The Painkiller

by Silas the Ox

“Choose and perish” said the resounding voice that permeated the air surrounding of the attic of the skyscraper in central park west, where 4 guys were standing, staring at what seems like a dimensional, in which a feminine figure was standing till a few moment before.

“What do you mean choose? We don’t understand!” Replied Ray, in disbelief. Looking around to his companions, as if he could find an answer in their eyes, which were though as lost as his own.

“Choose. Choose the form of the Destructor.” The solemn speech of the ancient god contrasts bitterly with the modern speech of the group of heroes.

“Oooh I get it, I get it. Oooh. Very cute.” Stepped forward Peter, whose underestimated intelligence was coming out in a moment in which fear and nervousness was clouding the judgement of his companions. "Whatever we think of. If we think of J. R. Garroter, J. R. Garroter will appear and destroy us, ok? So empty your head. Empty your head, don’t think of anything, we’ve only one shot at it-“

He didn’t have the time to finish. “The choice is made” Interrupted the supernatural.

“Woooooh-oooo” Attempted to protest, Peter.

"The Traveler has come” was the final sentence.

"Nobody chooses anything!” Kept on with his objection, calling his friends as witnesses, to testify before the superior entity.

He turned to Egon: “Did you choose anything?”. Who replied shortly: “No.” Then on his left to Winston: “And you?” This time it was more elaborated: “My mind is totally blank.” And finally: “I didn’t choose anything”

It was proven then, nobody played the godly game. Nobody. Of those who he had asked. There was a silence that became louder than anything in the matter of a minute. The three turned to the fourth, silent member of the group.

His lost eyes travelled from one face to the other: “I couldn’t help it. It just popped in there.” He tried to justify himself, the situation making his honesty take over so easily, he didn’t even try to deny his action.

“What? What just popped in there?” Asked Peter.

“I… I tried to think…” replied Ray, before Egon decided that sight would answer better than voice.

“Look!” He screamed pointing with his finger toward downtown. Silence fell on the whole group as they stood at the border of the attic, looking, listening, spectating.

The air was filling with a repetitive muffled crunchy sound, which was acquiring more and more definition with every second passing, becoming a loud booming noise that did accompany the rhythmic shake of the ground, highlighted by the screams of the scared crowd standing at the base of the skyscraper, which would find an answer in the shouts of the unfortunate that were the first witnesses of the shape and glory of the Destructor.

The solid concrete would crackle as an immense amount of weight, too much for what the layer of dark material was planned to hold, fell down with every step of the majestic figure.

The four men stood paralyzed, even Egon’s mind was completely overtaken by fear. In such circumstances sarcasm proved to be a much stronger shield than mere rationality, although little use had it for Peter, as he too was watching in awe as the giant body's shape was slowly taking form in the jungle of skyscrapers of New York.

Looking down he ginned amused at the sight of the small humans scattering in all directions, like roaches every time his massive foot would lift from the footprint left in the street and hover above the crowd of screaming, desperate people, making a slalom between the stuck cars, blocked or abandoned by someone who didn't care to have left an obstacle that would make the escape nearly or completely impossible for their similars.

And those who were either too slow to escape the labyrinth or trapped in a dead end of glass and metal would meet the same end of the vehicles, merging with them as their bones and inside were squished into the layer of pulverized glass and flattening metal that cushioned the step of the titan.

The dark sky of the night fell on them as he walked on the tiny insignificant humans like dust, crushing them as nothing more than ants, ending their lives as he was supposed to, but adding the humiliation of making them disappear beneath the lowest part of his body.

And as he felt that, the puny and weak squirms of the unwilling insects he was so carelessly trampling, smothered and annihilated without the slightest effort, the pleasure started to flow through his massive body.

If the spectacle of his destruction was already annihilated, the sensation that the four on top of the skyscraper felt when they saw his manhood starting to stand, colossal, unflexible, smashing against the nearby buildings, sinking into them like a knife in the butter every time e would slightly turn to his side, was a mixture of helplessness and humiliation. He was about to destroy a city, a countless number of lives and he was getting excited from all this.

“What is it Ray? What did you think?” asked Peter, too overwhelmed to even be angry at him. Ray opened his mouth but no sound came out of it.

“He is the Painkiller" thundered the same voice from before. And before they could even ask the meaning of such a contradictory name, here came an even less intelligibile explanation.

“Faster than a bullet
Terrifying scream
Enraged and full of anger”

The words sounded somehow familiar to Egon but in all the confusion he wasn't able to tell if he read them on some ancient tome of demonology, or just heard casually on the radio, between the silly chat of his companions during a normal day of paranormal work.

