A Teachable Moment

by Aborigen

Amber threw back her mane of honey-colored hair and brayed. “Did that really happen?” she asked the room of sorority sisters, who laughed and nodded. “Oh my God, I must’ve been so drunk!” Amber spread her arms along the back of the couch in the commons room and, far from embarrassed, basked in the attention. “I hope I didn’t throw myself at Todd again!”

The laughter abated slightly but Amber didn’t notice. Julienne spoke up quickly: “No, you didn’t embarrass yourself around Todd.”

“He wasn’t even there,” muttered Riva, grinning sharply. “Again.”

“Well, that’s good, because what if he didn’t want me for Homecoming Queen?”

“Uh, has he asked you?” said Shakia quietly.

The front door gently closed, and a dozen heads snapped to stare at a gangling, mousy young woman in the foyer. “Didn’t mean to interrupt,” Hope murmured, starting for the stairs.

“Where were you, Hope?” asked Riva. Julienne hissed for her to shut up, but Riva waved her off.

“Where the fuck were you, you whore!” Amber shrieked, struggling to rise and nearly toppling into the low table full of empty bottles. Lourdes and Deena pulled her back down, and Riva put a filled glass back in her hand. “Messing around with my man. What does he want with that ugly freak, anyway?”

“No kidding,” said Riva, shooing Deena off the couch and cozying up to Amber’s loosening form. “Funny looking, no-friend-having bitch. Someone needs to get rid of the unwanted trash around here.” She slowly dragged a talon-like fingernail over Amber’s brow. The bolder, blonder, drunker woman seemed to relax under her touch. Shakia gave Riva a nervous glance and began collecting wine glasses; Riva only winked back and nodded for Lourdes to find somewhere else to be. “In fact, Ambergris, I might know of a way to clear up your little problem.”

“Yeah, my fucking problem,” Amber moaned. Her head lolled back on the couch.

“You’re a rich bitch, ain’cha? I got a solution but it ain’t cheap.” Her teeth snapped right beside Amber’s ear. “It’ll clear your problem right up.”

* * *

The window was dark, with the moon swallowed in cloud cover. Tiny white dots of LED lights spelled out “Love Wins” over the headboard of Hope’s bed, illuminating two adults curled beneath rumpled sheets.

Hope’s eyelids fluttered open and she jerked awake. Beside her, Todd mumbled drowsily before returning to a light snore. Hope stroked his shoulder, then turned to see the invader in satin pajamas beside her bed. “You can’t be here.”

“Fuck you. He can’t be in here.” Amber pointed with a little blue bottle at the beefy quarterback.

“Amber, please don’t. You don’t understand.”

“This is gonna get rid of all my problems.” She drew her arm back as if to throw the bottle, but Hope leaped out of bed, exposing herself. “What the fuck,” breathed Amber, in the half-second it took for Hope to slap her arm, spilling the bottle upon the assailant, who disappeared in a flutter of expensive pajamas.

Amber’s voice was a piercing whine like a mob of mosquitos. “What the fuck did you do to me?” She heard Hope chortling as her long fingers nearly squeezed the wind out of her chest. “You monster, you freak! Put me down!” Amber lay sprawled upon Hope’s broad palm. She scrabbled in an ungainly crab-walk to get away from the gawking face, until her arms slipped between the huge fingers.

Slowly, the corners of Hope’s mouth pulled back and curled up, exposing two rows of glistening teeth as large as Amber’s feet. “I can’t believe how adorable you are,” she whispered at the tiny woman. Amber screwed up her face and turned away from the gust of warm breath. Hope’s huge face looked delighted. Her bedroom swung around in a dizzying arc as the giantess simply turned back toward the bed and clamped her fingertips upon Amber’s ankle. “Todd! Todd, get up, bitch.” Amber watched as Hope’s tremendous leg, orange in the dim light of the LEDs, lifted itself up and stretched across the landscape of a mattress to kick the sleeping man.

“Lee-mee ’lone,” he mumbled, rolling to his front.

Amber couldn’t tear her eyes from him, rippling muscles running down his spine. She wanted to hide, because he was as large as a mountainside. Horrifying new thoughts flooded her mind, like slipping between his powerful thighs and tumbling onto his…

Amber’s fine body collided with a pillar of marble. She yelped and grabbed it, hugging it tightly to her chest and face. It wasn’t rock at all, but soft and spongy and almost burning hot. Throwing one leg upon the pillar, she righted herself and straddled it like a horse. Before her, a thick, pink head bobbed and rose in the darkness; the shaft mounted into a wall of closely shaved flesh, rising behind her to a flat chest and Hope’s amused expression.

“There’s a lot you don’t understand about us, Amber.” The giantess’ voice rumbled across the landscape of her body. “I’m afraid this is going to be a difficult learning experience for you.”

“You fucking freak!” Amber made ugly faces at her captor. She didn’t want to fall to the floor so far below, but she hated touching this engorged sexual member. “This is disgusting! Pretending to be a woman to get into our sorority!”

“I am a woman, Amber. Get that into your tiny brain.” Hope smirked at the inadvertent pun.

“Todd, Todd!” Amber turned toward the sleeping giant. “Help me! Save me from this monster!”

“Oh, that’s right, lover.” Hope turned her hips toward the nightstand by her pillow, and Amber had no choice but to watch her pull open a drawer and extract a bottle of lubricant. “You don’t have to wake up, but turn around and present yourself. Your mistress commands it.”

