Happy Ascension Day

by MoonlightUmbry

I know things haven’t been pleasant between us. My actions were well deserved in drawing your ire. But I wish to make amends, let me make it up to you. It’s your Ascension Day. I still remember how absolutely ravishing you looked when you were called up to Goddesshood. How your gaze captivated me the moment our eyes met. Please, just honor me this one chance, let us recapture the fire we had. Oh, and no need for any garments, they won’t be necessary. Happy Ascension Day, Cybil. :-) - Orion.

Cybil scoffed as she read over the message from her old lover; they had become estranged for a reason. His charismatic ways had often garnered attention from the other goddesses and while he never truly acted on their advances, the frequency of it annoyed her greatly. There was also the case of him enjoying his mischief and chaos more than he enjoyed her; ’tis what she deserved for hooking up with a Trickster god, but still…

Standing completely nude before her reflection, as the divine had no true need for garments in their private realms, Cybil admired what they once had. In appearance, she was an anthropomorphic mouse with perfect and pristine snowy white fur, long golden hair and captivating green eyes. To call her beautiful was an understatement; she was a goddess of beauty and love, all were easily allured by her presence. And Orion, also a mouse, with fur as dark as night, hair the color of moonlight, and piercing eyes of burning crimson.

Day and Night, Ebony and Ivory, The Light and The Dark. They were a fine pair.

Another sigh. Perhaps she could give him another shot.

* * *

“So this is one of the lesser realms,” Cybil said in awe as she stepped out of the portal; appearing in the center of a bustling human city a few hundred feet in size and completely nude for hundreds of thousands of eyes to see. Her white furred paw crashed down upon numerous vehicles and their inhabitants as she seemed to materialize out of thin air, her other foot soon following.

A second pair of feet, dark furred this time as her partner joined her with a wide grin. “You’ve been wanting to see one for centuries, yeah? So here we are.”

The pair took themselves on a self-imposed tour of the city: observing the tiny mortals, their methods of transportation, their lifestyles and more. They did so with hardly any alarm, as the humans were unable to stop and be drawn by Cybil’s beauty. Few managed the will power to flee for their lives, but the rest were frozen in awe as if watching a fireworks display.

Orion himself wasn’t that different; the time he spent with her reminded him why he connected her to begin with. Not just her beauty, but her personality, her sweetness, how adorable and proper she was. He watched her from behind as she observed an office building; no doubt having charmed those within with just the stare of her eyes. Her cute ears, those lovely curves, cute butt, and gorgeous legs. It was foolish on his behalf to make this mistakes he did, he thought as he slowly approached her.

Cybil’s nigh-hypnotic gaze over the humans within came to an abrupt end for Orion could no longer resist his urges. He pressed up against her from behind, forcing her up against the building and giving its inhabitants quite a show as her prodigious bust squished into the mirroring surface along with the rest of her curvaceous form. She released a surprised, but pleased gasp when she felt his strong, warm hands drift along her sides and his claws dragging through her pristine white fur. “Orion,” She moaned his name softly while curling her tail about their waists, “What do you think you are doing?”

The night-furred mouse pressed further still; his member thickening and pulsing against the soft, yielding cheeks of the snow-furred lady mouse’s ample, perfectly shaped rear. “What does it look like?” Orion chuckled inwardly, his hands continuing to roam along Cybil’s perfect form; squeezing at her thighs, her hips, caressing over her stomach and along the squished shape of her breasts. His head dipped forward, nuzzling along her cheek before kissing and nibbling downward along her neck. His own tail whipped back and forth behind him; the tip of it effortlessly and unknowingly slashing along the front of a building, leaving behind a deep gash in the structure as bits of glass and concrete rained down upon the footprint scarred street.

“Mmmph…you,” Cybil purred along the sounds of crackling glass, the groaning of bending steel and metal, and the crumbling of concrete as she gripped the edges of the building for support; her fingers digging into the skyscraper while her body shook with pleasure. “Y-you fool. F-first we invade the mortal realm like this…ooh, right there…an-and now we’re showcasing passions before eyes that have no right to gaze upon them? The Pantheon will be furious,” She warned breathlessly.

“The Pantheon is littered with stuffy ancients who cling to old ways. They wouldn’t know fun even if a whole universe filled with it was born right before their faces,” Orion said, keeping focus on his partner, pressing against her even harder while continuing to appreciate her body. “And these mortals…this is a lesser realm my dear. They’ve never laid eyes on gods before. Many have lost their faith, or carry their faith blindly. They lack the willpower or the knowledge to fully understand our presence. Look how they were utterly entranced by you from a simple gaze,” He added.

“You’re incorrigible,” the golden haired mouse said with a heavy gasp; the release of her divine breath fogging the windows as she pressed against the building even harder, “You’re going to break my restraints,” Cybil whined as the glass began to crackle against the pressure of her breasts and hardening pretty-pink nipples.

