Race to the Finish

by AlsoKnownAsV

“Are you scared?”

His eyes are warm, kind, and enormous, large as suns and just as far away. You barely manage to nod, trembling underneath his gaze.

“Don’t worry,” his voice booms. “I am happy to give you what you desire. And I will keep you safe.”

“P-Promise?” you manage to squeak.

“I promise you.”

You consider your wish for a moment, then nod again. “O-Ok. Let’s do this.”

A smile crosses the giant’s face. “Let’s.”

He slowly bends down, his massive form descending from the heavens to meet you. An enormous hand comes down from the sky and lands next to you, hovering just above the ground. “Climb on,” he commands.

You take a deep breath, and then obey. Underneath your bare feet, you can feel his flesh, pulsing and warm. You sit down at the center of the shifting surface, cross-legged, and put your arms to your sides, holding on tight.

The giant’s hand begins to travel back up, and he stands from the ground. Though he’s moving slowly, you can still feel the wind rushing past you, smacking your face as you ascend upward. You travel up into the air, passing his legs first, then his large waist, then his chest. Until, at last, you are only a few feet away from his huge face. The hand stops, and you take it all in.

You were never able to get a close look at him before now, so you treasure the moment. Long blond hairs travel down to his neck, and on his face is a fuzzy beard. His smile is massive, and immaculate, with sharp teeth that could shred you in seconds—but you know he would never dare to do such a thing. And then there are his eyes: seeing them up close, you notice the green around his pupils, the curiosity in his gaze. Is he enjoying this just as much as you are?

“Well well,” the giant says, his grin getting wider. “It’s good to finally meet you up close.”

“I-It’s good to meet you like this too,” you say, smiling. And you truly mean it. After seeing him only from the ground, experiencing his majesty up close is a thing of beauty.

“So, little one,” he purrs, his lips curling into a smirk, “do you still desire the same thing of me? Or have you changed your mind?”

You think for a minute. You still want the same request, but. . . “I was wondering if you could do something for me first,” you tell him.

“Oh? What’s that.”

“I was wondering if you could . . . kiss me?” You wince, expecting a negative response.

“Kiss you? How interesting.” He smiles warmly. “I can do that. Turn so your side is facing me, and hold still.”

Holy shit, he’s actually going to do it! You obey his instructions, turning so that your shoulders are facing him, and wait.

A moment later, you see him bending his head down, coming closer to you—it’s like a planet descending, and you have to do everything in your power to not listen to your instincts and run. You fold your hands and force yourself to wait.

He brings his chin down and sets it onto the edge of his hand. Then he leans down and puckers his lips. And soon enough, there’s impact.

His kiss caresses your entire body, hitting it with gentle force. You blush as he embraces your being, turning completely red as his lips crowd half of your vision. And then, just as quickly as it began, he retreats, and his head returns to its place in the sky.

“Was that . . . satisfactory?” the giant asks gently.

You manage to nod. “Y-Yes,” you stammer, turning to him. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” He smiles. “Now, as for your other request. . .”

“Right.” You clear your throat. “I-Is it really possible for you to eat me?”

“Yes. You can’t stay in my stomach long—only about an hour, or you’ll digest. Don’t worry, I’ll spit you up long before that happens.”

You nod. He’s told you this before, many times—but he’s always patient with you, giving the information you need for you to feel safe. Do you want to do this?

“. . . Ok,” you finally decide, turning to face him. “I-I want you to eat me, please.”

A grin crosses his face. “Excellent. I can’t wait to taste you, cutie.”

His mouth opens wide, and a massive tongue comes sticking out, towering over you like a wave. It looms in the air for a moment, and then lunges at you. It has begun.

The organ comes down and scoops you up, plucking you from on top of his hand. You’re stuck to its wet surface for a while, and as you watch and wait for your fate, it retreats back into his maw. A moment later, his lips close in front of you.

There is a pause. Then, the tongue gently presses you to the roof of the mouth, and begins licking you—slowly at first, then faster, more vigorously. You are bathed in saliva as he tastes you, which actually feels quite good. Especially when his tongue runs over your privates. . .

“You have quite a delightful flavor,” the giant says, his voice rumbling around you. “Now, let’s get you down the hatch. . .”

He gives your privates one last poke with the tip of his tongue—so he must know the effect he’s having on you then! What a tease—and with that, your body is brought back down, so it lands in the center of the organ. Then, it tilts upwards, sliding you backwards until you land above a gaping hole. . . That must be his throat! And a gulp later, you are sealed away inside of it.

His tight esophagus seals around you, hugging your body. In any other situation, you might be terrified, but here, it’s comforting to feel him all around you like this. It makes you feel safe, protected. You hug your body as you travel down further and further, heart beating in anxious anticipation. . .

And then, finally, you reach it. First your feet leave the confines of the throat and stick out into the open air; then the rest of your body is shoved out of the esophagus. You find yourself free-falling for a brief moment, until you land on the ground with a wet plop. Standing up, you observe your surroundings.

His stomach is enormous, bigger than you truly imagined, with wet red walls that absolutely drip with fluid. The floor is covered in liquid, but thankfully it’s not that high—you can still stand in it. Around you, the belly grunts and growls, welcoming you as it rumbles, shaking the floor. You back up until you’re leaning against one of the walls, then sink to the ground with a contented sigh.

“Looks like you’re settling in,” the giant says, his voice muffled thanks to the thick stomach. “Take your time to rest. I’ll make sure you’re safe. We made a promise, remember?”

You smile and close your eyes, feeling more relaxed than you’ve been in a long time. Here, in his stomach, you’ve found peace.

Soon, you’re fast asleep.