My Bus Became a Sex Toy for Two Lesbian Giantesses

by CrushedBoyWonder

The bus driver screams, and that’s when everyone goes from fear to terror. That's when I suddenly know that whatever could go wrong is happening now - the worst case scenario just started. It feels like your mind exiting your head through your face and leaving your brain all light and empty except for the bare minimums. It feels like something wrapped tight around your chest and you can't remember how to breath. It feels like your guts are trying escape your body out your asshole. That’s the adrenaline hitting I guess.

It's a bit similar to the feeling I get right after the giant feminine fingers close around the bus, blocking the side windows and causing the metal to groan. It's right after that, as we rise into the air at an insane speed that it feels like my stomach hits the floor of the bus and my head weighs a hundred kilograms. The grooves of her fingerprint, pressed against the window, are massive. Through gaps between her fingers I see skyscraper windows rush past, and glimpse the city falling away below. Then, I see her. The bus goes silent.

Her giant, beautiful face looks down on us puny ones in her hand. She has short blond hair and freckles, and a wry, mischievous grin. She's topless but still wearing her panties and Nikes. Her green eyes remain calm, but intent. Suddenly we lurch toward her, gasping, and her massive eye fills the windows of the bus. Her pupil contracts and dilates as she studies us. Some are frozen in terror, others try to crawl against the opposite windows. Then we hear her chuckle, and our hearts stop.

We’re thrown back again as the bus moves through the sky, held in her hand like a toy plane. People shriek and struggle to grab onto anything, poles, seats, each other, to keep steady. I’m in the back with my arms outstretched, clutching the handle loops suspended from the ceiling bars. Then we stop. Another face.

This new giantess has longer, black hair and blue eyes. She's curvy, nubile. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyelids heavy, totally naked and leaning back against some tall buildings. She notices us below her, taking a moment to realize what we are. Her eyes dart back to the other giantess, then back to us, and then they widen slightly. Her lips part. My blood runs cold.

The blond one lowers toward her partner's massive, curvy tits and erect nipples. The front of the bus is pressed into the areola and rubbed around in circles. The windshield wipers break off. I hear the black-haired giantess moaning in pleasure above.

Then we are pulled back, and pressed slowly right onto her nipple. There's a splintering sound as the glass goes white with spiderwebs under the pressure, until finally its smashed inward and falls to the floor in one big sheet. The giant pink nipple bursts through and crushes the bus driver. There's the sound of crunched ribs and a spray of blood, his arms twitching.

Screams erupt from the passengers, but what really gives me shivers is the sigh of pleasure from the giantess. The bus is moved around a bit, playing with her nipple, smearing the drivers body all over the erect tip. When we are finally retracted, his corpse is so mangled it splits in two, his top half sticking to her flesh and disappearing out the open window leaving only his legs behind in his chair.

We lurch away again, scrabbling for handholds as we fly high through the air. We get a view of the giantesses grinning and leaning into each other, kissing passionately, playfully biting and pulling at each others lips. Eventually they pause, and their gaze falls upon us once more. That chill returns to my spine, and they smile in sly anticipation.

My gut tries to come out my throat as the blond lowers us. I watch out the front window as the other, dark haired one's breast disappears upward, and we pass down her stomach, her belly button, and her close-trimmed pubic hair. Then her pussy fills my vision, vast and gleaming wet.

The blond giantess uses the bus to play with her partner's clit, rubbing up and down and in circles. Inside the bus, those of us who are not holding onto something are thrown against the windows and chairs, luggage flying. She uses the front tip of the bus to lift the clitoral hood, and as she moves it up, the clit enters the open front window, round and pink and glistening. The back end of the bus lifts and I watch as two high school girls tumble screeching toward the wall of flesh. They hit the slick, exercise-ball sized clit and stick to it immediately, trapped in her juices. Then the bus pulls back again, and her hood slips back over the girls who disappear forever. The giantess moans in pleasure.

We are lowered again, and the blond uses us to fondle her partner's folds, parting them and inserting the tip. She presses us in only a bit, retreating, teasing. As she continues, we go a little deeper each time, the side windows becoming coated in lubricating cum. The smell of her is intense.

I watch a woman manage to open one of the emergency escape windows near myself in the back, and with much effort and being banged around, she squeezes her body half way out. A balding man in a business suit clutches onto her skirt, hoping to somehow escape with her. The woman kicks back at him and struggles to get out.

