Under Pressure

by Kelly Smith

Tom was hiding under the living room couch, he had positioned himself behind one of the legs. He had a secret and was being hunted, he knew what would happen if he was caught. Shaking his head to clear his mind, Tom peeks out from under the couch, looking at the digital clock. The clock read 6:30PM, he only had to hold out for another half hour. As Tom psyched himself up, he heard a noise that made his heart race, footsteps getting louder with each stomp. He knew it was Rachel, the woman who lived here.

Tom hid the best he could as the door opened. He heard the loud steps moving around as furniture and objects were rummaged through. Tom sat still as he listened, not daring to peek out and risk being seen. A soft and feminine voice mumbled softly, when suddenly Tom heard something louder than before, the floor creaked right behind him. The titanic woman had gotten on her hands and knees and was looking under the couch. He curled up as much as he could, hoping she didn’t see him. All seemed fine as the wooden floor groaned again, signaling that Rachel was standing up. Tom breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn’t dare to move until she was gone. As he waited, he heard the voice again, this time much louder and annoyed.

“Dammit! He must have gotten outside. I can’t wait to get my hands on him.” She said as Tom heard more steps, this time getting quieter and the door slamming shut. The slam sounded off, like something else happened along with the door closing, but he couldn’t figure out what. Tom peeked at the clock again, it now said 6:35. He wanted to find a new hiding spot. He looked out across the room, not seeing any legs and the shut door. Although there was a large book sitting in front of the door. Tom thought that Rachel just tossed it off her desk so ignored it as he cautiously moved out from under the couch. After stepping a short distance away from the couch, he heard a sound behind him that sent shivers down his spine.

“Ahem… and where do you think you’re going?” Rachel’s voice said as Tom turned around to see Rachel laying on top of the couch. “Surprised? I saw your little body under the couch. I threw the book which shut the door and let me get on here quietly. You’re always so gullible, hehe.” Rachel says as she gets up.

Tom tries to turn and run, but is too slow. In an instant, he’s surrounded by five fingers that squeeze him lightly. Unable to move, Tom is slowly lifted up into the air. He watches Rachel’s feet and legs going up to her yoga shorts covered hips, followed by a tank top covered body, before finally reaching Rachel’s face. Tom looks at Rachel, her bright green eyes and orange hair, she was beautiful. Although he also saw her smirk, she had caught her prey and she wanted to play.

“Did you really think you could hide from me, especially today? I should punish you just for that.” Rachel examines Tom, although only his head was sticking out of the top of her fist. She gives him a light squeeze before continuing. “Although we both know the real reason for this, tell me what your secret is. If you don’t, I’ll just force it out of you, hehe.”

Tom looked over at the clock, it was now 6:40. He just had to hold out for 20 minutes. He looked up at his captor and smirked a little himself.

“You’re welcome to try.” Tom said, sealing his fate.

Rachel’s smile grew wider, she always loved being challenged, it was the perfect opportunity to remind Tom who was in charge. Rachel gently laid Tom on the floor, he only had enough time to roll onto his back before a large sole came down on him.

Tom’s face was covered by large toes, he felt the ball of her foot resting on his chest, and his legs were under her arch. She always gave him a few moments to take in the sight and sensation before applying pressure. Tom felt his body being kneaded, weight was added on his chest and forced him to exhale, held for a few moments, then let go, making him inhale her scent. She would repeat this process repeatedly. As this went on, Rachel kept demanding answers, although Tom stayed quiet through the ordeal.

“Sometimes I forget that you’re a little footboy… if I want answers, I’m gonna need something else.” Rachel says lifting her foot off of Tom.

He takes a few deep breaths before responding. “Aww, I was hoping we could go a few more rounds, I might’ve given you a few licks, heh.” He stands up defiantly and rubs his chest a little before being grabbed again.

“Oh, don’t give me any ideas, I already have our whole night planned out. I will break you, hehe” Rachel says as she walks over to the couch and sits down.

Tom looks over at the clock, it’s only been 5 minutes, He loves her feet, but she really knows how to play rough if she wants. As he looks back, he sees himself getting lowered down between her thighs. He’s let go as the two massive legs close in around him.

“Do you surrender now? You know how strong my legs are. They could turn you to goo.” Rachel said trying to be intimidating, but Tom knew deep down that she was loving every second of this.

“If you smush me, you won’t get the secret. Besides, you would never kill me, I know how to massage you in all the right ways.” Tom says just before his body is squeezed by the powerful thighs.

“You’re asking for it now!” Rachel says, blushing lightly. She goes into a similar rhythm as before, gentle crushing followed by a short reprieve.

