From the Top to the Bottom


Allen Rogers walked the halls of the headquarters of the “Fast Track Delivery” Company where he served as the chief executive officer as well as the chairperson of the company’s board of directors. The company had not been around that long, only five years, but Allan and his investors were hoping to take on the likes of Amazon by offering half off shipping and handling and with the guarantee that your package would arrive within seventy-two hours.

Allen Rogers was a tall man of six foot three inches, in his mid-forties, an olive-skinned complexion, slicked back black hair, and green eyes. He wore a very expensive Armani-style suit, dress slacks, and brown dress shoes. He studied Business and Business Management at Rutgers University where he graduated among the top of his class. As a CEO he was known to be cunning, and ruthless among his employees, having been known to fire underperforming employees for any reason that he deemed necessary.

Alongside him was his secretary/publicist Cindy Taylor, a short woman of five feet six inches tall in her late twenties with pale skin, curly blonde hair that flowed down to her shoulders. She wore a crisp, clean business suit with a skirt on the bottom with black knee-high socks and black pump shoes with a small heel of three inches that pushed up her short stature to five foot nine inches tall. However, heels were always an uncomfortable shoe for her to wear and she preferred not to wear them at all.

She was a meek, shy woman going back through her childhood, where she struggled to make friends. This lasted well throughout middle school, junior high school, high school, and college at Vermont University where she studied Marketing. She was not much of a social butterfly, so when her friends would go out to party, she would usually spend a quiet in her dorm and focus on her assignments, and classes. Even after graduating, she usually hid in the background at company social functions. Of the hundreds of candidates Allen interviewed for her position, he was impressed by her knowledge of marketing and public for someone who, at the time was fresh out of college and hired her for her current position.

“Cindy is there anything else on my docket list for today after the meeting this morning?” Allen asked questioningly.

“N-No sir you have nothing going on for the rest of the day,” Cindy meekly replied to her boss’ question.

“Excellent, then if you don’t mind I will go relax in my office for the rest of the day,” Allen said with a calm smirk on his face as the two reached his office with a gold bar on the center of the wooden door that the read Allen Rogers CEO, Fast Track Delivery, LLC.

“Yes sir, will you need anything else?” Cindy asked.

“No, not yet but if I do I’ll let you know, okay?” Allen replied, as he put his hand on the door handle.

“Yes sir,” Cindy said, as she took a seat in her chair at her desk beside Allen’s office. Allen then pushed the handle on the door to open it, walked inside, and closed it behind him. The inside of his office was decorated with pictures of accomplishments at various points of Allen’s life and career.

He then walked over to his desk, pulled out the rolling desk chair, sat down in it, and pulled it up to the desk. He set his arms on the desk with elbows up and hands folded over each other, and he lowered his head on the desk, deep in thought about his company.

In truth, the company had not been doing as well as Allen nor the other members of the board of directors had hoped, both stock prices and distribution numbers were down at a number of the distribution centers across the country. The company even had to cut its workforce by twenty-five percent this year alone, with another ten percent expected next year. There was even talk about selling the company and Amazon had made an offer of one-point-seven billion dollars to buy the company and integrate it into their existing services.

However, Allen vehemently refused the offer.

“There is no way in hell that I will let those bastards win. I would sooner see this company die than fall into the hands of my rival,” Allen said gritting through his teeth with seething venomous anger at the fact that his partners wanted to throw in the towel and sell the company. There were even some murmurs that the rest of the board wanted to replace Allen as the CEO, but he was not about to go down without a fight.

He then looked at the clock, saw that it had read noon with both hands of the clock on the 12. Then Allen got up and went over to a nearby cabinet where he grabbed a prepackaged burrito and a small saucer. He opened the burrito, put it on the saucer, and grabbed a bottle of water and some napkins that he had brought from his home. He set the water down and the napkins on his desk. He made his way to small microwave on a table in the corner of the room, opened it, set the saucer with the burrito inside, set the timer for one minute thirty seconds, pressed the start button and the microwave begun the countdown.

