Missed Connection


The city bus pulled to a stop in front of a fancy sushi restaurant, a well decorated building with an attractive outdoor eating area and the inside looking twice as lovely. Large red letters in a fancy font depicting the restaurant’s name seemed to float over the entrance, adding to the location’s eye catching appeal.

After quickly double checking the details on his phone, Timothy’s eyes lit up with pure excitement as he stepped off the bus. “Yup! This is the place!” He exclaimed as he approached the desired meeting place.

He almost couldn’t believe it; the time had finally come where he’d finally meet her. He had known Ann online for over a year now, having met in an online chat room where they hit it off swimmingly. They talked more and more, and got to know each other better. They shared hobbies, tastes, and even sexual fantasies. Soon they shared their images and eventually engaged in some fun webcam sessions.

“She’s so cute, I can’t believe this is finally happening,” Tim murmured to himself while looking over one of her pictures in his phone. Ann was slightly chubby girl on the bit of the short side; standing at a mere 5’3”. Her skin was a lovely cinnamon color, her eyes a lovely light brown, her hair was of medium length; dark as night and adorably curly. Freckles decorated her adorable cheeks, accentuated by her cute and sweet smile; her face made even prettier by her black framed glasses, her adorable nose and a nice pair of full and lovely lips.

Tim entered the restaurant and gave himself a quick look over in one of the decorative mirrors. He adjusted his short, black, slightly messy hair while giving his reflection a bright smile. It terms of looks, he was fairly average; 5’10” in height, a decent looking face with dark brown eyes and a fair skinned complexion. For his long, awaited date, he opted for a more business casual look. A dark blue, collared button up shirt with a black tie, black slacks and black loafers. While he was sure she wouldn’t have minded if he showed up in a graphic t-shirt, jeans and sneakers; he wanted to look proper for their first meeting.

“She should be arriving at any moment,” He said to himself and opted to get an outdoor table for two. It was a nice, gorgeous day after all; why not spend some time enjoying it over a nice meal? And from his current spot, he could keep an eye on the bus stop and greet her when she arrived.

To pass the time; he settled down in his seat to give the menu a quick glance, running through mock conversations in his head. Luckily, there was no need for small talk; they’ve known each other for so long that they could skip past all that unwanted awkwardness, much to his relief.

It was at that moment, perhaps by chance or fate, that he brought his attention to the sky. The distant clouds that were once lazily drifting along began to speed across the sky and swirl about in a central location as if caught in a whirlpool. The sky began to darken and a deafening, booming groan roared throughout the skies, rattling both the heavens and the earth. The darkened sky began to seemingly split open; revealing an unfathomably massive gateway in which something, that eclipsed the largest of structures known to man, came forth.

Timothy had no idea what it could be. It was of a brownish color, perhaps some sort of structure, but whatever it was, it seemed worlds apart in size. As the area around him began to echo in a cacophony of panic and confusion: the screams and cries of people, the wailings of car alarms and sirens; Tim could only stare up in awe as that structure, so close yet so impossibly far in distance, crashed down upon the earth’s surface.

Tim was launched clear out of his seat upon impact; an indescribable explosion gone off from the point of impact. The earth shuddered with such violence it was as if someone had picked it up and began to shake it. Vicious gusts of hot air of uncharted speeds blew through the streets; a thick, stifling cloud of dust and dirt being carried along on those winds.

Tim clung to the base of a light post; hanging on for dear life with a lowered head and shut eyes as he heard vehicles flying and tumbling down the roads, and the screams of people stifled by the winds as they struggled against such impossible elements. Buildings swayed with the record breaking high force winds; many weaker structures topping over effortlessly into others, breaking apart into rubble and debris. Windows shattered from blast of noise and the viciousness of the earthquake, forcing glass to burst into a glitter-like shower and fly in all directions. The streets began to crack and rip apart, becoming severely damaged and unleveled. Those that couldn’t find something to hold onto, or hold onto anything sturdy enough, were blown away by the winds or were an unfortunate victim of flying debris and vehicles.

Thankfully, the winds and quakes were gone as quickly as they arrived.

By sheer luck, Timothy managed to survive.

His hair was a complete mess. His clothes were dirtied, damaged, ripped and torn; exposed skin littered with cuts due to flying glass and small debris. He still maintained his death grip on the thankfully sturdy and secure light post even after the disaster seemingly subsided. He raised his head and opened his eyes to observe the aftermath of the short, but devastating event.

