Knock First

by MonyaMonya

"Oh my god, is that your little house? It's so cute!" A sudden jostle launched Danielle out of the tank top and the tiny naked girl dangled from the low-cut neckline.


"Oh, sorry Danny." A huge hand came up from underneath and she was dumped back down Sue's top. "When you said shoebox, I thought it'd just be a shoebox."

Danielle elbowed her way up Sue's impressive cleavage. "I've had some spare time."

A shoebox sat on a dresser in the corner of Danielle and Kit's bedroom. Whatever design it once had was painted over in splotchy peach. Tufts of grass and flowers were carefully detailed along the sides. Small cut-outs of gray paper made for a stone path that lead to a functional door. There was even an extension cord that came through a hole in the back.

"This is so cool!" Sue said. She lifted the shoebox carelessly.

"Be careful!"

"It's so light..." Sue tilted it at a slight angle. Danielle's guts tilted the same way.

"Please be careful."

"What's it like inside-"

"Don't open it." Kit said. She leaned her tall, slight frame against the door jamb and pulled off her socks. "You wouldn't break into someone's house, would you?"

"Oh! I'm sorry Danny." She set the shoebox back down on the dresser.

Kit sighed. "She won't even let me look inside unless I knock first."

"It's common courtesy. A little privacy goes a long way."

Sue flashed a grin at the girl nestled between her boobs. "I totally get you Danny, I'd hate to have someone walk in on me masturbating."

"Don't tease her too much." Kit reached into a drawer and pulled out a lighter. She began to light some candles around the bedroom. "She might be smaller now but she'll still bite your head off the same."

Sue giggled. "I didn't know you were a biter."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

"Do you have a preference?" Kit nodded at the speakers on the bedside table. She was sitting on the queen-sized bed, unbuttoning her blouse.

"Jazz!" Danielle shouted.

"I'm fine with anything." Sue said. She plucked Danielle out of her bosom and dropped her on the bed before stripping off her tank top. "It's so stupid. I've seen you naked for like a month now but I'm actually nervous about undressing in front of you."

"Relax. It'll be fun." Kit put her phone down beside the speakers. Gentle percussion filled the room as a timid pianist tested the waters. Kit, down to her underwear, reached around and undid her bra.


"What... oh, sorry. Sue, can you let Danielle take off your bra?"

Sue laughed and kicked her shorts off her feet before laying down on the bed. "So... you're the kind of girl who likes taking girls' bras off, huh?"

"I can at least do this much." Danielle climbed up on top of Sue's back and walked over to where the bra straps met. The clasp was massive, bigger than Kit's. Of course, Sue had bigger boobs than Kit, but this bra looked like it would be advertised as 'industrial strength'. She sat on one end, placed both hands on it and pulled as hard as she could. It didn't move a millimeter.

"Did she fall off? I can't feel her."

"She's there, she's just very light."

Danielle grunted, eyes squeezed shut and legs plying for leverage. But she just couldn't get the clasp to budge.

Suddenly the clasp effortlessly came undone. She opened her eyes and saw a pair of large hands had done it for her. "There we go." Kit said.

"I could've handled that."

"I know." Big fingers hooked under Danielle's armpits and moved her back onto the bed. A gentle finger traced delicately down the groove of her back. The jazz music lulled to a few quiet measures with only the hiss of cymbals.

Sue bounced up to a sitting position. "It's okay Danny, sometimes I can't get it off either."

Danielle huffed. "It's fine. Let's just get on with it. Sue, why don't you and Kit start with-" She was interrupted by a sudden jerk from her hair and she was quickly whisked high into the air.

"It's cute how you think you're in charge." Kit said. She was pinching Danielle's hair between her fingers, dangling the tiny girl in front of her.

Sue gasped. "Danny! You're hurting her!"

"She's light as a bug, Sue. She's fine. See?"

Sue leaned in close. Her warm breath tickled Danielle's feet. "Oh.... so what are we gonna do?"

"How about suspended cunnilingus?" Kit's smile was devilish.

"Holy shit, that sounds awesome!"

"Wait, I'm fine! Let's start with Kit!" Danielle kicked her legs as Sue looked up at her.

"Don't worry Danny, I'm not a biter."

"I'm serious-" Danielle didn't have time to shout anything more before she was dipped into Sue's mouth. Sue's lips clamped down around her midsection and a massive tongue began to explore her calves.

"Sue," Danielle gasped as the tongue moved further up, the thick muscle forcing her thighs to spread apart. Suddenly it darted upwards, grinding against her sex with a wet, powerful stroke. She shouted in surprise and gripped the edge of Sue's upper lip.

"Ohhhh..." She moaned uncontrollably as Sue's tongue applied more and more force. Hot air blew out of Sue's nostrils and washed over her back. The lips vibrated with muffled laughter and tickled her. Her lower half was being bucked around mercilessly.

The pressure became unbearable and Danielle let out a restrained shout. One final wave of pleasure rushed up like the ground when falling from a high place, and then she only saw stars.

* * *

"Hold on, I've got her."

"Is she okay? That was barely twenty seconds."

"That's how she is now. It has something to do with being small."

"That's crazy... must be nice to have an easy-to-please girlfriend."


"How much longer will she be like this?"

"They don't know."

"... hey, are you alright?"

