A New Relationship

by ProphetofGreed

Their relationship started with just Sophie and Lexie normal enough, Sophie was a petite doctor that worked in neighborhood walk-in clinics. Lexie was the tall, curvy pharmaceutical saleswoman that was brash with everyone except Sophie.

They met their final soulmate out of tragedy. The two women found the young tiny named Dean in their kitchen, surviving a brutal spider attack killing both of his parents before he managed to slay the beast with his trusty sewing needle.

Sophie took care of his injuries, doting on the 3-inch-tall tiny as much as she could, using all of her expertise to bring him back to health. At the time he was just turned 18 years old and was very lean from his hard upbringing surviving on scraps like most tinies did in the shadows.

Under Sophie’s care he slowly became more fit as he got more protein than ever before in his diet. Dean was fearful of the two giant women at first but slowly began to trust them as he was treated and cared for impeccably.

At first Lexie was brash like she always is with others, making Dean afraid of her trying to stick together with Sophie all he could. Sophie indulged this behaviour, keeping him with her whenever she could at home. It made Lexie jealous for a time but as time passed she couldn’t help but become fond of Dean as well. He was so cute to keep around and she began to enjoy his company with her. Being relatively powerful with her over 6’4” frame, she found his perspective as a tiny harrowing and the would always be there for him whenever he had nightmares of the spider. She crushed any bugs that made it into their home, much to Dean’s delight.

At this time Dean was just a friendly companion to the couple, happily living his life in their home living on their whims. It was a simpler and easier life than the one he had before. He knew every nook and cranny inside of the couple’s small two-story home. They even made him ways to get around easier and sealed off the small holes that could let critters inside to make Dean more comfortable.

For a few months he had found a little passage into their bedroom, one that they were not aware of. Being a horny teen, he watched with fascination the many kinky ways Sophie and Lexie would have sex together. It was like his own private show but later the guilt ate away at him.

He told them of his misdeeds, feeling great shame as the two at first were surprised of the news but of how he told them of what he did. They forgave him there, finding the act of fessing up to his misconduct was enough to compromise for breaking their trust. As Lexie said later to Sophie, he was a young man after all, just a tiny one.

Days passed after Dean came clean to them. The women started to treat him a bit differently, more like a young man instead of the boy they saw him initially. Sophie was less maternal but treated him more maturely, Lexie had become more protective compared to the past where she would be more brash in how she treated him.


Dean was on the living room table which also acted as his living area that Sophie and Lexie set up for him. Set with a make shift porta potty and dressing closet. A book was set at the table, one of a popular series of books Sophie owned in her teen years, open for him to read when he needed. It was a workout to turn the pages but when he was home alone he found that exercising could get tiring very quickly. Thankfully the two women had made the effort to create walkways, bridges, and ladders for Dean to get around the giant home easier, even if he is a skilled and resourceful tiny.

As he was reading the book at the table he heard the sound of the door opening, signalling one of the women had made it back home. Stepping inside was the petite but beautiful Sophie. She started to remove the rain gear and placed her umbrella away walking towards the living room table with a smile. Seeing Dean was there she kneeled down to be level with the tabletop, her green eyes looking at Dean on a level playing field. “Hey Dean, you weren’t too bored today right?” she started before noticing that he had been reading. “How are enjoying the book?”

“I’m really liking it. Never thought of magic in that way before, my dad was mostly just superstitious about stuff” he said with a cheerful tone, mostly just happy to have someone to spend time with.

“Yeah, I always liked how simple and fun the magic was in the series” she said placing a hand down in front of Dean. “I was going to start with dinner, would you mind keeping me company?” she asked biting her lip hopeful that he would say yes.

Dean nodded his head enthusiastically stepping away from the book towards her. Sophie gently placed her hand down and Dean gladly walked into her waiting palm. Showing how much he trusted her as he stepped on and sat cross legged.

Sophie lifted her hand with practiced ease and carried him from the table to the kitchen of Lexie’s home. It had a simple layout with one main counter and two other smaller areas for serving and the dishwasher. The stove top was nearby the main counter top and all of it was very clean mostly because of Sophie being very meticulously clean and orderly with her things, unlike Lexie who wouldn’t care less if she left a mess (though she only did it to please Sophie).

Sophie placed her hand down on the counter for Dean to hop off. He made it off going towards the spot that was unofficially the ‘safe space’ for him whenever the two women cooked and wanted the tiny nearby.