The giantess must have noticed her because then her hand shifts and she pushes the woman back into the bus with her fingertip, which then rests on the opened window. The would-be escapee yells in frustration, her clothes ripped, banging her fists on the floor.

Soon, everything goes black, and the frightened cries in the bus hush. In the darkness all we hear is a massive heartbeat. We are fully inserted. It is hot and humid the feminine smell is overpowering. Then, with a lurch we are out again, daylight blinding, the sound of pleasurable moaning filling our ears, before we are plunged back again.

It goes on like this, back and forth, I don't know how long for all I can do is concentrate on not letting go of my handholds. It gets hotter, and I cant see out the windows anymore except for the alternating light and dark through the cum. At the front, through the open windshield, I can just see walls of slick red flesh barely illuminated by the bus's lights, as we are pumped in and out.

The woman from before opens a different emergency exit window and tries to crawl out, bracing herself against whatever she can. I want to tell her to stop, but I know there's no way she can hear me in the chaos. As she makes it partly out, her body is immediately trapped between the bus and the walls of the vagina, and she is dragged out and smeared in a bloody streak all along one side of the windows.

At that point, as if the giantess felt it, the speed increases, like some crazy amusement park ride. I see a man's head whipping back and forth over the back of his seat, his neck probably broken. An older woman who somehow managed to hold on this long, finally loses her grip and is thrown across the bus, her body cracking over poles and chairs like a rag doll. Baggage and all manner of items fly around the air. I see a man tumble right out the open front window and vanish into darkness.

That's when the first contraction occurs, the walls tightening and the bus groaning under pressure. The heat increases even further and then, the giantesses speed up even more. As our sex-toy bus is pumped in and out faster and faster, almost everyone is thrown around like a whirlwind through the air with all the debris, bashing bloodily against the roof and windows and each other. I lose my death grip on the handles when a woman collides with me mid air, and then all I can do is try to protect my neck as I bounce around like a pinball, but it's almost impossible.

Suddenly there's a screech of metal bending and a blast of humid heat, the giantess heartbeat going wild as she orgasms. Her contractions crumple the bus like tinfoil, the windows bursting inward. I see people crushed between seats and indented walls, impaled on broken poles and bits of metal. Moments later, like a tsunami, her cum floods into the bus. Somehow I manage to take a deep breath before I'm hit by the weight of it and it's searing heat and pressure. I'm swirled around in the thick goo, no way of knowing which way is up, unable to hold onto anything. My gut reaction is to just hold my breath as long as I can and pray.

It seems like forever. When my lungs start to burn, I open my eyes, panic setting in. Through the cloudy liquid I see debris and corpses suspended, severed limbs drifting and blood swirling. I try to swim toward the front window but the cum is so thick I have to instead climb over broken seats and bodies. My shirt gets caught on a shard of metal, and I can't tug it off. I become very tired and I start to lose consciousness. It's so dark. I'm going to die here.

Suddenly everything starts falling toward the front window. Something inside me kicks in and I grab the nearest seat and hold on. Light floods in through the windows, which are clean and wet now. Everything in the bus is sucked out the front, and I watch it all disappear, cum and corpses and everything except me, into a giant red cavern, where it is swallowed. The bus pulls back and I see a massive mouth, and the blond giantess licks her lips. On the other side I see the black haired giantess draped across the buildings, panting, sweaty, eyes closed and legs spread limply. Her breasts rise and fall heavily as she catches her breath post-orgasm, and one finger twitches a little.

I look back at the blond, who peers inside the bus, her giant eye looking right at me, dilating in amusement. She finds it funny that I'm still alive in here, and turns the bus around in her hand, watching as I scramble to stay upright. I'm just a toy to these Goddesses, and I've lasted longer than they need me.

With a lazy smile, she bends over and extends her arm, and just I recover from the sudden plunge, she lets go of the bus.

Free falling, on instinct I dive for an open window but too late, the bus smashes into the street below.

Shaken, it takes a long moment to regain my breath and my vision. I can't feel anything, but through blurry eyes I think I see things sticking out of my legs and stomach, things that shouldn't be sticking out there.

I look up through the wreckage of the bus and see the giantesses smiling down on me. The blond straightens up and after a moment, lifts her foot. I stare up at the white rubber sole of her Nike, recognize my imminent doom, and I accept it finally as it comes down to crush me.