This time she stayed mostly quiet, eventually she moved her legs apart. Tom fell to the seat before looking up at the clock once more, it read 6:50. Tom rolled onto his back once more to look up at Rachel. He smirked a little as he spoke.

“Jeez… you’re cute when embarrassed. There’s no shame in giving up.” Tom said in a half joking and half cocky manner. This made Rachel’s face turn redder as she looked down at him.

“Oh, you know what, I’m doing this now”. Rachel said calmly as she got up and scooted forward, resting on top of Tom.

Tom was now completely trapped under Rachel’s body, he had to endure whatever game she had in mind. Rachel just sighed softly as she came down on him. Every little movement he made excited her more until she was no longer able to control herself. She started to slowly bounce and grind on the tiny body. Tom felt his surroundings get wetter as she slowly started riding him.

The pace keeps getting faster and more intense with each minute. Soon enough Rachel is riding Tom full force. He hears her moans rising in volume along with the fresh air being replaced by the smell of her incoming orgasm. Soon enough Tom felt the orgasm hit her as he got completely covered in her juices. Tom rolls over and looks at the time. With great relief, he watches as 6:59 changes to 7:00, he managed to hold out. Tom turns to face the panting goddess, he licks his own arm as he speaks.

“Alright, you got me. I’ll confess.” He says looking up at the giant woman as she slowly regains her composure. “There’s a secret waiting for you at Amy’s house, you’ll see when we get there.” Tom says as he continues to clean himself off.

“Good boy… that wasn’t so hard was it? Now I’m gonna get change and go… although I can’t have you running away on me now, can I?” Rachel says as she takes her shirt off and tosses it aside.

She then grabs Tom and shoves him in between her breasts. Now trapped in her fleshy prison, Rachel goes to her closet and gets a new outfit. At 7:05, Rachel was ready, dressed in some jeans, a T-shirt, light hoodie, and some tennis shoes. With Tom hidden well enough, Rachel was ready to go. He just endured each step which caused the walls around him to jiggle softly.

Rachel exits her house into the evening and starts to head down the street. Amy didn’t live too far so she decided to walk, it would also let her torture her little captive some more. On the way over, Rachel thought, why would Tom keep such a secret from her, also what did Amy have planned.

By 7:10, Rachel had arrived at the house and walked up to the front door. She knocked and the door slowly creaked open, peeking inside, it was totally dark. As she entered, she was blinded by a sudden flash and a few loud pops.

“Happy Birthday!” Multiple voices shout simultaneously.

Rachel’s eyes take a moment to recover before she can open them. Once open she sees that the room is filled with her friends. On the table in the corner was a cake with presents. Amy walked over to Rachel and hugged her.

“Happy birthday! Sorry for keeping you in the dark, but we wanted to make it a surprise. I asked Tom to tell you when the party was, after we finished setting up.” Amy says.

In response all Rachel can say is “uhhhh…” she is cut off by a small muffled voice.

“I managed to hold out until 7, just like you told me.” Tom says just as Rachel pulls him out. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he looks at Amy and makes a thumb up which makes Amy giggle. Tom turns around and smiles. “Come on lets enjoy the party”

A few hours later, everyone is sitting around the table eating cake, most of the guests are sharing their slices with their own tiny lovers. As everyone enjoys the cake, Rachel looks down at Tom, nibbling on her slice. Rachel reaches over and pats his head as she speaks to him.

“You know, you could’ve told me earlier and we could’ve avoided all of that.” Rachel says as she eats a spoonful of cake.

“I know, but if I told you in the morning, you might’ve figured it out. Besides, I had lots of fun! Being hunted and interrogated, I wouldn’t mind doing it all again.” Tom says as he grabs the finger and holds it close.

Rachel rolls her eyes and sighs, blushing softly. “You’re still the same pervert as ever.” Tom giggles and kisses her finger, making her blush more. “But you are one cute pervert.”

“Guilty as charged, but just you wait, tonight when we go to bed, you can play with me however you wish. No restrictions or limitations. I’ll finally get to see how much of a perv you can be.” Tom says as he walks closer to his owner and lover. Rachel can’t help but blush more after hearing him.

“Fine, but I better not hear any complaining when we get home. Although I do want one thing early. Get over here and give me a kiss.” He woman says as she bends down and places her chin onto the table.

“Your wish is my command.” Tom says as he hops off the plate and walks over to the giant face. Standing on his toes, he presses his face into her lips for a few moments before pulling away.

“I love you.” Rachel says.

“I love you too.” Tom responds.

The two giggle softly and continue on with the party, knowing that more fun awaits them once they return home.