Danielle gradually became aware of two things: the tinkling of piano keys, and being nudged. She slowly opened her eyes. Sue towered over her to her left. To her right was a nipple. She was on Kit's breast.

"Oh, you're okay! Good. You know Danny, you have a pretty good orgasm face."

"That was intense..." Danielle tried to sit up but her legs were slick and shaking. " we gotta do Kit."

"You don't look so good." Kit said. "Let's take a quick break."

"It's not fair if it's only me. Here, you can start things off Sue. I'll tell you what to do."

Sue gave a quick salute. Kit frowned. "Danielle..."

"Start by playing with her down there. Slow and gentle."

"Slow and gentle? Not my usual pace, but..." Sue's hand trailed up Kit's thigh to her groin.

Kit didn't resist. As the hand slipped down her panties Kit closed her eyes, relaxed and let out an uneven breath she had been holding in. She clenched at the bedsheet as Sue slowly stroked her. "Jesus that feels good."

"You're eager, aren't you? Alright, what's next boss?"

Danielle turned her head and dragged a finger behind her ear and along her neck. "Touch her here."

"Oh, a weak-spot!" Sue leaned down and followed Danielle's example. Kit moaned and arched her back reflexively, and Sue lit up. "What a cute sound!" She licked back up the same line and was rewarded with a startled groan. "That one wasn't so cute."

"Please..." Kit panted and tugged Sue's head down for a kiss. Sue jumped in with enthusiasm. Glimpses of their powerful tongues peeked through their lips occasionally. A saxophone kicked in over the piano with a heartfelt squeal.

Danielle's smile started to fade. She turned to the nipple and grasped it in her hands. It was hard and unyielding. She pushed, pulled, twisted. She even bit it as hard as she could, but it resisted her attempts to play with it.

"Ohhhh... I missed this...." Kit pushed Sue down to her breast. Sue's head, larger than a house, tore at the breast and sent the hill of flesh cascading. Kit's hand was threaded through her hair, gripping tightly, desperately.

And Danielle couldn't stimulate a single nipple. She rubbed against it, kissed it, everything she could think of. She sat back, unsteady from Kit's heavy breathing, fighting the sinking feeling in her-


Kit's voice pierced Danielle like an arrow.

"Harder, Sue! Keep going, it feels so good... oh Sue... Sue..."

Danielle sat back, her limbs limp. Her stomach was tying itself in knots.

"Sue... I need you... Sue..."

Without warning a hand came down and pressed Danielle into Kit's breast. She was rocked around in painful strokes under the crushing vice of several fingers. The jazz music continued cheerfully, almost as if to spite her. Her lungs cried for air and her spine creaked in protest. But she didn't fight it. She just wanted to laugh.

She was going to be crushed to death against her girlfriend's breast.

"...Danny? "

The pressure suddenly shifted a bit and Danielle felt herself slide out. She rolled down to Kit's neck and came to a halt.

"Danny! Oh my god!"

The ground tilted and Danielle felt herself slide onto a hand.

"I'm sorry!" Sue continued. "Danny, I really thought we were being careful! You're just so little..."

"Are you okay?" Kit asked. A finger ran carefully down her back. "Can you stand up?" Her vision was too blurry to see. She pushed herself up to a sitting position and wiped at her face.

Sue sighed. "Thank god. I was so scared..."

"Here, I'll take you home."

"Wait... Sue..." Kit raised Danielle up to Sue's face. "Sue… please take care of Kit for me."


"I can't do anything. So please..."

"Danny... I can't do that..."

"Alright, come on." Kit took care to jostle Danielle as little as possible as she walked over to the dresser. Danielle slid off the hand and stumbled the rest of the way to the door.

"Don't worry Danny, I'll knock when I come for you. Get some rest." Kit said. Danielle turned and nodded. Sue looked absolutely crushed.

Danielle entered the shoebox and made sure the door closed behind her. She stepped on a switch on the ground. The interior of the room lit up in christmas lights, jerry-rigged with electrical tape around the walls. A large wad of tissues made for a bed in the corner. In another corner sat a bottle cap for water. It was upended in a puddle of water, probably because of Sue earlier. Danielle dragged her feet to bed and flopped down.

"Kit, I can't do this. This isn't right." Sue's voice came clearly through the house's cardboard walls.

"I know."

"I agreed to a threesome, not a twosome."

"A twosome?"

"You know what I mean... I'm not gonna help you cheat on Danny."

"Whose idea do you think this was?"

The piano rolled to a slow stop, and muted applause momentarily took over. Danielle glanced at the door and then reached underneath the tissues.

"... is she going to be okay?"

"Yeah. This isn't the first time... "

Danielle pulled a golden ring nearly half her size out from under the bed. The top was adorned with an angular gemstone. She rested it on her stomach and gazed at it.

"I'm sorry Sue."

"No, I get it." Bedsprings groaned. "I'll help you two however I can. I just wish I could do more for Danny."

Kit took a sudden, sharp breath. "Mmm... the most we can do right now is give her some privacy... oh god, slow down, right there."

Danielle looped her legs through the ring and rested her cheek against the cold stone. One hand drifted down to her crotch.

"Like this?"

"No, more... yeah, that's it... Sue..." Kit moaned Sue's name again, but as the tiny girl touched herself all she heard was "Danny.”