Extra Sprinkles

by Grildrig

The rows of tiny houses on Tilson Lane shook, rattled by massive footfalls as Debbie and Leon followed the giants-only path to the sprawling McKinney’s residence. A tall blonde woman answered the door and invited them inside.

“Is this your first time?” Silvia asked, grinning at their nervousness.

Debbie and Leon both answered, eliciting laughter. “Yes and no,” said Debbie shyly. “We’ve watched, nothing more.”

“I envy you,” said Silvia. “First times are powerful.” She held out a goldfish bowl. Leon stared for a moment at the house keys inside before digging into his pocket. “Don’t let me see,” Silva added impishly, closing her eyes, “put them in; stir them around.” When that was done she set the bowl down, and took the anxious couple by the arms. “Now, let me --”

A fairy like tinkling at the door interrupted her. Silvia pouted and called her husband, Matt, who cheerfully took Debbie and Leon beneath his wing. Silvia returned to the door, opening it with a flourish and glancing down. What she saw made her greeting come out as a little squeak.

“Silvia, darling, how splendid to see you,” cried a diminutive voice.

“Why, Beverley and uh...” Silvia started, her heart pounding.

“Paul,” said the tiny woman. “Say hi to Sil, Paul.”

“Hi, Sil,” parroted the comparatively husky man standing next to her. He bobbed his head, unable to wave because of the burden he carried. He also proved incapable of tearing his eyes from the massive open toe sandals before him.

“Hello, Paul. I heard you were traveling, Bev.” Silvia added as Beverly entered with Paul staggering behind.

“That’s how I met this adorable hunk,” Beverly beamed. “I’m aching to share the things I’ve learned. Be a dear, Sil, and help the poor man.”

“What?” said Silvia, “Oh, yes, of course.” She bent down and carefully plucked up the key Paul was gamely trying to lug around. A winning smile adorned her face as she placed it into the goldfish bowl, surreptitiously pressing it flat against the glass bottom. She breathed a nervous sigh as Beverly pulled her clueless companion into the main room.

* * *

The party was three hours and many drinks older before the goldfish bowl came out. The first lots were chosen. Raucous and cheerfully inappropriate comments followed those selectees to the upper hallway leading to the rooms. After that the second round commenced. When it was their turn Leon and Debbie mounted the sweeping staircase. The corridor at the top was wide and spacious with doors solid and ornate bearing bronze numbers.

“What did we get?” asked Debbie.

“Uh,” said Leon as he examined the slip of paper given to him. “Twelve and seven. Twelve is me. Are you as excited as I am?”

“I’m so nervous I could throw up,” said Debbie, and she kissed him hard, fondling his crotch with her hand. “Let’s do this,” and she danced to the number seven door, blew Leon a kiss, opened it and stepped inside. Leon took a deep breath and slipped into number twelve.

* * *

Debbie closed the door behind her, jumping a little as the latch clicked. The bedroom was spacious, but dark. She slowly approached the four poster with pounding heart as she spied the tiny man sprawled out across one of the pillows. His eyes followed her. He flinched as her leg bumped against the bed.

“T-t-take your clothes off,” she commanded, trying to take charge. The little man complied. She flicked them off the bed and then pinning him with her gaze she slowly undressed, slipping off her shirt, removing her bra, revealing full round breasts, keenly aware of the eyes upon her.

Part of her trembled at what she was doing, part ached to ravish this helpless miniature male. She crawled onto the bed, smirking as the action dislodged him, sending him tumbling down beneath her. With a laugh she dropped next to him, bouncing him into the air.

“Okay, short stuff,” said Debbie, “what’s your name?”

“Paul,” he replied.

“Not tonight,” she growled. “Tonight it’s Toy. You’re mine. G-g-got it?” and she cursed the stammer.

They stared at each other, unsure what to do next. After that things went downhill.

* * *

An hour of awkward play that terrified Paul and frustrated Debbie ended when she picked him up in her fist and stomped naked out of the room, practically kicking open the door to number twelve.

“This little fucker is defec --“ she started, and stopped in her tracks. She sucked in a deep breath and finished with, “ -- what the hell?” while waving Paul at what she was seeing.

Leon lay naked on the bed, arms and legs spread, wrists and ankles tied, and a ball gag in his mouth. A tiny woman rode his hard cock like a bucking bronco, using a whip for reins. Her long red hair flew as she energetically bounced Leon’s manhood up and down.

“Wee!” crowed Beverly. “Is he yours? He’s fun!” She clutched her tiny legs tight around the thick shaft, grinding herself against it.

“I should have told you,” said Paul woozily, plucking at one of Debbie’s huge fingers to ease the pressure on his chest, “she’s really persuasive.”

“Leave Leon alone,” Debbie raged.

“That wouldn’t be nice,” said Beverly, and she leaned forward, rubbing her tiny bare breasts just below Leon’s glans, while she impishly rasped her miniature tongue next to his slit, drawing a groan from him. “Not when he’s enjoying himself,” she licked her lips and resumed riding him.

“Trust me,” said Paul, “his putty to her.” Leon gave credence to that comment by looking more than a little guilty.

“Fine,” Debbie sputtered, “you can have this one too!” And she stepped forward to toss Paul onto the bed.

“Why do you have to be like that?” said Beverly. “You came here for fun, didn’t you?” She scrubbed her little naked body up and down Leon’s colossal manhood with such verve that he arched his back and curled his fingers into fists.

