
by Chuck Murnoe

I open my eyes. Everything around me is pitch black. I don’t know where I am, only that this isn’t my bedroom anymore…

“In this realm, everything is possible.”

That soft voice…”

“Tell me…”

Where is it coming from?

“Tell me about your deepest secrets, your most obscure desires…”

The voice is… everywhere. It even echoes inside my head. Am I going mad? Or is this some weird dream?

“It is, indeed, a dream, but a very special one.”

I didn’t say anything there.

“I can read your mind as I can hear your voice, yet I cannot go too deep. That’s why I need you to tell me. Share your fantasies with me. Don’t be shy.”

Who… who’s this?

“You need to see to believe…”

I can finally see them. They’re glowing and far from me. A slender person, with long black hair, but no other features are visible with all that light. And still, there’s some undeniable attractiveness, even from afar, even with no features.

“I adopt a form suitable for each person I meet…”

And it comes with a bright light?

I can hear them laughing. Well, at least now I can see my surroundings…this is some blank space, better than deep darkness, I guess. There’s no floor, even if it’s clear both of us are standing on… something.

“Shall I get closer?”

They start walking. Even if the glow is dimming with each step, I still can’t figure out their features. But now I realize their true stature, and it’s… I guess the word I’m looking for is gigantic, I barely go past their ankle. They stop a few feet in front of me and kneel. Despite being so huge, their voice is still soft.

“Your true thoughts are finally surfacing. That’s why I look this big compared to you, because you wish so.”

Do I? Or maybe it’s my subconscious doing this? Of course, I have a thing for… giant people. And then there is this weird dream creature reading my mind and playing tricks…

“’Creature’ isn’t the word I would use, and I don’t play simple tricks. I’ve got many names… You may call me Nona, which is my favorite.”

Nona, huh? Very well. I’m wondering what you’re doing here.

“I’m here to make your wildest fantasies true in the most vivid dream you will ever experience and remember. Many have been granted this wish, and it’s your turn.”

Nona’s body has stopped shining, even if the blank void is still illuminated. Now I can see they’re covered in a white skin-tight suit, except for their hands and head. And precisely one of those perfectly manicured, olive-skinned hands is lowering, until it gets close to me, enough to jump in.

Because I want to jump in.

“Do it.”

I take a deep breath and put my foot on that palm, so much larger than me, then the other. This sounds weird, but I’ll play along, sit on Nona’s hand, and wait for what’s next. And I know what I want to happen next.

“You are finally understanding it. Good.”

I can feel how their hand is rising, slowly and steady. On the way up, I try to have a good look at what I can see of their body. Despite being so slim, the suit reveals their firm breasts and some well-defined muscles I truly envy. Nona has noticed my admiration and is taking their time, so I don’t miss any detail…

And when I’m up to Nona’s face, I gasp at the sight of this otherworldly beauty, with that thin nose, those large jade-like green eyes, and those glossy lips, curved in a smile. Nona lets a giggle out.

“It’s been long since the last time I held someone this small.”

The index finger of their free hand gently rubs my chest. It’s so huge it could bury and even crush my whole upper body, but Nona is taking absolute care to make this the most enjoyable experience.

Nona stops, and their fingertip is now in front of my face.

“I know you want this too.”

I gulp. Feeling half embarrassed, half flattered, I kiss that big fingertip. My lips enjoy Nona’s soft skin, and I can taste some of it with the tip of my tongue as well. It’s both sweet and salty. Lovely.

Nona giggles again and continues rubbing my chest with all their care.

I can feel my cheeks burning. Is this… what I really desire? Is Nona making it all true as they claim, in their dreamland way?

“I’ve got some experience with people like you, craving for being caressed by someone much, much taller than you.”

So, you don’t think this is weird…

“Nothing weirds me out. In fact, I enjoy it as much as you do. Or even more.”

I wonder why you do this or when all of this started…

“Long, long ago. I don’t remember why or how I started. I only know this gives me pleasure and I love pleasing others as well.”

Their fingertip is moving lower, and starts playing with my crotch, the fabric of my trousers not being an obstacle for it. The heat is turning on, even for a dream this is… so vivid. I bite my lip and breathe deeply as the giant finger rubs it with the same gentleness.

“I’ll make you more comfortable…”

And so, my clothes are suddenly gone. I’m totally naked, exposed to Nona’s huge finger as they keep going. From time to time, Nona’s finger stops and they blow a bit of air on my crotch, sending a chill down my spine, and every time they do, those enormous lips get closer and closer, but never reach their target.

Nona… are you teasing me?

“Isn’t that what you want? Gentleness and naughtiness?”