“Good,” Orion replied sharply, “It’s your Ascension Day. Time to loosen up and have some fun, the way we used to,” he chuckled and bit down lightly at her neck; an action he knew that would drive her wild.

“Bastard!” Cybil hissed, gripping at the building as she felt a rushing surge through her body. Her restraints, the self imposed limitation on her divinity in the realm, began to break from within with the sound of a powerful rumble, like an intense single beat of the heart, echoed through the sky. Her form quickly swelled in size; pushing through the building like it were nothing. The windows shattered instantly; glass dancing in the air in a glittery display while those transfixed by the massive mouse’s mammaries were suddenly bowled over by a rolling tide of soft white fur and warm, squishy flesh as they pushed into the building. Her sharpened grip tore through the structure as her unstoppable growing body continued to plow through. Brick crumbling, the framework warping; the building seemly bending back in submission as she fell against it, knocking it over and crushing it underneath her enlarged form. Now at least twice the size she was when she first started.

Her cheeks flushed red with both embarrassment and arousal whilst gritting her teeth in annoyance. She could feel thousands of pairs of eyes all focused on her. The mortals were watching and staring in sheer awe, minus those buried underneath her for various reasons.

“Damn you, Orion!” She yelled, her unrestrained voice unleashing a powerful divine roar that tore through the streets and structures all around her; sending vehicles and mortals flying in all directions.

The dark mouse laughed; a raucous, thunderous laugh that seemed to betray his current size. He smirked at the lovely sight before him; his partner, now doubled in size, was accidentally presenting herself to him with her hips raised while down on all fours. He inhaled deeply; that single rumbling beat heard once again before he swelled in size to match the height of his partner; his expanding form carelessly battering through nearby structures and his feet steamrolling over anything in their way as his new form crowded the wide street. He smiled down to the humans down below; scurrying about like the tiny ants they appeared to be; no taller than half the height of his toes. It was far too amusing to think even with this much of a difference between them, this was only a fraction of the pair’s size.

“Still managed to hold back after that, I see,” Orion regarded his fellow divine rodent, “Those stuffy old gods really have turned you into quite the prude,” He thundered from behind as he positioned himself behind her, “Still, quite an impressive display, but I think we can go further, don’t you think, love?”

Cybil panted while glaring over her shoulder at her godly lover; her face still aflush with embarrassment and arousal. “You cannot be possibly be thinking of taking this further, fool. This realm cannot handle us.” Though despite her harshness towards him, she didn’t move away from him, but instead lazily swung her rear back and forth at him. She’d never admit it, but deep down she wanted to partake in his gift of mischief; shame on her for getting involved with a Trickster, but he knew how to keep things interesting and fun.

“You worry far too much about a realm the gods pay little attention to,” Orion said, raising an open palm high, facing it downwards. “Besides, you already know these poor forgotten creatures desire you. Look how they ceased their fleeing to focus on you, they’re so feeble that they’re taken in by your presence with hardly an effort.” His fingers twitched, and soon numerous humans were drawn upward from the streets, and alleys and the still standing rooftops as they were mysteriously magnetized to his hand. He turned his dark hand upright as they floated down into his palm, while he lowered his hand down between the massive rodent’s thick thighs. He held them underneath Cybil’s incredible goddess-hood; allowing them to bask in the heat and the scent of her aroused glory.

They were driven into blind worship, bowing down on the dark mouse’s hand; kissing at his soft furred palm and fingers as they were beyond thankful for this opportunity. Orion smirked with amusement, delighting with some hidden lament in this poor, pitiful creatures. He raised them up against Cybil’s outer folds; rubbing and kneading them against her hot, soft, pleasure-soaked goods, entirely at the mercy of the two titans.

“Aaah,” Cybil uttered a breathy moan; her massive form quaking from the Trickster’s touch, “They are so tiny and yet their desires are so large,” She murmured in a nigh whimper; digging her bus-sized fingers into the streets, “•■♍❒♏♎♓♌●♏,” She spoke in an otherworldly tongue, “I want more,” She panted, “☞♓●● ❍♏ •♓♦♒ ♦♒♏❍•♐♓●● ❍♏ •♓♦♒ ⍓□◆• ♦♋&♏ ❍♏ □❒♓□■✏” She shouted in that language far beyond mortal ears.

The grinning Orion gladly obeyed her wish, lifting his hand further still to slip his fingers into her depths; depositing those grateful insignificant intruders within before rising up on his knees, taking hold of his fully erect member; pressing any remaining occupants on his hand into the velvety flesh, and pushed his hips forward to insert himself into his lover’s snatch.

Cybil released another divine cry once she was filled by her lover; her body quaking with pleasure as her divinity pressed down on Orion’s godhood. With their passions intertwined; they could no longer rein in their restraints.

Happy Ascension Day, Cybil. :-) - Orion.