Soon the microwave let out a loud “beep” sound. Allen then opened the microwave, carefully grabbed the hot saucer, and walked back over to his where he sat down in the office chair and began to eat his meal in silence with a balance of small careful bites and small sips from his water bottle. About twenty minutes later Allen was finished with his meal, and wadded up the wrapper, through it in the trash, then took a napkins, cleaned his hands and through his hands.

“Uggh what is going on?” Allen questioned as he put his hands over his stomach, which suddenly emitted a sharp pain. He stood up from his desk, stumbled over to the center of his office, fell forward on his face, and landed on the floor face down.

Meanwhile Cindy heard strange noises coming from her bosses, then nothing office curious, she stood up from her desk, went over to the door and carefully knocked on the door.

“Mr. Rogers, is everything okay?” Cindy asked worriedly.

However, there was no response. Then she put her hand on the door, pushed it down, opening the door to find an empty office.

Meanwhile on the office floor Allen came back to the consciousness, his eyes fluttered open and he shook his head to the get the cobwebs out of his mind he now found himself in a strange place filled with a large purple grassy plain that seemed to go on forever.

Suddenly he heard a sound that could only be described as rocks falling from a mountain.

“What the hell was that?” Allen wondered confusingly.

Then he saw the door in the distance open and nothing could ever prepare him for the sight that he was about to see.

“Holy shit,” Allen said in surprise.

In the distance was his secretary Cindy Taylor. She seemed to be scanning the room looking for something. Then he watched as she turned towards him and started to walked towards him. He felt her steps shake the floor. It felt like an earthquake that gained intensity with each passing second. Allen also saw that her form would magnify the closer that she was getting until finally a loud “Thud” and a small wind as his field of view was now full of Cindy’s shoes.

“She is huge,” Allen stared awestruck by the sheer enormity of the woman before him. He looked up and her huge legs towered like pillars. Seeing the woven fibers of her socks he could only see up to the lower skirt portion of her outfit as the rest of her body was too high to see from his current low vantage point.

“I have to get her attention, somehow get out of this mess, and get back to normal,” Allen resolved “Cindy!” He shouted up at her as loud as he could. “I’m down here!”

However, there was no response from the giant woman.

“Damn I must be too far away. I have to get higher up so that she can hear me or, even better, see me,” Allen thought to himself.

With a plan in place Allen quickly climbed to the top of the giant shoe. As he prepared to get closer to the leg and climb it however, fate had other ideas in store for him when the foot rose suddenly into the air.

“Ooof, ow ouch!” Allen cried out as gravity took hold and sent him tumbling to the dark abyss of the shoe. His body continued to roll downward until finally he hit the wall of the shoe.

“That certainly didn’t tickle,” Allen grunted as he felt the foot descend back downward and land once more. He looked around his new environment saw the biggest foot ever it was bigger than any building he had ever seen or been in during his life. Below the top of the foot, he saw five massive toes, each of them bigger than his body.

Then Cindy’s foot lifted off the ground, sending Allen forward towards the toes, which hungrily welcomed him in their embrace with a tight squeeze on the ribcage.

“This hurts so much!” Allen cried out in pain as the toes continued to squeeze him. Then the foot landed and the toes released him, granting him a temporary reprieve. Unfortunately he was rolled underneath the sole of her foot.

Then the sole rose up once again and Allen tried to get out of the way before the foot came down. However, once again fate was again unkind to him as the foot came down on top of him compressing him into the bottom of the sole of the shoe. Then the pain began as Cindy began to apply weight to her foot the pressure was intense and got worse and worse with each passing second. Bones broke over his entire body as blood came through his mouth and the air escaping his lungs.

“Noooooo!” He screamed in terror before his body went from being a solid mass to “Pop” Nothing more than puddle of blood on the sole of Cindy’s foot.

Meanwhile back in the office Cindy had grown so worried about her bosses disappearance that she had called the police and was waiting for them to arrive.

Allen Rogers had went from the top of a company to the bottom of his secretary’s sole, and Cindy would be forever unaware of the fact that she crushed her boss to death like a common bug.