The World's Biggest Sex Date

by BizyBoy00

“Pull over here, this looks good.”

The cab driver was confused as to why the couple wanted to be dropped off in the middle of nowhere outside the city, but he did as they asked. Mark pulled out a wad of cash and paid the driver a very nice tip. “Thank you, keep the change!”

The driver’s eyes widened at the amount. “No problem! If the two of you have any issues getting back, call me directly and I’ll do my best to come pick you up asap!” the driver replied, handing over a business card.

Amy took the card and slid it in her pants pocket. “Thank you!” When the cab was out of sight, the two walked through the woods and into a clearing. “Ok, the coast looks clear. Let’s do this here.”

Mark nodded and started stripping his clothes, with Amy following suit. When they were both fully naked, Amy reached back into her pants pocket and pulled out a small remote. “Are you ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Mark replied. He moved in close to Amy and put his arms around her, kissing her and letting his penis rub against her warm body. At the same time, Amy pushed a button on the remote and activated the enlarging beam. The two started to grow and kept growing until the beam shut off and the warmth of it went away. Pulling apart from the embrace, both looked back towards the city and noticed that they were now looking down at what was once a big city.

“Wow, this is amazing!” Mark said in surprise.

“I’m just glad it actually worked!” Amy replied. “It’s normally for shrinking things but reversing the wiring worked just fine for us.”

Mark pulled her in and kissed her again. “I love you, babe.”

“I love you too, sweetie… now let’s go fuck a city.”

Mark and Amy held hands as they walked along the highway towards the city. With both being approximately the same height, they both maxed out at approximately 1,000 feet tall. They took turns walking on top of the highway, though at their size their soles almost completely covered both directions of traffic. At first, some of the traffic had sped up once they noticed the massive people walking towards them, but most of the ones stuck farther back on the highway decided to ditch their vehicles and make a run for it. A few drove off the highway and tried their luck driving through the hills.

“Aww, some of those cars match the color of your toes pretty well,” Mark stated.

Amy giggled. “I wish we could keep some. Can you imagine me having the nail salon worker trying to find a color match to a convertible?” The two laughed and kept strolling towards the city. As they did, the gentle breeze combined with the relative speed of their walking to make their nipples hard, along with Mark’s penis. When she glanced down to see the destruction they were causing, Amy noticed Mark’s hard shaft and let go of his hand to reach down and stroke it.

“Hey, hey!” Mark exclaimed, “we’re not at our planned location yet!”

“Psh, doesn’t mean I can’t make everyone down there jealous of your massive cock,” Amy snickered. She let it go and gave it a gentle tap to let it swing in as they continued walking. Eventually they came up to a small suburban neighborhood that they were both familiar with. “Hey, isn’t this were your cunty ex-wife lives with her new rich boyfriend?”

The smile on Mark’s face widened with a hint of evil intention. “Why yes, it is, and if memory serves me, it’s that big blue house right there… with her car in the driveway.” Mark leaned in to and saw two tiny figures hiding behind the large Hummer next to the car. “Hey there, Jessica! Looks like you’re doing well! I want to introduce you to my new girlfriend Amy.” Amy waved and gave a cute wink. “You said that I never measured up to you…well, it looks like the tables have turned!”

Mark stood back up and took Amy’s hand again. “Why don’t we both take care of this bitch together,” he said, raising his foot high. Amy nodded and did the same. “One…two…THREE!” Mark counted down, and when he got to three, they both slammed their feet down and stomped repeatedly until there was nothing but rubble where the house was, along with the couple of houses around the area.

“Woah, that was hot fun!” Amy said. “I’m…I’m getting a little wet,” she cooed.

“Well, we do have a whole city to have fun with,” Mark replied.

Amy smiled. After a couple seconds of silence, she pushed Mark over, sending him crashing onto several houses in the neighborhood. “Come get me, babe!”

Mark gather his senses and looked up to see Amy running for the city. He got up and ran after her. It didn’t take long to catch up to her, but when he did, she reached over and pushed a whole skyscraper into his path as if she was knocking over stacked cans in a grocery store. As Mark smashed through, Amy tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground, her arms and body destroying several buildings. Her laughs echoed across the land.

