Picnic with a View

by Cascayde

The car trundled along the gravel path, the crunching of loose pebbles under tire tread overpowering the sound of the low rumble of the coasting vehicle.

“There's the spot over there, just by the tree,” the driver said, pointing over the dashboard.

“Yeaa looks alright I guess, still not sure why we aren't going to the beach, especially in this heat!” his passenger replied as she continued looking out of the window longingly to the busy beach on the horizon.

“The beach will be packed today and I wanted this to be special, besides its way more secluded and romantic up here right?” he retorted, slowing the car down before pulling up and raising the handbrake.

The couple disembarked the vehicle, the woman swung open her door before stretching gratefully as she looked over the area, she did have to admit it was a good pick, the hilltop towered over the surrounding landscape, the city and the coast both in view, with the area around them brimming with nature. “Fair enough.” she finally said, “to be fair this is a pretty nice spot James.”

“The power of google maps” the response came from the open boot before james emerged, awkwardly hefting a basket a cloth with one hand as he slammed the boot close, adjusting his grip before setting off the dirt path. “And like I said, no one to annoy us.”

James took a moment before picking out and trudging over to it. After which he quickly set to unrolling the mat and spread it out over the grass. With the floor cloth lain down He quickly dragged the wicker basket over, from which a series of plates and snacks were retrieved and set out, the final piece to the puzzle being a dark green bottle accompanied by two flute glasses which were placed at the centre of the spread.

Grace looked over the ensemble and let out a small whistle, somewhat layered with sarcasm. “Okaaaay looks like you really did pull all the stops out for this huh?” She chuckled before taking a seat.

“Oh this? It's nothing really, just for us to enjoy the main event with” he smirked, sitting himself down.

“Main event? I hope you’re not planning anything untoward...” she responded in jest, joining him on the cloth.

“Oh nothing too bad.” he grinned “just wanted to indulge you a bit is all.” his smirk not leaving his expression. “So uhh.. How has no one ever told you about deleting browser history?”

She froze, the clear ‘oh shit’ expression etched across her features caused him to laugh out loud and press forward.

“Or should I be bowing before you? Begging for mercy o mighty-”

“okay that's enough!” she cried out, stopping him mid-sentence, accompanied by a swing her balled fist hitting him in the arm before pulling back to strike again.

“Ow ow okay hold your horses! I brought you here because I wanted to share it with you dummy!”

This did indeed cause her to pause. “S-share it?” she took a moment to readjust herself. “How do you mean exactly?”

“Well if you stop attacking me for a second Ii’ll show you.” he stopped and scanned the horizon, looking for something that would impress. “Ahh perfect, hey hun, see that cruise ship down there, doesn't it look soo tiny from all the way up here huh?”

She scanned a little bit before seeing it. “Well I mean, yea I guess. But thats just because it's far away James, even with your pea brain you should know that.”

“True, perhaps we should bring it over to us then, reckon they’d like to come say hello?” With that he pinched his thumb and forefinger together again before holding it out, squinting slightly as he brought in line with the shore and his target before dragging it back, his eyes lighting up as he looked down. With a deft quickness he brought the champagne glass up and tilted it to the side before bringing his other hand over and opening the two digits up.

The small ship bobbled perilously in its new bubbly and fragrant ‘sea’, which only became more torrid as the glass walls surrounding them shifted, the glass lifted up forcing all those aboard to the floor.

“Here you are my dear” he proffered the glass over which she gingerly took into her own grasp.

“That's… that’s the ship from out there?” she questioned, looking out to the shore again, many of the beach goers had now already began to gather at the shoreline, likely wondering how such a ship could just disappear.

He kept a neutral expression but inside he was slightly worried, he was fairly sure knowing his lover that she would accept and enjoy this, but there was always that niggling worry she’d freak and try to rat him out, which in the past has led to an unpleasant ending to a relationship.

she gave the glass a testing swirl, the little vortex threatening to rip the ship apart. “That is just too funny! Its so tiny I can barely make out anything on it.”

“The little guys onboard must be shitting themselves” he mused with a chuckle.

“Oh great, that's just what I want them to be doing in my drink, idiot.” she gave a playful punch before lifting the glass to her lips.

“I'm just saying it how it is! You must look like a real… what's the word they used in all that stuff you like, ‘goddess’?”

“Shut up, again” she responded bluntly, cringing slightly hearing that said out loud.

