A Quiet Night Out

by Disthron

Elliot leaned back in his seat, bright neon lights behind the bar mingled with the dim lamps over each booth, giving the whole place a hazy, dream-like quality. Mary sat across the booth, eyes looking towards the large projector behind a small stage where local bands probably played. Tonight was memorial night and the ceremony was front and center.

Geez… can you believe it’s been almost 10 years now?” Mary said.

Seems like just yesterday I was hiding in a sewer hoping not to get squashed or eaten.” Elliot said.

The girl fell silent, looking down at her drink, remembering those she’d lost. It was what today was about after all.

Melancholy music played while the patrons watched the memorial day events going on in the capital. The titan leadership seated behind the crowd of giants, with the humans just in front of them. Seeing all 3 sizes stacked up like that was surreal, even now. The first bell tolled and everyone across the country went silent.

A guy in the booth next to Elliot’s picked up his glass and fumbled off of his seat. Knocking a bottle with his elbow. It shattered on the ground, causing Elliot to jolt at the sudden noise. “t-Turn that shit off!” The man said.

All fucking cowards… the lot of you. Bowing and scraping t-to those… fucking things” The man screamed at no one in particular. He stumbled backwards into Elliot’s table, Causing Mary to almost spill her drink as the thing rocked with the impact. The man turned and leaned over the table, Elliot tried his best to keep his distance. Though being stuck in the booth made that difficult. The final bell tolled, ending the moment of silence. The bouncer finally arrived, taking the guy away. Elliot slumped down in the booth, he and Mary exchanged a look.

So… that was awkward.” Elliot said.

Yea...I get it though. This world used to be ours… and now it belongs to them.” Mary said as she turned back towards the ceremony.

Well, it wouldn’t have been ours… unless you were rich back in the day?” Elliot said.

Ah, no… but at least the people at the top were human. They could be locked up if they broke the law. With these giants. They could do whatever they wanted and no one can stop them.” Mary said. She held herself as if she were cold.

They’re still human Mary, and they keep each other in check… have you ever met our gentle overlord?

What?! Are you crazy... I work in an office building downtown and I see her walking around sometimes. It’s unnerving you know, how you feel her moving around town all day and then boom, she turns a corner and there she is. She probably wouldn’t even notice if she squashed me under foot.

Now, I know for a fact that isn’t true. She would be distraught if she accidentally stepped on someone.” Elliot said, taking another sip of his drink.

Oh come on, you don’t believe all that benevolent ruler crap do you?” Mary said, giving Elliot an incredulous look.

Well, if you stick around, you can find out for yourself. I’m her boyfriend and she’s coming here to pick me up.

As Elliot spoke, the first tremor of Jenna’s footfall rippled through the bar. People who lived in the city tended to be pretty non-phased by the constant impact tremors caused by the giantess moving about, but Mary jumped as a second tremor, more powerful this time, rumbled through the air.

That’s not funny Elliot…

Elliot leaned in closer, “Hey, I promise you, she’s not as bad as you think, but if you don’t want to meet her in person, you should probably go now.

Jenna’s footfalls became louder and more powerful, people at the bar started to take seats, waiting for the giantess to pass. The shaking stopped abruptly and for a moment the silence was deafening. Then, the whole bar jumped as the ceiling shifted slightly, rocking the whole building for an instant before it was lifted away. The overhead lights cutting of and the ‘open’ lights cutting in, flooding the room with a dull neon glow. The bar was new, and had been constructed to allow any giant to access the interior. It was better than them just ripping the roof off.

Jenna looked down with quiet amusement at the spot of chaos she’d just created in the little world below. The air, disturbed by the movement of the roof blew papers and small items off tables, people scurried about in shock, crawling under tables, others sinking down into their booths. As if there was anything they could do if she meant them harm.

Hey there little man, how was your memorial day?” Jenna’s powerful voice reverberated through the bones of everyone below her. Rolling over them like a thunderclap that was trying to whisper and not quite succeeding. Most of the people at the bar were not so used to being this close to her.

Oh, you know, just having a quiet night out, remembering old friends who didn’t make it” Elliot said. Jenna reached into the miniature world, ignoring the other humans who scurried away at her presence. Her fingertip touched lightly on Elliot’s head and stroked down his body in an affectionate gesture. Elliot grabbed her finger with both hands, snuggling into the trunk, as her fingertip settled on his thigh.

Yea, sometimes I love being huge but today? I just want to curl up with my favorite little ones… and who is this with you?” Jenna asked.

Mary jolted as she realized attention had been brought to bare on her. Squirming under the giantesses gaze like a worm caught.

This is Mary, I just met her tonight but she seems nice.” He said up to the giantess. Reaching his hand out across the table he whispered to the scared woman.

