12 Miles of Women

by Nostory

Scott rushed outside the moment he heard the tremors, and so it seemed did his neighbours. All of them stood in their front yards, impeccably mowed and trimmed, while craning their necks up. California may have had earthquakes but this wasn’t mother nature. Scott swallowed hard as over the horizon they came. Two immense female forms, monolithic and shaking the earth with every step they took.

Instinct dictated he run but Scott was a speck compared to them. He could only watch as they approached, their bodies blotting out the Sun. Scott had watched them on the news, smiles etched on faces larger than the ones carved onto Rushmore. Ever since the accident at the nuclear plant, they had decided the world would be their playground. Both of them were nude, and they had plenty to flaunt.

Both had curves that literally went on for miles, except the blonde one was more voluptuous. Mountain sized breasts capped with nipples that made the Washington monument look insignificant, which she proved by using it as a makeshift toothpick in her decimation of the capital. Wide hips with just the right amount of fat on them and an ass that flattened Vegas.

The other woman, a brunette, didn’t have her lover’s shapeliness but she made up for it with her muscles. Washboard abs, a decent sized rack magnified into a geological feature, she was toned all over. Each of them possessed the strength to shape the Earth, a feat they demonstrated over and over again to millions of doomed people.

The blonde’s lips parted, and in an instant all of the windows were shattered as she spoke. “Karla darling, this place is so cute! Didn’t you say you grew up in a place like this?” She bent her knees, her immense form replacing that of the sky as she tried to make out the little details. Scott happened to be underneath her, and he tried to avoid her gaze. Things that caught their attention didn’t last very long. Her cerulean eyes squinted at the ground, large enough to be a storm system. “How quaint, you all are still here. I don’t mind an audience,” she said.

Her friend, which Scott now knew was Karla, chuckled, her laugh sounding like rolling thunder to him. “Oh Kate, you’re such a slut!” She said with mock disapproval. “Not my fault they don’t make clothes our size,” she replied. Each syllable produced a blast of air, furthering deafening the denizens of the town.

Scott covered his eyes in pain, blood streaming out from his ear holes. He stumbled about, missing the darkening shadow as she lay on her side, her shoulder obliterating his part of town. Kate hardly noticed, continuing her flirtations with Karla. It had been a week since she became a twelve mile giantess and she had long since given up on being restored to what they called a “normal” size.

Her right breast lay squashed by the left as Karla approached her, equally naked. Bending over, they locked lips, a low moan escaping Karla. Kate was always the best kisser, especially now when she was the only who could take her. The power she wielded, the mere thought of it was enough to moisten her loins.

Kate rolled over on to her back, destroying even more neighbourhoods, reducing all of it to a fine dust under billions of tonnes of woman. Karla lay on top of her, their bodies grinding against each other. “Remember when we fucked and took out half of New York?” Karla whispered, although it was still loud enough for the entire neighbourhood to hear.

Kate giggled girlishly, spreading her legs. “I remember you used the Empire State Building as a toy. Well, we did. A shame it broke.” Karla kissed Kate on the lips, then moved down, until she was right between Kate’s outspread legs. Then she dove in, her tongue toying with the giantess, leaving her enthralled. She moaned loudly, her cries of love echoing for hundreds of miles.

The two women went at it, their thrashing bodies shaking the very ground they lay on. People tried to flee but at times the giantesses would move, and thousands of unlucky ones were reduced to a stain on their bodies. When they were done, the neighbourhood was no more, well planned streets and artificially maintained properties reduced to a muddy quagmire.

“Honestly, what’s the point of building all of this if it can’t even survive one fuck?” Kate said as she glanced around the area. This was what she was meant to be: a goddess. Not plain old Kate who had to wait tables just to keep her head above the water. Now she could do whatever she wanted, and no one could stop her. Karla had been hesitant to embrace her godhood but after they tried and failed to nuke them, she had accepted it without questioning.

“I wonder, if anyone survived?” Karla pondered out loud as she rose to her feet. Kate chuckled, “I doubt they stayed. Looks like we ruined their town. But they can always rebuild, for our next visit.”