Ultimate Roleplay

by Northgate

Mark watched his girlfriend peacefully sleeping. It seemed unreal but he knew the events over the past several hours had actually happened. It started a few weeks ago, when his girlfriend Abby had revealed to him that the university research project she worked on was related to matter reduction. They had a government grant to reduce and enlarge the size of cargo for space exploration. However, the research had already gone far past the point of cargo experimenting with plants and animals.

She knew about his shrinking fantasy and had read his stories and role played with him but it wasn’t her thing with her only role playing to get him sexually excited. Once she let it slip that shrinking technology was real, he was obsessed trying to convince her to sneak him into the lab so they could have the ultimate roleplay. When word came down that the project sponsors stopped new testing and the project would be transferred to a secured government facility, his insistence only got worse. She worried about the future of her job while he was only worried he’d miss an opportunity to fulfill his fantasy.

As the deadline approached she finally relented to his pressure with a simple plan. He’d visit her on Friday afternoon and stay in her office until everyone left for the day. She’d take him into the lab, shrink him, and carry him out in her bag. On Sunday she would carry him back in to restore him. Mark was more excited than she had ever seen him but she just hoped that two days of being shrunk and at her mercy should cure him of this obsession.

All had gone according to plan but they didn’t get back till late Friday and all she wanted to do was get some sleep. She had him strip down so his tiny clothes wouldn’t get ruined and he watched as she dropped them in a zip lock bag for safekeeping. He felt even more helpless being naked but it added to the thrill of being small. The shrinking had left him physically drained so he didn’t resist when she laid him on the pillow next to her and covered him with a hand towel before going to sleep herself.

In the morning, he awoke and saw she was still asleep facing him with nothing but a silk button up nightshirt on. He climbed off the pillow and slowly approached her. He reached out and touched her breast through the nightshirt. She felt warm and he could feel her breathing. She started to stir and he backed away but encountered something firm behind him. It was her hand and her fingers closed around him trapping him against her palm.

“Aren’t you the little frisky one?” she said with a sleepy smile, “Let me help you.” She used her free hand to unbutton the shirt allowing her breast to spill out. “Is this what you wanted?” she asked as her hand moved him up to her breast. “Give me some kisses, cutie,” she told him as she pushed his face into her nipple. Mark was too shocked by what was happening and complied by kissing her repeatedly as she let out a little moan.

After a little while, she rolled over on her stomach and dropped him on her pillow. Propping herself up on another pillow, her face towered over him. She lowered her finger stroking his naked body and using the tip of her finger gave him a hard on. “So is your fantasy all you hoped it would be?” she asked as she swooped down and gave him a kiss across the face followed by one on his chest and another directly on his hard on. “Yes,” he barely could get out as her finger continued to play with his dick.

She picked him up off the pillow and rolled over to her back. Dangling him over her mouth and probing him with her tongue she held him, “This weekend is not just about you. I’m a bit horny and could use some special hugs and kisses.” He knew what that phrase meant and started to panic. That was the phrase she used when she wanted him to go down on her. It was her favorite but he didn’t enjoy it and only did it when she insisted. She slowly lowered him down along her body and he could see her legs spread ready to receive him and he struggled in her grasp. She used the hair on his head to tickle the outside of her cleanly shaved pussy. “Lots of kisses,” she told him, “Do a good job and I’ll give you a reward.” Her other hand came down and she spread the outer fold of her pussy away and positioned him so he was facing her clitoris. The heat and the smell assaulted his senses but he knew she wouldn’t release him until she got what she wanted. He massaged her clit with his hands as he heard her demand, “Kiss it!” as her finger pushed his head forward into the pulsing mass. He relented with kisses while he continued to massage it. The reality of being inside his girlfriend was overwhelming and he wanted out. She was bucking and moaning and he felt a bit of satisfaction that he could still arouse her at this size.