Soon enough his figure was fully in sight, standing, barely taller than the buildings around him. His cruel grin carved into a sharp face, his short hair framing his face, with his bright, little evil eyes shining like burning ovens in the night. His wide, hairless chest, shining as the light of the skyscrapers enlightening it. It’s quadriceps smashing the unlucky helicopter that happened to fly in his path.

A crazy journalist, too devoted to his mission, rather than job, could only report as his sight was quickly filled with the tone of the skin of the Painkiller, before becoming one with it, smashing against his chest, while the whole metallic mosquito splat, causing him to just look down for a second, sweeping away the rests from his skin.

Step after step, the carpet of cars was becoming less thick, his feet impacting again the concrete directly, increasing the intensity of the shakes. The crowd standing at the base of the building was standing in terror, capable only to see the mighty figure move toward them.

Only the few who managed to kept a sparkle of rationality started to move behind, turning around and trying to run, but their path led to the shadow. The sky as dark as before came down, a much softer surface though was the one to give them their end. A trail of running human ants ending under the wide sole of a towering woman, marching in the opposite side of her counterpart, toward the same end.

The screams of surprise, fear and desperation ended up smothered beneath the heavy sole that tramped them like dust, as the gigantic woman stood, immense, superior, elegant in her divinity. Not an emotion crossed her face, while she squished under her feet the illusions and the lives of those who tried to flee.

Sandwiched without any escape, the ground shaking more frequently as the two titans were approaching, the desperation started to spread, slithering like a snake, making them fall one after the other on their knees.

Seeing nowhere to look, they turned they head above but instead of finding God to answer them, it was the usual, booming, feminine tone.

“Planets devastated
Mankind's on its knees
A savior comes from out the skies
In answer to their pleas”

Up above the four guys were thrown in the most complete helplessness. Their mind was now truly blank as they stood in the middle of the faces of the two skyscraper sized figures. He was grinning like before, his dick leaning against the side building, while his face revealed his twisted nature. On the other side the cold austerity of a woman who was standing in all her superiority.

Four gigantic eyes staring their four victims. Like flies trapped in a spiderweb, they knew they had no escape. Leaning one against each other back, they were walking in circle, their view spinning all around. Nobody knew what was about to happen. Egon was the first one to break the silence.

“We don’t have much alternatives.” He said expecting the others, correctly, to guess what he had in mind.

A couple of looks were enough, as the four nodded in agreement, splitting into two couples.

Egon and Ray facing him, Winston and Peter stood before her cold unexpressive gaze. A roar escaped his lips as a shadow fell upon the four. His hand was open and hovering above them, ready to swat them like mosquitos when a bolt of bright light filled the attic, the four opening fire on the two giants. Clenching their teeth, trying to keep their aim steady.

“Maximum Voltage!” Screamed Egon as the grunts of pain filled the air around them. From below the noise lit a tiny spark in the hearts of the crowd of spectators, which even raised on their feet, only to sink further in desperation as they saw true horror.

The ground was cracking even more, the two couples of feet were stretching, bulldozing the cars abandoned around them, filling the whole street, blocking it, and even sinking in the buildings behind their heels.

The couple of giants was getting bigger every moment passing, their bodies were absorbing the energy and when the little group did realize that the skyscraper they were standing on was no taller than their waist.

They liked up as the two bodies annihilated them. Shivering in fear, knowing their only idea had backfired and that now their enemies were also more angry than before. “W-w-what do we do n-now E-Egon?” Asked Peter in a stuttering voice. Egon opened his mouth but could not answer. A shadow was upon them, once again. Wide. Unavoidable. One hand in the shape of a cup was holding the gigantic sack of the Painkiller’s balls, while big humid drops were falling around them.

Her hand wrapped around the gigantic, hard shaft was making the first sticky drops flooding the floor. Winston lifted one leg hearing the squeaky noise as he stepped back into the layer of dense liquid that was covering the floor. They barely had the time to look up at where that mess was coming from, that their face turned into a mask of pure terror, seeing his titanic balls fall down like a meteor, smashing on top of the skyscraper.

They ended like this. In a second the round sack sunk into the building as if it was made of paper, crushing the upper floors, squishing the four humans who tried all their might to stop them.

A moan resounded into the sky, as the male felt the puny pathetic tiny lives disappear under the weight of his masculinity, while his counterpart kept stroking his rigid manhood. She leaned toward him, the tower smashed between the two bodies as they join. The crowd began to scatter around as boulders and debris started to rain upon them. But they didn’t get much far when a flooding wave of raining white sticky fluid fell on them, while a loud moan shook the air. And the voice of the god resounded once again.

“This is the Painkiller.”

It wasn’t marshmallow this time.

“Can’t stop the Painkiller.”