Just Your Average Unaware Giantess Story


Inside the confines of a secret, military research complex, a spark of bright liquid flowed through the veins of the chemical reactor, a new source of powerful, yet easily renewable energy was found.

As the remaining particles transformed, a small, simple circuit with an attached conduit was already set for testing the power.

The green signals were set, and the scientists nervously stared at their creation, fidgeting their fingers in fear of failure.

"All set." The leader yelled out to the rest of crew, all of whom were standing behind a thick plastic shield.

A single drop was released into the testing marker, and within moments after contact, the connected light bulb lit brightly; everyone watching nearby were simultaneously taking notes, scribbling down new formats and ideas for its use.

Minutes pass, and something was wrong... everybody began to feel lightheaded, their heads thumping and throbbing in pain. This wasn't the only oddity, as everyone effected seemed to have a small trail of blood, dripping from their nose.

To make matters worse, the energy flowing through the entire facility was mysteriously cut, and then sounds of rest of the crew hitting the ground in unconsciousness.

Hours pass, and now everyone's confused... the sun was directly above them, and it seemed much larger than before, even the sky was a different colour, off-white to be precise.

The whole world had changed, too... a seemingly endless, solid and unnatural wasteland surrounded them, with tall and exotic structures erect throughout the land, however these strange structures were too far away for human eyes to properly see—Unbeknownst to them, not they we're all actually stranded on the wooden floorboards of someone's bedroom, they weren’t alone, either: Those working nearby, those close to the event were also affected... All of which were the size of gnats, but not all were together, as a few were even stranded on the bed.

“What on Earth is going on?" One of the lead scientists asked.

Before anyone could respond, they felt something shake the ground, a tremor of some kind, followed by another louder tremor, then another, and another, the shaking was growing stronger.

Meanwhile, the owner returned from her usual exercising schedule, exhausted and lethargically overwhelmed, she had no idea what she was about to do.

A tide of air burst through the room as the monolithic door opened, everyone below couldn’t even see what was going on due to their size, the background becoming nothing but blurred colors.

But as soon as they could see the monstrous, bright pink sneakers creep further and further, they knew they were in big trouble. Not knowing what to do, they all ran, flailing and screaming in the opposite direction... it didn’t take long before it caught up to them.

The woman raised up her foot again, this time completely eclipsing everyone caught underneath the imposing shadow of her sneaker’s sole, the minuscule screaming grew more frantically as the rubber grooves descended onto their puny forms.

The sneaker came down like an armageddon, slamming onto the floor and onto anything caught underneath, anyone unfortunate to face its wrath were crushed instantaneously, the flexing soles made a loud and deafening squeak as the rubber pressed and relaxed against the polished floorboards.

The tried goddess let out a broad yawn, just getting lost in her own thoughts from looking at her bed, she was long for a nap.

The woman removed her sneakers, revealing her white, warm, plump and cushy socked feet, placing her foot on the ground, with her left foot landing directly onto one of the tiny lab assistants.

Before he could even process what was happening above, he could only watch in horror, placing his hands in a defensive position.

“No! Wait!” He yelled—But unfortunately, the oblivious goddess paid no attention to his cries, the socked foot soared over his body, the thousands of tiny fibres that made up the fabric surface now sliding onto him, he could feel his body slowly compressed from the sudden movement of the titanic cloth.

His body soon popped, a now mangled, gruesome speck of gore was stuck between her sock and her sole, his own gore glued his remains in place, like a pinprick-sized wad of gum.

Her thuds turned into thumps as the socks hit the floor, each step leaving a small, moist outline of her feet, with the quickly-fading bloodstains from the scientist’s unrecognisable corpse.

Another tiny employee suffered a similar fate, as two titanic sport shoes were carelessly tossed aside, nearly crushing him with the first, landing with a gigantic thud, big enough to partially immobilise the poor soul.

It was this that caused him to stop dead in his tracks, falling directly into the landing zone of the second shoe—The soft, plastic material slid onto the floor, only to teeter back onto its side, which was more than enough to crush any speck or big under its weight.

Continuing on, the goddess faced her bed, leaning down to sit on it, there were three unfortunate souls caught in her shadow, and no matter how quickly their little legs ran, the unaware woman’s asscheeks were faster… much faster.

It was already too late, all three crushed instantly as the girl's cheeks came down upon them, their bodies exploded like compressed fruit, leaving three red splotches on the ass of their innocence, one between the folds of the cheek, and two near the lower part of the right side.