It looked like a scene out of a disaster movie, or something post apocalyptic; everything was damaged or destroyed. The streets were filled with debris, bodies and overturned vehicles. The area was cloudy with dust and smoke, while the air itself was suddenly hot and humid; thick and suffocating with an overwhelming scent of sweat and leather, like that of a sweaty foot; to which Tim began to choke and cough, the fresh oxygen in his lungs now replaced with such stinging and swampy air.

The ground began to rumble once again, but nowhere with the previous intensity. The tremor was far weaker in comparison, a dull slight rumble, but the surprise is what followed: Tim and everything around him was suddenly shrouded in darkness, the sun completely blocked out. It was far in the distance that Timothy could make out five boulderous, cinnamon colored structures that were far bigger than any building…no…far bigger than anything he had ever seen. Tim was paralyzed in awe, the ground rumbling once more as the structures seemed to twitch, like larger than life mountains moving freely on their own. He brought his gaze upward, craning her neck further and further back to see one massive brown pillar rising up into the heavens, far past her gaze would allow; but he was able to make out something, something that was flowing lightly in the winds. Like a curtain…or the hem of a dress.

Then it hit him, a truth that shook him to his very core. His jaw dropped and his mouth went dry, now having an understanding of just what he was looking at.

His date.

“I could have sworn this is where we were supposed to meet. I hope he didn’t stand me up,” Ann grumbled, looking around impatiently.

“Screen on.” The lenses of her glasses flickered with a blue light as numerous transparent screens began to hover in front of her face; displaying various amount of info: weather, recent messages, battery percentage on the portal generator, information on planets, galaxies and systems.

“Messages. Timothy.” She once again looked over the details for their date within their recent conversation. Everything checked out. Milky Way Galaxy’s solar system, on planet Earth. Right here in this spot. “He was supposed to be here. Maybe he had portal malfunction. Seems like a nice planet too, the ground is so soft and feels nice on my feet,” She giggled.

The plan was to get together and have some fun roaming about some small planets; perhaps even find some civilizations to have fun with: the kind of thing they talked and even roleplayed about. The thing she didn’t realize was that Tim was merely entertaining a fantasy he thought he was impossible, while she was being serious. They matched so well that they never once realized they were worlds apart. Even worse so she wasn’t aware of the city at her feet being pulverized by her toes.

She folded her arms and turned her lips to a disappointed pout, glancing in various directions and trying to see if she could spot him approaching; all while the simple, idle movements of her foot causing sheer, untold damage to the city and its populace. Dangerous winds were kicked up once again by her movements, deadly quakes caused by her toes grazing the ground; the sweat rolling off from her feet and surging through the streets in a salty flood. Dozens of whole city blocks were crushed deep into footprints numerous stories deep; and she didn’t do anything besides stand around and wait.

Tim; his clothes torn and shredded, his body bruised and battered, filthy with dirt and dust, with a broken phone in hand stood atop of a fallen building; watching the remaining, struggling masses fighting for their lives as they were swept away by the pungent, salty waters along with numerous vehicles. The young man staring up at the monolith of a gorgeous living woman that had unawarely doomed them all.

He watched that sky-dominating foot slowly rise up in the air; a vicious humid wind flowing past him as it steadily rose higher in such a slow, sluggish fashion that filled hi, with anxiety. It was something right out of the movies: the giant making such slow and exaggerated movements as if it were in slow motion. But for Ann, her movements were perfectly normal; quick, casual, careless.

Debris, rubble and crunched vehicles rained down over the devastated city blocks as Ann’s sole seemingly hovered overhead like a golden brown sky, shrouding the entirety of the city in darkness. Tim simply closed his eyes, unable to see his end coming as he recalled the conversations they held over the internet. The teasing talks, the roleplays; to think all the jokes about her being a massive creature were actually true.

Fed up with waiting, Ann brought her foot down upon the city like a smiting hammer of judgment from a god as she marched off; unknowingly pulverizing the metropolis into a massive footprint pressed deep into the earth; buildings, bodies and vehicles all crushed into nigh unrecognizable forms underneath her.

“I swear, Tim has some explaining to do for standing me up,” She muttered as she stormed off, her date squished against her sole like a speck of dirt.