Mark’s ride inside Abby was getting rough and he was soaked in her juices. He tried to back out but she grasped him by the legs and repositioned him, pumping him in and out like he was her dildo. Her vagina was full of her cum and he kept swallowing it as she continued to pump him. The situation was now totally out of his control and he feared he’d either drown or be broken in half. When she stopped, he was still deep inside her and he thought his torture was over. Instead she used her fingernail to rack the bottoms of his feet tickling him knowing it would drive him crazy. He shook inside her from her tickles and it got her more excited. His shaking gave her another orgasm and she finally stopped lying back to enjoy the afterglow.

Mark laid deep inside her still not sure what was happening to him and not happy about how she had just used him. This was a fantasy of his and he had written about similar scenarios many times but he had no idea that the reality would have felt like this. He felt totally violated by her innocent play time. Slowly he inched his way out of her and collapsed between her thighs taking deep breaths of fresh air.

He didn’t want to move laying there exhausted but she got out of bed and grabbed him up in her fist. “I think we both need a shower lover boy,” she told him as she carried him into the bathroom. She adjusted the water in her shower/tub combo and once it was steamy hot she stepped in and set him down on the tub floor while she washed her face and hair. He looked up at her towering over him and recalled this being another of his fantasies. Giant hot drops of water splashed off her hitting him combined with being so close to her bare feet , he decided to get to the far end of the tub. As he tried walking to the far end, the soap suds that cascaded off her making the tub slick causing him to fall. He tried to get up but the water washed over him carrying him down to the drain which fortunately had a cover.

She reached down and picked him up. “Time to wash you”, she said gleefully while covering him in soap. “But first you can help me get clean”, she said as she used him to wash her ass and pussy. He was humiliated that she used him as her dildo now her shower loofah. She washed him off and set him on the tub edge while she finished and toweled off. She had left him there shivering before coming back to wrap him in a hand towel and take him back in the bedroom. She laid him down on the bed and climbed over him on all fours. “Here comes your reward” she said as she slowly lowered her breast over him using her nipple to play with his body.

The rest of the day was spent with her playing out other scenarios from his stories but they were never quite what he imagined. She chased him around her apartment pretending to want to step on him which exhausted him. She ended the game by catching him between her toes and swinging him in the air which scared him. This game was followed by her ordering him to give her a foot massage and rubbing moisturizer into her soles while she watched a movie.

They played a game of chess on the floor but the pieces were his size giving her a clear advantage. After she won three games in a row, she decided her prize would be to have him inside her again which he tried to get out to no avail. After she finished with him, she left him on the floor while she took a phone call from a friend. He tried to explore her bedroom floor but she started pacing while talking on the phone oblivious to him being there. He dove out of the way as her bare foot crashed down next to him. He worried about her carelessness around him and wondered if it was intentional. At night they watched her TV shows with him seated between her thighs. She’d pick him up occasionally dangling him to tickle him or plant a kiss on him. He’d thought he’d get some rest but the night ended with her using him again as her dildo and leaving him dirty and exhausted between her thighs as she drifted off to sleep.

Sunday was more of the same with morning sex followed by more games. She even ran an errand to the store with him wedged in between her breasts for the trip. He thought she was enjoying this a bit too much. When they got home it was mid-afternoon and Mark had had enough of how she treated him. He just wanted to get back to normal and fuck her brains out for what she had done to him over the weekend. “Hey babe,” he asked, “How about we go back to the lab now and then we can have a nice dinner?”

She held him in her hand at chest level and looked down at him. “I have a confession.” she told him, “I was ready to break up with you over this crazy shrinking obsession but I thought if you actually shrank you’d get over it. But now that I experience this, I realize how much I like having you small and under my control plus this is the best sex I ever had. I think I want to keep you like this so we can be together all the time and play whenever I want.”

Mark couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You can’t do this. I have a life”, he yelled at her. She smiled and replied, “Yes, you do as my little boy toy. Now all you need to worry about is keeping me happy. Anyway, they’ll be packing up the lab tomorrow and I need to find a new job. The good news is that you’ll be able to move with me and be my little roommate.” She pulled at the elastic of her panties and slid him up against her pussy as she got up to make herself a snack. He struggled to get free but it only gave her a little thrill as she thought about all the new games she could play with her new pet.