A Tale of Two Fucktoys

by Wits Aimwell

It was getting hotter.

I mean, it hadn’t exactly been chilly at the outset, but the heat was beginning to make me loopy. Or maybe that was the onset of asphyxiation? The air – what little there was – was thick with moisture that squeezed its way into my every bodily orifice. But then, it’s not like I wasn’t squeezing my way through a bodily orifice myself. Fair’s fair, I guess.

I probably shouldn’t have been surprised to see the bulging head of a monster-sized penis barreling toward me, but the lack of oxygen must have been getting to me. That would have also explained, in the split second that I had, why I didn’t realize I was making a double entendre.

“Fuck m—”

* * *

Jenna and I had been friends since our college days; five years later, we now lived in cities a couple of hours apart. Every few weekends, one of us would drive over to see the other, and this weekend it was my turn. Weekends at Jenna’s were usually focused on getting drunk enough to watch terrible movies. (Being blacked out is the only way to watch Fifty Shades.) We were close enough that our liquor-powered conversations could comfortably veer toward sex – I was into size play and she was into a little of everything else – but we’d only ever been platonic. I’d spend the night on her sofa, we’d get brunch in the morning, and then I’d head back home. So, when I’d arrived at her place a few hours earlier on a bright and crisp Friday afternoon in late October, I had a solid idea of what to expect: relaxation, booze, and a very good chance of a very bad film.

knocked on the door. “Ben! How are you!?” Jenna didn’t give me a chance to answer before she’d grappled me in a tight hug.

I choked out a series of mock gurgles. “Can’t… breathe… but other… than that… can’t complain.” She rolled her eyes tolerantly at my unamusing sense of humor, but she relented and let go. I sent the question back to her. “How are you?”

“Life’s busy, but there’s always the weekend. I’m glad you made it.” She paused. “I have a favor I want to ask you.”


“Yep! I’ll explain inside.”

I followed her into the kitchen after I dropped my backpack by the sofa. She passed me a cider from the fridge before pulling one out for herself. We tapped the bottles together in a quiet clink of a toast to friendship. I waited until after I’d finished about half my bottle before I indulged my curiosity.

“So, what’s this favor you wanted to ask about?”

She’d been in mid-swig and she conspicuously kept chugging until she’d emptied her bottle. As she put the bottle down, she gave her best impression of a poker face and failed miserably. A swirl of feelings crossed her expression, but there was definitely some nervousness there. Nervousness, and… excitement.

“Well, you know I’ve mentioned that I want you to meet Eric, right?” she asked me.

“He’s the current fucktoy, right?”

She blushed. “You could call him that. Would you be up for meeting him tonight?”

“I guess so.” I took a large sip. My answer lacked enthusiasm, but she’d apparently expected that. With a surprising amount of gusto, she launched into what sounded like a rehearsed explanation.

“When I say ‘do you want to meet him,’ I mean that I want to invite him here tonight for sex.”

Carefully and deliberately, I stared at Jenna, unsure how to respond. I waited a few moments, optimistic that an actual explanation would be forthcoming.

“And… I was wondering if you’d be willing to shrink down and be our sex toy.” Her expression briefly turned inexplicably thoughtful. “Well, my sex toy, I guess. I don’t want Eric to know you’re there.”

Ah. I knew how to respond here. Suddenly and instinctively, I sprayed the kitchen – and Jenna – with a picture-perfect spit take.

* * *

“Look, I know it’s kinda weird, but we both know you’ll love it. What’s the hang up?”

I was holding the pills in my hand, staring at them like they might escape if I looked away for even a second. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what exactly my hang up was. I’d had sex before, I’d been shrunk before, and I’d had sex while shrunk before. And I wasn’t convinced she was wrong, either: I probably would have fun doing this.

“Well… I’m not necessarily opposed to threesomes, but this is a bit different.” She nodded, allowing me my feelings without judging them. “I don’t even know Eric.”

“He’s sweet. Not super smart, but he’s not a dick and he looks sort of like 1970s Harrison Ford with shorter hair. He’s more vanilla than usual look for, but that’s sort of the point.”

“About that… he’s not supposed to know I’m here, right? First, that means there’s some ethics weirdness. Second, possibly more importantly, I don’t know what he’ll do if he sees me.”

Jenna ignored the first part and went straight for the second consideration. “Like I said, he’s a nice guy. Like an actual nice guy. He knows I’m kinky and he won’t freak out about it. Maybe he might never come over again, but I could live with that. He wouldn’t do anything to you, but even if he tried, I wouldn’t let him.”

“And the ethics?”

She hesitated for a second. “That’s... actually kind of why I want to try this. Eric not knowing you’re there would be…” She trailed off, apparently reluctant to say it out loud.

I filled in the blank for her. “It’d be fucking hot?”

That brought her back to herself. “I was going to say it’d be a sensual exploration of knowledge, power, and my pussy, but sure, be crude.” The corner of her lips turned up into a subtle smile. “And ethically, I figured it’d be best to shrink someone who’d be into it and who knows me well enough to trust me. That’s you.”