The luxury ship was in full bedlam, the small crew unable to maintain calm in what was a hopeless situation, those running out onto the open deck were quickly assaulted by the overwhelming aroma of the alcohol, causing nausea and dizziness instantly, the vessel began to groan in distress as its hull was subjected to the immense pressures of the swirling sea, the captain and crew strained to counteract, the engines whining as they fruitlessly tried to slow the ships path into the eye of the storm, the ship going faster and faster as it was dragged closer to its doom.

Many on the deck attempted to grab onto railings or whatever they could as the vessel was spun, few but the most secure or strongest could hold until the end and many were flung from the ship itself, their screams barely audible over the chaos of the moment, forced to try and tread water in the volatile bubbling sea, many becoming inebriated as they were forced under, filling their lungs with the pungent liquid.

“So you’re just gonna drink em up, swallow them down your... whats the terms they like.. Gaping maw?”

She paused, and shot him a look that can kill. “Look can you just not? This is… this is special, I want to take in and enjoy this” she trailed off before focusing again on the glass.

Bringing the glass closer she tilted the glass again, the shift almost causing the vessel to capsize, bring it up to her lips the ships details began to become more noticeable right up to the little specks moving around the deck, specks that were people, just like her.

“I think you should take a swig, not like they are complaining” James commented, scooting over to watch.

Looking down her nose into the glass she continued to watch the hurried movements of the mite sized people, an intensity started to burn inside her again, all those feelings she longed to emulate, the power, their helplessness, their weakness. She took one small tentative sip of the champagne, the bubbles tingling her tongue.

For those aboard the ship their worst fears were realised as the colossal woman stared them down, any hope of salvation was dashed as after gazing on them she continued to bring the glass to her mouth. The exchange between the two titans above them was indecipherable to their ears but now it was clear they were intending this harm, they were nothing but a garnish.

Crew and passenger alike broke into a frenzy, some boarding lifeboats or jumping from the deck in the hope to escape the coming fate. The ‘tide’ began to drag them faster to their demise as the maw awaiting them shifted, the girl had begun drinking.

Her mind was made, she took another longer sip, relishing the flavour. However this time it was accompanied by a tactile difference, the ship itself has made it to her, it bounced against the soft shore of her lips causing her to stop and take a sharper intake of breath.

she flashed a look at her lover, he had fallen silent, watching intently as the ship bobbed against her. Not waiting any longer she parted her lips a little more, the simple action dooming the vessel as with little ceremony it continued its final voyage, within a few moments it disappeared from view entirely, she closed her mouth and pulled the glass away.

The two sat in silence for a moment, a kind of tension began to build as James could practically feel the heat coming from Grace’s body. She swished her tongue lightly side to side, drinking the champagne inside.

“so…” he started, not sure how quite to approach her after introducing her to her darkest desires. “How is-” he was quickly cut off, a lone index finger shushing him over his own mouth. Grace placed the glass down and moved her leg up and straddled it over James.

She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, displaying the wreck of the ship, split in two by the movements of her tongue, the ship remained on display for just enough time for James to notice the many little clumps of humanity struggling in her saliva before being pulled back into darkness. Then with a smirk she pushed into him, her lips meeting his.

The ship flipped and rolled, metal groaned and snapped, sheets of it tearing from bolts, exposing those huddled masses who sort refuge in the hull, saliva cascades and pools in, mirring all in the sticky substance, screaming innocents are swept away by taste buds.

Those outside fare little better, many find themself helpless trapped on the undulating tongue, the scent of champagne and darkness the only other sensations observable to them, some of the hapless people are swallowed down with the pools of the drink, a long dark descent where a burning pit awaits them.

Light floods back in for a brief moment if only to illuminate the confirmation of their demise, as the titanic couple embrace, their kisses progressed further, his tongue now like a roving monster, colliding with their captors bringing ruin where they met, choked screams rose up before crescendoing with a splatter as taste buds obliterated them with callous ease.

James allowed himself to fall back, continuing the passionate embrace with her, he knew full well what those caught between them must be going through, but they were so small he couldn't even tell if they were there. The ship itself provided a more tactile sensation and the couple spent time passing and fighting the hull between them until it too disintegrated into much of nothing. By the time the embrace ended and the two parted there was no trace of any of those who had perished between them.She looked at him with a hunger, one that had barely been sated yet and he was happy to provide.

“You know” he started. “I never really did like our town much anyway, fancy dropping in to say goodbye?” her eager nodded response caused him to grin as he squinted and caught his lover between his thumb and forefinger, and turned to line her up towering over the horizon and let go. The boom of her landing causing him to bounce off the floor. He turned around fully and poured himself a glass, it was time to enjoy his picnic with a view.