The massive young man’s body jolted as though shocked. Obediently his long arms shoved his body toward Hope’s side of the bed, and his muscular legs swung over the edge of the mattress. Amber stared in fascination at Todd’s perfect, gigantic buttocks swelling not far beneath her now. She tried to estimate the distance, whether she could fall off off Hope’s hard-on or if she had to stand up and take a running leap off of it. Either way terrified her, but at least she’d be with Todd, and he’d protect her.

Amber snapped out of her reverie when she heard the raspy squawk of Hope’s throat. A large globule of white, foamy saliva struck one perfect butt cheek and crawled down into his crevice. She stared at it, watching it disappear, then glared up at the rangy, unlovely woman who possessed her. “What the fuck was that for? That was disgusting!”

“He likes it. It’s kind of our signal.” Hope squeezed an enormous quantity of translucent goo into her palm.

Unable to hold back the words, Amber asked her what it was a signal for.

Hope rubbed her hands together and held them splayed on either side of her erection. “What do you think comes next?”

The blood chilled in Amber’s tiny body. She stared at the huge, glistening hands surrounding her, then down at the warm, amber-hued buttocks lazily waggling below. “No, no!” she shrieked, digging her nails into the sides of the penis. “You can’t do this to me! You’re raping me!”

She felt the giantess’ dark eyes boring into her. “You broke in here, into my private bedroom, when I was asleep and helpless, intent on killing me.” Hope silenced the tiny woman’s shrill scream by clapping her hands around her cock, gluing the shrunken woman to the huge penis.

Amber struggled to wipe the thick ooze out of her weeping eyes, and the first thing she saw was a long, inky black seam running down between two creamy hillsides.

“Present yourself, bitch,” growled the giantess’ voice.

Two waves of tremendous strong fingers appeared from around Todd’s butt cheeks and dug deep into the flesh. Amber lost her breath to see that tough, taut skin give beneath that fierce grip. Light bled into the crevice and exposed a valley of clean, warm skin that led down to…

“No!” Amber shrieked, struggling in vain to back up down the shaft of Hope’s erection. “Don’t do this! Todd, stop him! Stop him from killing me!” She screamed across the lumpy, rolling hillside of Todd’s back, to the dull boulder with the tight haircut far in the distance. He didn’t seem to hear her. “Todd, please! You have to save me from this faggot!”

Amber’s tiny body jerked back and forth as Hope shifted her hips slightly, waggling her penis in warning. “Watch your language, little missy. And I told you, I’m a woman.” She nudged the head of her cock against her boyfriend’s puckered anus. Far away, Todd sighed heavily and rested his head upon his folded arms. Horrified, Amber never stopped screaming for his attention, even as the head of Hope’s cock got sucked into his asshole, even as his huge, proud buttocks slid closer and closer to the tiny woman, swallowing the huge shaft foot after foot.

“Oh, God, that’s good,” Hope moaned. Her moist palms slapped upon the backs of Todd’s hands as she guided his hips.

Amber cried out, unable to form words, as the enormous butt cheeks advanced upon her. Her thighs slid backward along Hope’s cock until she hit the giantess’ belly, and then Todd’s ass consumed her. She wailed in anguish, struggling in Todd’s ass. His asshole was stretched to a glossy, hot pink ring sucking at Hope’s thick cock, and it shoved lubricant over her inner thighs. She pushed at the walls of flesh closing in on her, two mounds of hard, young muscle tensing around her frail little body.

Finally, cooler air rushed in as Todd’s immense buttocks pulled away. “This is insane!” she screamed up at her captor. “You’re not a woman! You literally put me on your dick!”

“Some women have penises,” Hope said, gripping Todd’s hips and pulling him in hard, thrusting herself deep into his rectum.

“They don’t! Women have uteruses! That’s what makes a woman!”

“Be careful, now,” Hope muttered, pulling out long enough to slam Todd’s ass upon her once more.

“That’s what men have been trying to control for centuries!” Amber yelled at Hope in a thin, outraged voice. “They fear our ability to create life! They’re jealous of it!” She shrieked as Todd’s ass engulfed her once more. “And now you’ve colonized us! You’re just a bunch of men telling women what being a woman is!”

“Oh, Amber,” whispered Hope. “You should have brought this up yesterday, or last week, or any time before this. It’s far too late for a discussion now.” Slowly she pulled out of her boyfriend’s ass. Amber covered her face due to the stink of Todd’s rectum exposed to the air. She stared in amazement at the hole Hope’s penis left, an angry pink ring around impenetrable darkness. Todd’s dilated asshole grew larger, and she kicked and screamed, but she was gently nudged into the sphincter of the man she loved.

The penis retreated, returned, slammed into her, stuffed her deeper inside the young man. She tried to lie flat, and the penis plowed over her, thrusting harder and faster, deeper and deeper. The tiny woman was beaten up, railroaded by Hope’s cock, and when the giantess came, her semen flooded Amber’s eyes, ears, and lungs.

Riva said the potion was good for 12 hours. They could sleep off their hangovers and hustle Todd out to Riva’s car. She’d drive him to the frat house that didn’t accept gays, and he’d take a dump in their pool, and then Amber would grow back up into a battered woman covered in semen, and that frat house would have a lot of explaining to do.

“Funny-looking bitch,” Riva would say, watching the EMTs from afar. “No-friend-having bitch.”