Behind her, Mark had fallen onto all fours and lay gently (to him) down on top of her, passionately kissing her breasts and working his way up to her lips. Amy moaned and pulled him closer, feeling his hard cock rub up and down against her wet pussy.

“Mmmmmm oh yes, I want you in me soooo baaaaad!” Amy could barely contain herself anymore. She pushed Mark up a bit, reached down to grab his hard shaft, and guided it into her womanhood.


Amy’s screams could be heard for miles around, and the earthquakes caused by their gyrating and bouncing caused buildings to shake and crash to the ground all over the city and suburbs. The sound of Mark’s moaning mixed with her to make a chorus that made survivors nearby go deaf.

When they finished, Mark lay himself down next to his hot and wet girlfriend. They rolled towards each other and passionately made out, rolling along parts of the city that they had not gotten to yet. Looking up from her top position, Amy noticed lots of tiny people running down an unruined road. She reached up and grabbed a handful of them, killing some between her fingers in the process. Dropping them into Mark’s mouth, she then started to make out with him again.


Their moans drowned out the screams of the tiny people that they swapped back and forth, then their saliva drowned them out for good. Amy took the last amount in her mouth and formed a huge wad of spit. Noticing a small fire to their side, she spit the fire out with her human-filled saliva.

“That was so hot,” Mark said.

“Mmm so what should we do next?” Amy purred.

“Well, we have half of the city left, how about we drown them in cum?”

Amy laughed. “Wow! Where did you get THAT idea?”

“From that giantess website you showed me. The model said something about drowning the tiny people in her pussy, I don’t see why I can’t drown them in my fluids.”

Amy stood up and pulled Mark up with her. “Alright, let’s find some victims.”

On the other side of the city, Amy spotted a large concentration of dots running away and jumped out in front of them to block them all. Her and Mark then used their feet to gouge a moat-like valley around them.

“Alright, you little fuckers have just volunteered to help us out.” They both sat on opposite sides of the area with their legs spread on top of the others’, letting their respective crotches get close to the circle of people.

“Hope you enjoy the show!” Mark said as he started jacking off. Amy ran her fingers up and down Mark’s sensitive thighs, helping to stimulate him. Not wanting her to feel left out, Mark started to stroke her pussy lips, gently caressing them and making her breathe heavy between moans. Gradually he pushed his fingers in deeper and started digging inside to make her super horny. Her juices started to come out of her and drip onto the ground. Her horniness made her grip Mark’s cock and jerk it faster. Once again, their sex noises reached places far away.

As if it was planned on purpose, Mark came and let out a huge load onto the people below, and Amy, likewise, clinched down on Mark’s fingers, making him pull them out and letting Amy’s squirt join him cum, along with going on him as well.

Down between the crotches, the tiny people were all but killed. The pressure of the streams and squirts slammed down onto their tiny bodies and killed some instantly. Most of them stayed in the middle unsure of what to do, and they all got covered in the sticky goo and drowned in it. The few that tried to run away from what looked like was going to be ground zero made it away from all the mess but died when Mark and Amy decided to have sex again. Mark lifted himself up and moved closer to Amy, sticking his sticky and hard cock into her again. The two banged back and forth, eventually embracing and making out while fucking. The tiny people below stood no chance at surviving the massive butts as they gyrated in all directions.

The sex was even more amazing than the first time, and when they were done, the two of them lay back in exhaustion. Amy picked up a few small buildings and rubbed her breasts with them, the cool metal feeling amazing against her hot body. Mark looked over at her foot and stroked her dirty soles, further relaxing her.

After a little while, Mark moved himself alongside her and cuddled up with her. “This was amazing, sweetie,” he said.

“I had such a great time. I love you so much,” Amy replied, looking into his eyes.

“I love you too,” Mark replied. He cupped her cheek and kissed her as sweetly as the moment allowed. After the kiss, they lay there and listened to the sounds of sirens all around them as the tiny people tried to recover any survivors.

“So…what should we do next?” Mark asked.

Amy thought for a moment. “I say we let this city cool down for a little bit, then we wreck the rest of it, and the next one, and the next one!”

“Oooooh, you’re evil.” Mark pulled her close and the two closed their eyes, thinking about the fun yet to come.