A Request and a Promise

by Tasty Ace

Laura studied her bisected reflection and the swathe it cut through the cascade of dark hair down her back. In perfect harmony with gravity, it had steadily pulled itself toward the ground, reaching just far enough to cover her butt. A nice bit of natural censorship. But it was time to set out for a new home which meant a cut. Respecting her request to be the last one to depart, the others had gone days before, abandoning the makeshift mirror out of a mix of courtesy and common sense. Shiny things attract attention. They offered her a place in their group, but she stood firm behind trekking solo. Her last traveling partner tried to sell her out after they had been caught. Luckily their captor had their own run in with betrayal and let Laura go. Her partner’s screams occasionally mingled with dreams in which Laura grew to a size where she could mete out the revenge she was too small to take. Memories of the past fell away as a new Laura stood before the razor’s reflective surface. Choppy and awkward, but now hanging just above her shoulders, resetting the clock once more. With the ritual over, Laura gave her old hollow a wave and set out.

Her exit was more a crawl than a leisurely stroll. Laura inched her way to the thread secured along countertop’s edge, trying to ignore her seated host absentmindedly eating cereal. They were in the way, but distracted. Better than nothing Laura thought. She dropped the last few feet to the ground at a run, darting behind the nearest leg before jogging underneath the table’s shadow. The earlier sound of crunching took on a new quality so close to the source as a faint chorus of screaming trailed every bite, every swallow. Laura tried to force the noise out with a shake, dispelling any intrusive thoughts worming their way into every muscle.

Don’t dwell, it’ll make you slow

Maybe the others were caught?

This is why we travel alone

Maybe they’re breaking between her teeth?

They got what they deserved

Maybe they’re being swallowed alive?

And you will too

Laura reached the other leg trembling. She pressed her head against the wooden surface, the excited bass of her heartbeat providing a welcome reprieve. Halfway out, halfway out, chanted like a mantra until she reset. Like every house before, this one had been a bust, but had the benefit of a straightforward exit. Traipse through the kitchen and run like hell. Exactly what Laura intended, but with a slight twist. Book it to the far wall, sidle round the corner and out. Best not to count on the host being distracted for too long with the swathe of floor that had to be covered, but long enough to reach part two. Deep breath in annnd go! she bolted; legs stretched out to greedily consume the wide-open space before her.

Laura didn’t get far…

It was a stain that stopped her. Something achingly familiar, something clearly in its place, and yet it stopped her. There was nothing remarkable about it. Had Laura not known what caused the telltale eruption it could have easily been spilt red wine. All that was missing was the flattened remains, contorted, but vaguely human shaped beneath it all. Probably stuck beneath a sole or tossed unceremoniously in the trash. The scrape of a chair against wood jolted her from the spell. She had dwelled too long.

It’s about the same distance either direction, but can I make it? Eyes are attracted to movement, but I’m tiny. How fast can I run again? Think!


Rhythmic thumps beat against the floor, punctuated by a yawn as the giant woman set off to put away the remnants of breakfast. With negative time to call upon, Laura took a gamble. She lay down. Limbs akimbo, head cocked right, in the middle of the stain. Nothing to see here, just a body you might’ve forgotten about. It never ceased to amuse some dark corner of her mind how simple actions magnified to an unimaginable scale could induce fear. In every house she passed through it was the same. Movement bred effortless destruction. Whenever they spotted a darting speck on the floor, all they had to do was walk forward and listen for the crunch. Laura choked back a sob as the thumps grew in intensity, silent pleads to be overlooked went ignored as the giant woman stood before her. Past the manicured nails a silver ring caught her attention, its function tweaked slightly for the owner’s purposes. A short chain and collar hung loose, barely scraping the floor. Laura could wager what happened to its former occupant, judging by the splatter on the woman' big toe. That’s new she thought wryly, storing away another uncomfortable hypothetical should she be caught. This scenario was filed under the more creative options of which there were surprisingly few. Previous hosts had been much less imaginative in their punishments and disposals. Laura’s brief diversion ended as the giantess bent down, scrutinizing the offending discoloration to her floor.

Can she see me? No, I’m too small, but she’s squinting? Or is that a leer? Maybe she doesn’t have her glasses on…but I didn’t see a pair on the table. Are you sure? Does she wear glasses?! Can she see me?! STAY STILL!

Cold blue eyes pinned down the spot as the giantess’s mind sifted through its own set of questions. Namely, didn’t I clean that up earlier? Ugh, UGH!

With a tsk, she rose, stretching briefly before carrying on with mumbled curses. With the return of that chilling rhythm Laura bolted once more, the earlier plan discarded in favor of an expedited departure. She cleared the open expanse just as the kitchen sink shut off, time was of the essence. The home stretch, a parlor lined with an inordinate number of discarded shoes. It would have been an easy jog out with enough cover should it be needed, but Laura, in the span of one exit, had become adept at neglecting her own advice. Once again, she stopped. Its fading colors had not yet diminished its brilliance, or the minute discoloration peeking out from the sneaker’s tread.

There is no way I’m blending in again if she comes back. Nope. No sir, no under shoe stuff thank you.

Laura put up her hand with a flourish and backed away slowly lest she be forced to entertain the notion. The doorbell sought to test that resolve. On her left, the giantess would move to the door at any second. On her right, an unknown just beyond the threshold leading to a new start. A flicker of clarity, a burst of speed from some deep hidden reserve, it could be done. All she had to do was run. Ponderous footsteps bore down, a gasp of recognition followed.

Who are you?

Laura ran.