Meanwhile, back down below, near the rim of her bed’s rug, there were more casualties, four to be exact:

The group of micros tried tirelessly to find their way through the towering forest. Suddenly two substantial bangs shook the microbes’ world that beg them to hastily question one another what they thought had recently transpired; albeit they had their guesses and reasoning amounted along with their fear of the unknown, yet they could not prepare themselves for the sight of a gigantic woman, casually walking to them with great speed.

Fearing that they would be reduced into unrecognizable red splotches beneath the goddess’ feet, they scattered into the ‘forest’, where they would soon get lost in the fabric strands, unsure on where to go and what to do, two of them stood still, gawking at the immense titan coming before them as they tried to contemplate if what they were seeing was real.

However, this in turn proved to be their doom when one of the clothed feet casted a massive shadow over the group which in descended upon them in under a fraction of a second with a single causal step, utterly obliterating the group.

”Please, don’t!" They shrieked, moments before their death, hoping that by some miracle she would just stop and look at them.

As the foot lifted off the carpet, all but two of the micros’ tiny bodies adhered to the bottom of the sole via their own gore whilst another one was violently torn asunder by the rapid displacement of rug, with the final member cowering under a slab of lint between the strands of the rug.

Their already lifeless forms were crushed more and more with each sudden twitch or movement, their blood soaking into the sock, which although already weren’t noticeable, would be eventually washed away to nothingness after laundry day.

With one last jolting movement of the foot, she easily slid her socks off of her feet, rolling them both into individual balls, and carelessly tossing them both aside, one of which landed on the floor, bouncing onto the rug with ease.

The lone survivor didn’t even notice what hit him, as the meteor-like object smashed directly onto the floor, rolling directly into his path as the nearby strands collapsed under its weight, steamrolling the individual into the coarse fabric, along with the dirt and dust that stuck to the slightly moist surface.

Our tired, unaware antagonist continues to take a well-deserved nap, lying on her stomach as she rested; thankfully, no-one was hurt, with the remaining few micros taking cover near her bare soles, shocked at the immense weight of her feet, seeing them sinking slightly into the bed’s covers.

After almost an hour of traversing, they finally reached the bottom of one of the goddess’ toes, with only tiny patches of dirt and dust to reward them, as well as a dominating view of the sloped sole that awaited them.

They all were scared, but still continued on, passing over the random loops and chasms of her beautiful, godly feet. The skin was amazingly soft and smooth, even the footsteps of the tiny group were sinking a bit into the soft flesh as they made their way up the mountainous terrain; It was like walking on a cozy cloud.

Some of the group couldn't resist, letting themselves fall onto the silky surface, some even dived face-first, pushing their entire bodies against the edge of the soft toe.

After a short break, they get back onto their feet, being careful not to slide off. They all looked in awe at the other plumpy islands of flesh of the other toes, the other side of the giant ‘cliff’ that was nothing more than the area between her feet.

Our remaining few specs were in total fear as they realized their situation when they saw the unforgiving shadow of a foot, leering over them. Still oblivious, the goddess’ other foot arched onto the other foot’s sole, molesting it with her big toe as it scraped up and down the surface of her skin.

This small, yet deadly twitch claimed another victim under her foot, dragging the tiny receptionist across the land of her sole. She let out her last breath, screaming as loud as she could as the foot came down, flattening her onto it’s warm, yet cruel surface. Her ever-breaking body being violently scraped into the sole, a few more trips up and down her foot was more than enough to obliterate her, she was now completely soldered into the wrinkles, and only small strings of gore were left behind.

Only two people remained, both huddling together, praying to their chosens god or deity, praying for mercy as they carefully traversed the wrinkled land.

The sun now shone brightly through the window, reflecting onto the silky skin, creating a desert-like environment as her body began to warm up, her soles slightly glistening with sweat.

Unfortunately disaster struck once again, as the soles jolted into the sky, scrunching and pulsing randomly into the bed, one of the scientists popped like a grape against the skin, while the other remained stuck between one of the wrinkles, trapped and already half-dead, to be squashed later on in the confines of someone’s shoe.

He was barely alive when she woke up, picking up her recently-thrown socks off of the floor, slowly covering her feet with them.

As her foot hit the floor, the final micro-sized instantly compressed into her foot, a tiny, bloodied outline of his last moments, ending with an inaudible ‘splat’ as her feet eventually rested, his body, much like the others, would be soon fade away, this time inside a hot, worn sports shoe.

With that, every tiny employee was now neutralised, this should’ve been no surprise given their unforgivably tiny scale, their bloodied corpses will never be noticed, and humanity would never know what became of them, and how could they? No more than a few hours ago, they were all average-sized humans, people just going on about their daily lives, no-body would think to search the bedroom of an innocent woman, who of which had no idea of the death and destruction to which she caused, continuing on within her everyday life as if nothing had ever happened.

Well, life goes on…