“Well, yes, but you’re doing it backwards,” Beverly stared at Leon’s face as the tiny redhead tortured him with pleasure. “How the hell are you doing that?” she sputtered waving Paul like a pointer at Leon, who wriggled and squirmed within her grasp, making her tighten her grip.

“This?” Beverly purred, and she rubbed Leon’s glans with her tiny face, “This is nothing. You could do this. Pick me up. Better yet, switch me with Paul. He should feel this too. I want to whisper so the boys won’t hear.”

The suggestion tugged at Debbie’s sense of humor, diminishing her confusion and anger. She carefully wrapped her fingers around the tiny woman, and perched her on her shoulder. But before she set Paul down she rubbed Leon’s cock, marveling at its steel-like hardness. Paul looked less than pleased clinging to a shaft longer and thicker than his entire body.

Beverly sprang to Debbie’s ear and spoke animatedly for a long while. Beads of sweat popped up on both Leon and Paul faces, as Debbie’s lips slowly spread into a feral grin.

* * *

“You can’t do this!” Paul argued while writhing chest deep with arms pinned in the grip of the soft wet pussy flesh enveloping his muscular body. Debbie sat spread on Leon’s chest allowing Beverly to stand with her face inches away from Paul’s.

“You told me insertion was your thing,” said Beverly.

“It is! Getting fucked isn’t!” he yelled.

“Potatoes, potahtoes, you’ll be fine. It’s going to be so slippery-sloshy in there you’ll slither past Leon’s every thrust. But you have the right idea with the hyperventilating. Keep that up.”

“He doesn’t seem into it,” Debbie observed, looking down at them over her breasts.

“Nonsense,” said Beverly. She gave Paul a deep kiss, planted her hands on his shoulders, and leaning hard shoved him deep into Debbie’s womanhood, smothering his shriek, and eliciting a shocked gasp from the gigantic girl. A second gasp was forthcoming as Beverly stood on her toes to caress the hard throbbing clit peaking from its hood. “Okay, it’s your turn,” she finally chirped.

Leon wiggled nervously, nearly unseating Beverly, while Debbie lifted her ass and slid back, pausing as she felt the tip of Leon’s cock nuzzling against her glistening vulva. Debbie gazed into Leon’s eyes as she slowly kissed his glans with her pussy, working it up and down the length of her sex, teasing him mercilessly. She groaned as Paul’s squirming telegraphed itself through the core of her lust, his tiny hands clawing at her inner flesh.

“You’re sure this is okay?” she asked.

"Trust me,” grinned Beverly.

Debbie bit her lower lip, unable to resist any longer and forced herself down onto Leon’s thick manhood. Her dark labia spread over and around the hard dome, which slid effortlessly into her sopping wet depths. And when that vast hardness pressed against Paul’s diminutive body he went completely berserk. Debbie and Leon groaned in mutual pleasure from the frantic motions as the tiny man kicked and punched against them.

Beverly pounced, grabbing a tuft of pussy hairs in her left hand for balance, while her right reached for Debbie’s clit. Debbie shuddered in delight, grinning as Leon tried to thrust into her. She rose up denying him control, making him wait with just the tip of him inside of her. When she couldn’t stand it any longer she pressed down again, using his cock to poke and stir the tiny man trapped inside of dripping cunt. Each time she tried to pin Paul against her cervix he squirted away, flailing and twisting against the inner flesh of her sex, hamming against Leon’s thick cock. The sensations fueled a throbbing tension, and Debbie tossed her head back, combing her fingers through her hair as she fucked Leon with mounting urgency, while the tiny woman between her thighs vigorously massaged her hard clit.

Debbie looked down, her eyes wide, her mouth spread into an O, locking her eyes with Leon. He felt her inner muscles clenching him, squeezing his cock as she rode him harder and harder. Paul was mercilessly caught between them, his puny body spun and churned as Leon’s cock slammed in and out of Debbie’s pussy. She grasped her tits, squeezing and kneading them, until with a banshee shriek she tossed her head, her black hair flying as her orgasm blazed through her. Beverly scrambled back to keep from being crushed as Leon succumbed, his cries muffled, but his body tense beneath her, jerking as he pumped his thick cum deep into Debbie’s pussy.

After a long breathless minute Debbie gasped, “Oh, fuck, he’s still in me.” She lifted herself slowly off Leon revealing his glistening shaft. Using her fingers she probed for Paul, and he finally slipped out, completely drenched and coughing.

Beverly crawled next to Paul, patting his back, clearing his face. After a minute the spasms subsided. Only then did she point to his stiff cock. “That’s what a bit of asphyxiation does for a man,” she crowed gleefully before mounting him.

“Should we help?” Debbie asked. Leon rolled his eyes, since there wasn’t a damned thing he could do.

However, it quickly became clear that Paul was completely in the moment. His hands fumbled for Beverly’s hips, gripping her tightly, the giant couple’s cum and juices splattering in all directions as they fucked.

Debbie carefully leaned over them, releasing Leon. He pulled out the ball gag, and they watched, mesmerized as both tiny people pounded together to their own screaming climax.

Beverly dropped to Paul’s side, her breasts rising and falling as she panted for air. They gazed up at the giants looming over them. Paul looked completely worn out. Beverly stretched sensuously, brushing her naked body against Paul’s.

“Do you do this much?” Leon asked.

“Only every fucking chance I get,” Beverly purred, blowing him a kiss.