“That’s… fair. I think. I’m still not sure about it, though.”

She pouted, batting her eyes like a 19th century coquette. “Don’t you trust me?”

“Don’t be an ass.”

Unabashed, her face snapped back its original, 21st century expression. “Fine. If you do this, I’ll pay for all the booze for our next three movie nights. But I also get to call you ‘fucktoy’ for the rest of the weekend.”

“Will you stop calling me that after this weekend?”


“Ugh,” I groaned, but I wasn’t convincing her. We both knew that I’d love it. “Fine. Deal.”

* * *

I measured out a dosage that would shrink me to an inch or two for about 12 hours, sat down on the sofa, and without any fanfare popped the pills. Shrinking had a few side effects; usually, it made me pass out until I’d stopped shrinking. While I was out of commission, Jenna invited Eric over and hid my belongings, including my now too-large clothing. Once I woke up, I stood up and looked around. Everything was different. First, I was standing on the nightstand in the bedroom. Second, I was standing on the roof of a skyscraper. Third, they were the same thing. And finally, I was naked and staring directly into the enormous, chocolate eyes of a gorgeous, almost-naked colossus. Her open lips were a gateway into a black abyss from which hot, moist wind roared out to put me flat on my back.

I chose to ignore that Jenna had just knocked me on my ass by blowing a raspberry, and she graciously allowed me to pretend I still had some dignity.

“Are you good to go? Eric’s almost here and I need to get you ready.”

I thought about yelling my answer up to her, but I wanted to conserve my energy for the coming hours. Instead, I gave her an exaggerated thumbs-up.


She grabbed me and, without much ado, she sat down the bed, pulled her panties down, and eased me toward her labia. Her fingers manipulated my body so that I was diving headfirst into a hungry cavern held open by her other hand. She paused as my minuscule head grazed the sensitive skin; I could feel a tectonic shudder reverberate through her into me.

“Have fun!” To herself, she muttered, “Bottoms up.”

She shoved me into her vagina.

* * *

Despite some muffling, it wasn’t too hard to hear what was going on outside. That was tremendously helpful, because her vaginal muscles were pulsing around me so constantly that I couldn’t feel if we were moving or even which way was down. Sound was my only sensory connection to the outside; otherwise, Jenna had become my world.

I nearly orgasmed from the thought.

I heard a door open and a man’s voice. Eric’s words weren’t distinct, but Jenna’s response, her voice more sultry than it had ever been with me, echoed through her body: “I’m ready if you are.”

I heard an eager baritone laugh, but after that it was hard to tell what was going on. When you’re swallowed by a giant pussy, time is a vague concept: you’re simply there until the pussy’s owner decides it’s time to let you out. In the absence of conversation, I could only refer to context clues, like the increasingly frequent moans that vibrated through me, or the growing volume of fluid oozing between me and happily clenching muscles.

Yep. Those were definitely some mysterious, ambiguous clues.

But it was getting hotter, and I’d been inhaling the sex-infused atmosphere for the last… who knew how long? It was getting harder to think, but that might have been because it wasn’t the only thing getting harder. I was a little absorbed in playing out one of my fantasies, and it (and maybe the lack of fresh oxygen) was making giddy.

But maybe I’d been too self-absorbed. Blinding light flashed briefly before it was blocked by a cock that looked far too purple, enthusiastic, and bus-sized for my comfort. Of course, I doubted that Eric’s penis was concerned about my comfort.

“Fuck m—”

The cock that ate Manhattan rushed toward me like a careening truck, pistoning me deeper into Jenna with every thrust. The crush of her vagina was the only thing keeping me from tumbling into unconsciousness, but being awake to be pummeled by an elephantine dick was exactly a consolation prize. I was so disoriented that I couldn’t tell whose orgasm flooded over me first. But even after Eric’s penis blasted his cum over me and stopped beating me to a pulp, Jenna’s pussy continued to wrack with shattering spasms, joyously doing its best to squeeze the air out of me.

Once her aftershocks had shuddered their last, enormous fingers pulled me out and lifted me up to a gigantic, dreamily pleased face. Eric seemed asleep next to her, his breathing soft and even.

“Hey, Ben. You okay?”

I gave her a thumbs up, even if it wasn’t as energetic as the one I’d given her before. Her smile grew a little bit.

“Good.” Jenna bit her lip, then asked, “Any chance you want to help me give Eric a blowjob?”

I’m honestly not sure how she saw me roll my eyes at this size, but her smile transformed into a smirk. “Hey, you agreed to be my fucktoy, fucktoy. Plus, I’ll make it worth your while.” She waggled her eyebrows in a comically suggestive tease.

“I can’t convince you not to, can I?”

She tittered at my squeak of a voice. “Nope!”

Jenna had been right: the battering ram experience notwithstanding, I had loved it. And riding a blowjob sounded like a trip, but it’d be a challenge to do it clandestinely (not that Jenna seemed to mind). I sighed in resignation. “Fuck me.”

“Will do!”