Dean quietly watched Sophie worked, marvelling at her prowess at making things. Growing up just eating any scraps he didn’t know how to cook at all. Even with Sophie and Lexie teaching him some things he was far too small to make any use of it. He depended on them and appreciated their care.

As Sophie was working there was the sound of the door opening to the side. In came Lexie, taking off her shoes ruggedly, sighing dramatically. “Oh, what a day!” she said letting out some pent-up frustration.

“Long day with the new guy?” Sophie said with a smiling, stepping aside to look up at Lexie looming a foot plus on the short woman. Lexie smiled and leaned down to give Sophie easier access for Sophie to kiss her on the cheek. “Yeah, I just hate having to train some young idiot” she said hugging into Sophie, her dramatic height domineering on Sophie dainty figure.

Dean just watched with a gulp trying to swallow the loneliness he felt growing in him. He wouldn’t have anyone to hold like they did. He looked away to try and hide his face from them, tears starting to brim in them.

Dean may have been tiny but Lexie noticed the action from over Sophie’s shoulder and ended the embrace with Sophie. “Do you need any help with dinner honey?” she asked using her pet name for Sophie.

“No, I’m okay. You go and get casual momma bear,” Sophie playfully responded with her own pet name.

Lexie chuckled and left the two of them in the kitchen, and Sophie continued to cook but would periodically get some messages on her phone. Dean didn’t think anything of it and just enjoyed the company of Sophie.


Dinner passed and the two women were silent most of the time, the two would sneakily send messages on their phones but Dean wasn’t daft enough to not notice anymore. It had happened before when they wanted to talk without speaking aloud since his hearing was so sensitive. He tried his best to ignore it but after his confession he couldn’t help but fear they might see differently. He was anxious, wondering what exactly he did to talk behind his back (more or less).

The creeping uncertainty only grew as they watched television together after dinner, like they usually do. Only it was much more silent than usual. It kept Dean on edge as he would sometimes feel or hear the vibration of their phones going off between them as tried to focus on the television show. But it was no use, he only started to stress about how Sophie and Lexie were possibly plotting to throw him out.

When the show was over Lexie pulled Dean up by the scruff of his shirt with her fingers and placed him down on her palm. Sophie got up alongside the taller woman and walked with their arms hooked and in sync. “After you told us about you watching us and how you felt we thought about our relationship and how your life was here with us.” Lexie began as she travelled up the steps.

“We thought about the future of our relationship, about considering your feelings.” Sophie said as they reached their bedroom, opening it and stepped inside.

“We see how lonely it can be here alone, how awkward it must be to live with two women in a relationship and you’re the third wheel as your hormones are raging” Lexie said bringing Dean up to look eye to eye.

“Dean, we both realized just how special you are to us and we want you to be happy, to be a part of our lives forever.”

Then from the side Sophie’s plush lips came up from nowhere and kissed him fully, pushing him down on the palm. Lexie couldn’t help but chuckle and gave him her own big kiss as well before he could get up from her palm, smacking him with her lips as well.

The two girls allowed him to get up, watching him earnestly with trepidation. “So, what do you say?”


Months passed and however strange the relationship may seem from the outside but for whatever reason it worked for the three of them and they loved each other dearly.

Lexie lovingly spooned Sophie, her large thigh lifted to lie on Sophie’s skinny leg. Dean was fast asleep in Sophie’s delicate hand, nude and completely spent from the extracurriculars they had today. Sophie gave his side a soft stroke with her thumb and he turned and hugged into it. She couldn’t help but coo at the action and Lexie moved over her shoulder to see.

“Awwww, my two little cuties” Lexie moving her bed ridden hair back with her free hand and kissed Sophie’s cheek. “You both make me so happy.”

Sophie smiled at the kiss turned her body protecting Dean while doing so and snuggled her face into Lexie’s cleavage.

“And we love our big momma bear” Dean said from below with a sleepy look on his face, smiling up to the two women. “Now, put me in my favourite spot for bed.”

Sophie giggled and Lexie raised her brow at the cute demand. “Aye-aye boss man” she said lifting the front band of her panties. Sophie slid her body down and gently placed Dean in the special little pouch stitched into the panties. Once secured Sophie placed the panties back in place and moved forward to give Dean’s spot in the panties a small kiss over his body, making Lexie purr from above.

“Sweet wet dreams little guy, you join me for work tomorrow.” she said sliding up back up into bed with Lexie spooning her again, the three of them soon falling to sleep together happily like they usually do.