A Keeper's Bond

by Chuck Murnoe

Kelly and Rose still remembered the day they moved and how they got to meet their housekeeper. Although Leepa wasn’t the kind they were expecting, though. She called herself a Keeper, one of many, bound to their house and aware of anything happening inside the building. Leepa mentioned she lived inside the walls and could even appear from nowhere, like when she introduced herself to the couple, just to make sure everything was OK… or for a little chat.

Speaking of little, the most intriguing thing wasn’t just that Leepa was kind of magical, but the fact she was… five inches tall. For someone like her, the sheer difference in size wasn’t a big deal. She managed to keep the house, as her title implied. Leepa could take care of the wiring, scare—or slay—the pests and be sure both Kelly and Rose would have all the commodities and welfare.

Not only they had come to know her better, they became friends. The tiny was very curious and wanted to know more about Kelly and Rose. They shared a lot with her, and Leepa also came to understand their relationship and love. And that helped when the couple had a very violent argument, and in a way the Keeper had saved their marriage. The only thing Kelly and Rose needed was someone else to listen to them, and Leepa was a great listener. Any problem they had and couldn’t properly deal with, the Keeper was there to give a hand.

Leepa also told them more about herself. She wasn’t like most of her kind. While others were always afraid of letting the giants know of their existence, Leepa took the step, even though she heard a lot of scary stories about what giants could do to the tinies. Kelly and Rose always made it clear that nothing bad would happen to her. Like Leepa did her best to make the couple feel great, Kelly and Rose cared for the Keeper too.

In fact, they wanted to show their appreciation in a different way. Many times, their new, small friend had been responsible for their current happiness and all the time they spent together.

Like that precise moment.

They were in their bedroom, after a long moment of heat and love. They were exhausted, naked and sweaty, yet satisfied. Even sex had improved greatly since they moved. It was weird that even at these times, they had to be thankful for what Leepa did for them.

And maybe all that unleashed passion helped Kelly’s busy mind. It wasn’t very polite, especially when your spouse was lying besides you, but she had to tell Rose before she forgot it.

“Hey, I just have an idea about… you know what,” Kelly whispered, and gave Rose a slight kiss on her cheek.

Rose let a small laugh, not annoyed at all, and returned the kiss. “You feel inspired?”

“Yes, you inspired me, my beautiful beast.” And now she kissed Rose’s lips. “Wanna hear it?”


Leepa knew everything happening in the house. Her house. She was her Keeper, and their bond was unbreakable. And she sensed even the slightest movement of its inhabitants—though she respected their intimacy when it came time.

Kelly and Rose. Leepa smiled as she remembered the first time they met, how shocked the bigger women were when finding out the Keeper was so small compared to them. But the giants and her got along real fast. No one told her about the bonds that could be born from her interactions with the giants, maybe because everyone else in her species was too scared of the old stories… But she was sure that there was a link between her and both Kelly and Rose.

She sensed them. They were in the living room, and that meant it was meeting time. Leepa got up and snapped her fingers. In front of her, energy swirled, and a ripping sound followed, opening a portal. She stepped in and appeared in the living room.

Everything was incredibly big compared to her. It was the usual thing for Leepa, and as the Keeper she knew every corner of the house, no matter how large it was. She climbed to the closest armchair, making her way to the top. She could feel Kelly and Rose’s eyes staring at her as Leepa could seat. She waved her hand to them.

“Hello! What’s up?”

The couple looked at each other, and then back at the Keeper. Kelly whispered something. Leepa knew the giant was telling her spouse how cute she looked. Leepa had no problem with that, though, she liked it. Besides, she was wearing one of her finest dresses, made with the silk remains Rose gave her months ago.

“Leepa… We need to talk,” Rose said, as she passed one hand over Kelly’s shoulder.

The way Rose said that, Leepa’s face changed. She was confused. What did they need to talk with her? Was it good… or not? It was totally unexpected.

Kelly noticed that. “No, it isn’t a bad thing! It’s something great.”

“Yeah… It’s… a trip,” Rose confessed.

After hearing this, Leepa didn’t know whether to laugh or to sigh in relief.

“So… you’re going out for a while. How do you big ones call that? Vacation?”

The couple nodded.

“Don’t worry, remember: I’m the Keeper. The house will be in one piece when you return. I won’t let those ants in again…”

“Oh, no, it isn’t like that,” Kelly interrupted her. “It isn’t just the two of us. We… Well…”

“We want you to come with us.”

