all the basic size scenarios out there… That means, you need to find a unique twist on it. There has to be some route you can take that will lead to a different destination.”

“You’ve done this a lot, babe,” I reply, almost begging now. “Just give me a peek into your drawer…”

“You have to do this for yourself!” She sounded angry, her face reddening slightly. “Besides, I never messed around with any type of size rays in my stories.” She sighed. “I’m going to take a shower. I’ll try to help you more, but you are not taking any of my ideas.”

As she walked out of the room, my mind started swirling over a crazed idea. It would betray her trust to sneak a peak in that drawer, but I was desperate. The deadline was approaching, and I needed something. ‘Just a peek for inspiration. She will never know.’

When I heard the shower start, I went back to the desk and tested the drawer. The lock was tight, but not so tight that a good yank wouldn’t pop it open. But that would reveal that I had been in there.

She had left her purse on the edge of the desk, and I slipped my hand into it, finding the small silver key that opened the drawer. I inserted it slowly, unlocking the drawer; its contents revealed as it rolled open.

All that was in there was a folder. I lifted it slightly and opened it, shock filling my features. They were…my stories? Every contest entry was in there, but they all had her name listed as the author. It made no sense. I had written these, hadn’t I?

* * *

She sat high above me in a chair, her eyes reading the screen before her. “This is a really good start, my pet.” She sighed happily. She dropped a handful of crumbs beside me. “It just might be your best work yet. I can’t wait to see how you finish it.”

I looked around. I was in our home office, but she towered above me. I realized where I was…I was in the drawer! The lower desk drawer that I was never supposed to look in. I panicked, screaming slightly.

She looked down at me. “Oh, silly me. I should let you get back to work.” She sprayed the interior of the drawer with her perfume, the fragrance seeming to lull me to sleep. “I’ll check in on you again in a little while. Just save your ending in the cloud so I can see how you end it. Who knows? This just might win the contest for me, and if it does, I just might give you the antidote. Then again, I can only imagine what kind of fantasy life my perfume has created for you to live in. Maybe you’d be happier in there, writing stories for me right up to the end…”