I nod. I had my doubts first, but not anymore. Of course I want to be teased by a gigantic person, defenseless in the palm of their hand, being their plaything but, at the same time, being so precious to them they will give me the best care possible.

“Let me have a closer look...”

And as they say so, Nona carefully moves me around their palm, so their lips can get much closer to me. First, they kiss my whole body, the same mix of sweetness and saltiness impregnates the air around me, their sticky saliva covering every inch of my body. Their lips part and a massive tongue seeks my crotch. The tip rubs it, and my whole self can feel it. My blood is almost boiling with every lick.

“Tastes good…”

I look into their eyes, I see myself reflected on them, aroused and pathetic in Nona’s giant hand. And it’s true they’re enjoying this too, as those large jade eyes shine with passion.

Nona’s tongue starts working its way faster. I’m gasping, and sweating, I don’t think my body can take it to this point. Even in this strange dream my stamina has a limit. My tiny hands try to grasp the soft skin below me, my feet pressing against the enormous palm to hold myself in place…

And I climax. Nona stops licking seeing that I’ve finally come. The ecstasy of this moment feels so real, even more than anything I’ve ever experienced. It’ll take me a while before I recover some of my breath…

This… is amazing… You’re… wonderful…

“Thank you so much, dear.”

But… now I wonder… if you have… your own desires…

“I do. But this isn’t about me.”

Why not? There must be… something you want. I know it’s your… job or something... You enjoy this, but could you… indulge yourself too?

“Is that what you wish for me?”

If it makes you feel better, you can look inside my mind in case we share… some fantasies… Nona…

Their eyes close. I close mine too, as I let all my fantasies, dreams, kinks, and desires flow between us. I’m not scared. Somehow, I trust them…

And then, Nona opens their eyes.

“I might have found something…”

Nona sits in the void and lowers me to their crotch. In a flash, their skin-tight suit isn’t there anymore, gone as magically as my clothes did, and a big throbbing cock is revealed, so big I feel even smaller. With no further ado, Nona’s hand moves to their own dick, trapping me in between the shaft and the palm.


Saying so, Nona starts masturbating. Yes, that’s what’s happening, I’m in someone’s hand, pressed against their penis as they jerk off. And… it’s something I’ve dreamed about before, but this is very different … Their massive dick is as soft as the rest of their body, and the same fragrance is there, both sweet and salty. And despite being so small, I do feel safe against this large meat, against its increasing warmth.

Their hand goes up and down that gigantic cock, and my body moves along, feeling a bit sick at first but quickly adapting to the movement. I’m safe here, Nona protects me. I can hear the blood running through those veins, pumping as the penis keeps growing and trembling. I can no longer see Nona’s eyes, but I’m pretty sure they’re having a great time.

“I do. I love feeling your tiny body against my cock.”

Glad to know.

I lose track of time as they keep going. I feel aroused again, being used by this giant to please themself is really turning me on.

I hear a muffled moan and Nona’s hand moves even faster. The shaft is throbbing even more, and it only means one thing. I try to embrace myself for what’s coming, but suddenly Nona’s grip loosens, and a couple of fingers scoop me. I keep my eyes closed for most of this wild ride, and when I open them again, I can see I’m just dangling over the cock’s head.

And all goes white as Nona releases their load. It lasts for a few seconds, and I end up covered in their cum. Nona gently presses me against the cock’s head. I notice I’ve just come as well. Twice in a row. I hug that cock’s head, almost as big as I am, and kiss it. I’m worshiping Nona’s penis.

That was… wonderful. Nona. Thank you so much… for all this.

“Pleasure is mine. It’s been so good that I’d like you to stay with me for the rest of the night…”

Oh, I… guess the right thing to say is that… I’m honored. How is it going to be?

“I’ve found something else in that little mind of yours that we both will enjoy.”

What exactly?

“Let me eat you. I’ve already tasted you. You’re delicious, I can’t wait to swallow you whole. I know you want this too.”

I see…


You sound so eager…

“I’ve done this before. But for others. Not for me. This feeling is new. And exciting.”

It won’t hurt… right?

“No. It’s your dream, and you’ll be inside me until you wake up. Mind if I please myself again while you’re in my stomach? You’re free to do the same in there.”

Sure… You deserve it.

“You’re so sweet. And not just because you do taste sweet…”

There’s nothing else to say. They pick me up again, taking me in front of their beautiful face. Nona’s large tongue starts licking me, removing all the cum, savoring every drop. I’m a nice, willing treat for them, after a job so well done.

And I can’t wait for Nona to do it, to swallow me. I’ve opened my mind and heart to them, Nona knows I want this too, knows that they can make it true in their special way.

As Nona’s lips part and their tongue greets me, I wonder how it will feel, being swallowed alive like this…

“Time for you to find that out… Good night.”