“What?” Leepa almost fell from the armchair, but Kelly was fast enough and took the tiny in her hands. “You mean…? But…”

Kelly kept Leepa a bit closer to her and Rose. Both smiled at the confused tiny.

“Have you ever gone on a trip, Leepa?” Rose asked.

“No… I mean…” Leepa could feel the warmth of the blood rushing through her cheeks. “We Keepers don’t go anywhere once we bond to a house.”

“But… then how you…?” Rose was going to ask, thought she left the question unfinished, hoping Leepa would get it.

“You wait for someone else to be bond as well, that’s how my parents... Hey!”

“Sorry, I just wanted to make it easier for you.”

“It isn’t,” Leepa replied. “Look… Thank you, but I…” She gulped. “I don’t know how to leave the house. Or if I actually can.”

The couple knew Leepa was a housekeeper in a very literal way, living inside the house, using some weird magic to move around. What if such magic stopped people like Leepa from going out of their home? It was true she had never been out of the house, though she never tried yet.

But Leepa felt that, after all she had done for the couple, she deserved to know if it was possible.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine, and so will be this house,” Kelly finally added. “There’s a big world out there. Oh… Big… Sorry…”

“It’s fine,” Leepa tried to make herself comfortable in Kelly’s hands.

“We don’t want anything bad to happen to you,” Kelly said. “If you feel bad or uncomfortable or whatever, we’ll do our best to make you feel great again.”

“And besides: we’re so close after all these months. I must admit… We don’t know what we’d do without you, no matter where we are.”

Leepa could still feel her cheeks blushing. They were doing so much for her, maybe too much. After all, what did she do all this time? Keep the house safe and having good chats with the happy couple. And that was enough for them, she thought.

Most Keepers would skip the last part, hidden inside the walls. It could be why others didn’t go out home: they were too attached to their buildings, not to their inhabitants. And she bonded not only with the house, but also with Kelly and Rose. And what if this link was even stronger than that of the house? What if that very bond let her go wherever Kelly and Rose went?

“Maybe… I could give it a try,” she said.

As she spoke, the couple looked at each other. They were about to hug each other, but Kelly didn’t forget about Leepa, and careful put the little woman in between the larger ones. The three of them fused in a warm hug.

After that, Leepa returned to Kelly’s hands, just when she remembered something:

“But… what about people out there? They’re not used to… me.”

“We’ll think of something,” Rose replied, with a smile.

“Now… How about we eat?” Kelly suggested. “It’s almost dinner time, right?”

After a good dinner and some relaxing on the sofa, they started planning the trip. Leepa listened to the couple and heard a lot of names for the first time. Places, monuments, cities she never knew of. It sure proved her kind never left their houses at all. She felt pity for her species, trapped inside the walls, not getting to know the outside world, not even the inhabitants of their houses.

And that was why Leepa felt so lucky, and how she went to her bed thinking of those places mentioned by the giants. She was still worried whether she could leave the house or not, but one thing was for sure: thanks to Rose and Kelly, she would find out.


And time passed, until the day of departure arrived. Everything was packed and ready in the car. Leepa didn’t carry that much, it wasn’t like she had a lot of clothing, and everything she need was in her handmade backpack. She stood on the table, and from there she looked at the giant couple.

Both Kelly and Rose showed their best smiles to the Keeper. Kelly opened one of the pockets in her jacket as she walked towards the table. Leepa looked up at Kelly’s face, and then she glanced at the pocket. She took the backpack, breathed deeply and with no doubt she jumped.

“Are you OK?”

Leepa managed to stick her head outside the pocket.

“I’m fine. It’s cozy here. Ready?”

Both women nodded, and Leepa smiled. The couple went to the front door, and Rose opened it. They left, and inside Kelly’s pocket, Leepa was holding her breath, with her eyes closed and still unsure of what might happen. Would she stay there? Or would she magically be back at home, trapped forever?

Seconds looked like ages. And the door closed.

Nothing happened. Leepa opened her eyes and looked around. The building they left behind… it was the house. She recognized it from the time she was bound to it, before being teleported to her new home. And she had never seen it again… until now.

She could leave the house. And she could do it thanks to the giant couple she got to know. And even if she was getting far away from that place, she still felt the house inside her body. The bond wasn’t broken. And she felt… very well. Because despite that link to the house was strong, the one with the couple proved to be even stronger.

The car’s engine started and Leepa made her last check. She could see Kelly holding one of Rose’s hands before kissing.

Leepa smiled. She was going to discover what a holiday trip would be like with the best people in her world.