Hey, it’s ok, she’s not going to hurt anyone.” Mary nodded and then turned up to the massive woman, patiently smiling down at us.

h-Hi… i-I… I like what you did with the park?” She said. Immediately wising at her own comment and downing the rest of her spirits.

Well, I’m glad you like it little one, but we really should be going. I think we’re scaring the other little ones…” Jenna said as she turned her hand to form a platform for Elliot to hop onto. He took one last swig of his drink and stepped onto her palm. Looking up at the giant woman. “Hey, do you think we should invite Mary to come hang out with us?

Ooo, that could be fun, she is quite cute. What do you say little one, you want to come hang out with your overlord and her boyfriend?” Jenna said to the little woman.

d..Do I have a choice” Mary asked sheepishly. The couple gave each other a look and the giantess beamed down a smile at the smaller woman.

Oh hon, if I wasn’t going to give you a choice, why would I bother asking?

Mary nodded sharply, then paused, as if frozen for a moment. Then she leaped onto the giantesses hand. Elliot caught her and steadied her as the giantess's massive hand raised out of the bar and into the night air. Like an express elevator her hand sailed high into the sky, past the giantesses midriff, past her ample breast and up to her billboard sized face. Leaving the two humans giddy from the sudden movement. Jenna looked down to the bar as she replaced the roof and then, standing up to her full height, she strode off into the outskirts of town.

Jenna sat cross legged in the converted drive through, leaning against a building specially constructed to take her weight. The steel supports gently heaving and swaying every once in a while as the massive woman shifted. They were only half watching the movie and half talking with each other. The two humans perched on Jenna’s ample bosom. Jenna picked up the tanker from the top of the building and drank the last few mouthfuls. Looking wistfully at the empty container.

You know, one thing I miss… having more than 2 drinks in a night.” Jenna said.

Couldn’t you just… make people make more?” Mary asked.

Sure I could… and they’d do it too… and they’d all think I was a bitch… because, you know I would be. Everything takes so much more to make when you're big. Though… I guess I could water it down some more too.” Jenna shrugged and placed the tanker back on the rooftop.

With her hand now free the giantess rested it on her tiny boyfriend. Here fingers curling around his body, the thumb gently stroking his head. Mary thought how odd they must look to anyone looking on. He was like a mouse to her, all humans were.

So, my boyfriend and I are going to make love, would you like to join in little Mary?” Jenna said.

Mary blinked, clearly flustered by the question. “o-Oh, umm… what does that entail… exactly.

Well, a lot of fondling, a lot of sucking on different parts of you, and inserting you into my pussy.” Jenna says.

Mary nodded and a dreamy smile spread over Jenna’s billboard sized face. She scooped up the two humans in one hand, then pulled her bikini top apart with her other. Letting her massive breasts roll out of the top. She transferred Elliot to her free hand and watched with giddy anticipation as the two little people undressed in her palm. When Eliot was done, she smothered him with a huge kiss. Her massive lips pressing him down into her palm, then continued with Mary. She placed one on each breast, then deposited their clothes on the rooftop.

Jenna wrapped her fingers around the two tines, guiding them up, over the curve of her breast so they could easily access her sensitive nipples. Elliot went to town, kissing and biting her while the smaller woman was gentler, more timid. She pet them both with her thumbs and before she knew it, Jenna’s hand was taking Mary southward, past her midriff, down her crotch. She pressed the tiny woman gently against her outer lips. Rubbing her little body in slow, tender strokes against herself.

The tiny woman screamed out, hitting at the giantesses hand frantically, Jenna stopped her motions in response, lifting the little woman up over the cliff of her crotch. The tiny girl was crying.

i-I’m sorry Mis Jenna… i-I’m scared… I..” Mary said.

Jenna’s fingers curled around the tiny woman as she lifted her up and away from her womanhood. Over her midriff and on to her upper chest. She opened her fingers and hugged the tiny woman to her upper shoulder.

Hey… hey, it’s all right little one.” Her powerful voice rolled through the tiny woman's body as she continued to apologize again and again.

Hey, I know being with a giant can be scary, Do you want me to have someone take you home?” Jenna said, looking down at the tiny woman in her hand. Mary closed her eyes and nodded. The giantess pulled her from the warmth of her shoulder and placed her on the roof of the building. A moment later 2 staff members come through the doors, with a blanket. One escorting Mary to the roof access while the other collected her clothes.

Elliot, rested himself on the underside of Jenna’s left boob. Like a high bench, he rested his hand on the outer edge of her nipple, kissing the sensitive areola.

I’m sorry too, I guess most people aren’t as comfortable around giants as I am.” Elliot said.

Let’s just snuggle.” Jenna said, picking him up and cuddling the little man to her breasts.

The staff in the projector room started another movie, and the two lovers fell asleep watching.